You don't seem to be Pakistani. Pakistanis, even the adult and literate kind very very rarely do analysis. Most of their analysis is limited to conspiracy theories mixed with bravado/emotional rants...with the intellectual equivalence of an average 10th standard Indian school child.@haviZsultan Well done. You have somehow turned a Bang versus Indian issue into a Pakistan issue thereby giving opportunity to get Pakistan whipped. You then peremptorily move into the "Muslim" thing and get 1.5 billion Muslims whipped.
All for a country (Bang) that backstabbed 55k Pak soldiers, trapped and handed to India - something which is brought up at every corner to rubbish the brave Pashtun and Punjabi soldiers who fought for the flag far away from home.
And the friggin Indian's have no problem with Muslims. Stop bringing that worn out mule please. Do they have any problem with Iran, Afghanistan, Iraq etc? Are those countries "Hindu"?
No they don't.
Take it in any manner you wish, a comment or a compliment. But I have rarely come across Pakistanis who dissect issues with clarity and logic. They generally prefer to think that outshouting or repeating something will 'defeat' an argument.
If you are Pakistani, regardless of your political or religious stance (vis-a-vis India and others), I hope your flock and kind flourishes to form a critical mass there.
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