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More than 1 lakh Muslims clerics sign fatwa against terrorism in Bangladesh

The leader of the so called fatwa gang of BAL
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There have been countless fatwas against terrorism all in vain. The issue is a large population of Muslims don't consider these acts of wanton violence as terrorism but righteous acts as prescribed by the scripture. If you ask them, these clerics are the ones who deviated from the true teaching, and they(whom you are calling terrorists) can rightfully back themselves up with quotes from scripture.

If we keep on pussyfooting the real problem here and not oppose these people from a position of strength and hide behind a veneer of PC culture so entrenched in so called liberal worldview, we will just help electing a Trump or a Modi or a La Penn.
What's wrong with Joey's statement. It sounds like you support terrorism in BD. Do you want BD also to be like Pakistan. Luckily Bangladesh doesn't have any Islamic country around it. So the radicalization has not breaded in similar pace of Pakistan & Afghanistan.

We want every country to be free of terrorists & terrorism. Already Muslims are having trouble in most immigration in Non-Muslim countries. Any country which gives support to terrorism will be isolated like Pakistan. Google the value of Pakistani passport. We want peaceful Islamic countries who has a modern & progressive approach like Turkey, Indonesia, Malaysia, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan & few more.

Afghanistan is the best example of what radicalization can do to you & your country. It was such a happy & progressive country. I wish & hope Afghans get back the Pre 70's era. Pakistan has a major role in bringing the innocent Afghanis to this state.

Every where you bring religion to relate to country & get mileage. You can see the shock & frustration of Pakistanis when Saudi, Iran, UAE all are giving more importance to India & neglecting Pakistan who have long called them brothers. Pakistan act as though Islam was founded in Islamabad & Zaid Hamid acts as though he's the great grand son of your prophet Mohd. He got his best honour like Modi in the holy land of Mecca, Medina for his service to Islam.

Kindly promote the religion of love. Islam, shariah or your Allah will not bring peace or prosperity only love can. Drop your religion. Look at people with love not with the glasses of religion, only then you grow & will have friends.

People like you would parade your wives and daughters naked, If you were to get acceptance from the west. Sorry to say, but we Muslims are not like this.

Continue with your derogatory remarks, it is Ramzaan and I don't want to debate with an ignorant person, especially If he uses foul language.

Short skirts do not promote happiness. And whether other Muslim countries support India or not, does not bother us. If you people were so reasonable we would have been one country. Obviously we want nothing to do with you, and that is because of your intolerance. You can mention the Arabs, Turks, Iranians, Greeks, or whoever, but none of them had to live with you. We did, and we did not want to live among you any longer.

Something to think about. No hate.
Ulama Mashaikh leader Maulana Masud


BD Islamic foundation DG Shamim Afzal

You got it wrong. Check the headline again and try to read like Muslims (and/pause) Clerics.
I did not know ordinary muslims can sign fatwa and the news(not the headline) does not mention ordinary muslims... you sure you read the whole thing?
I did not know ordinary muslims can sign fatwa and the news(not the headline) does not mention ordinary muslims... you sure you read the whole thing?

They are not ordinary Muslims, contrary to popular belief all Muslims are equal. They are Madrassa Muslims, teacher, imams, disciples etc. A cleric will sound more like their leaders. A village imam or madrassa teacher isnt a cleric. So different cleric groups have their own group formation. Maulana Masud and his cleric group has control over certain mosque madrasa and religious institution around the country. Its their fatwa signing. Hope you can understand.
Do you read Bengali?
Sorry no...I don't even read Hindi....:(

The issue is a large population of Muslims don't consider these acts of wanton violence as terrorism but righteous acts as prescribed by the scripture

That was my point too...there is no definition of terrorism provided here....what I see as terrorism they may well see as acceptable acts prescribed by religion.
Ulama Mashaikh leader Maulana Masud


BD Islamic foundation DG Shamim Afzal


You should hide the faces of these two Imam. They are considered more Awamileague and less Islamic because of their stand during Hefajot Awamileague conflict. Their fatwa will do the opposite. It is as if Donald Trump against Racism. lol
If we keep on pussyfooting the real problem here and not oppose these people from a position of strength and hide behind a veneer of PC culture so entrenched in so called liberal worldview,

You should hide the faces of these two Imam. They are considered more Awamileague and less Islamic because of their stand during Hefajot Awamileague conflict. Their fatwa will do the opposite. It is as if Donald Trump against Racism. lol

I posted in response to iajdani's post. He was confusing them with the old man in that video he posted. Saw that many people in youtube also confusing him with Shamim Afzal.
Short skirts do not promote happiness.

Maybe not

but the right of women to chose how to dress themselves regardless of what their men folks opinion is does promote happiness...at least for the individual concerned.

Your sensibilities end where my nose begins.
I feel extremely scared to utter a word in Bangladesh. Apparently this countries people think they know it all. When they don't. Most know nothing about Islam. But they talk trash and kill each other in name of Islam.

For ex. A mufti I recall once during Friday prayers told: "playing football is haram and it's game of Munafik because even though named football, you can touch the ball with your head (headers) for goals. -_-
Sorry no...I don't even read Hindi....:(

That was my point too...there is no definition of terrorism provided here....what I see as terrorism they may well see as acceptable acts prescribed by religion.
Ok...the points covered in the Fatwa are:
1) Does Islam support terrorism?
2) Did the prophets use such barbaric activity to implement Islam?
3) Are terrorism and Jihad the same thing?
4) Does terrorism lead to heaven or hell?
5) Will suicide terrorists be counted as martyrs?
6) Is Genocide legal in Islam?
7) Does Islam support killing of children,women or old people without justice?
8) What kind of crime is killing people in the middle of prayer?
9) Is it legal to attack non-muslim Churches,Pagodas and Temples?
10) Is it the duty of every muslim to build up social resistance against terrorists?
Ok...the points covered in the Fatwa are:
1) Does Islam support terrorism?
2) Did the prophets use such barbaric activity to implement Islam?
3) Are terrorism and Jihad the same thing?
4) Does terrorism lead to heaven or hell?
5) Will suicide terrorists be counted as martyrs?
6) Is Genocide legal in Islam?
7) Does Islam support killing of children,women or old people without justice?
8) What kind of crime is killing people in the middle of prayer?
9) Is it legal to attack non-muslim Churches,Pagodas and Temples?
10) Is it the duty of every muslim to build up social resistance against terrorists?

Good, sounds like much is covered.

If I was scripting this I would specifically add that it is an act of terrorism to kill people who don't agree with you, including blasphemers, apostates, h0m0sexuals, adulterers etc. let there be fair trial in a court of law and let law of the land take its course. Just so as to make sure that no one misunderstands what terrorism is - the use of violence to intimidate fellow human beings.

Anyway, this is all good and a step in the right direction. Best of luck to Bangladesh!
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