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More arrogance from Arabs

Relations between Pakistan and gulf countries according to a cartoon published by Akhbar al-Khaleej (Bahrain's official newspaper).

First the Pakistani guy is asked to get up and fight, he replied: I don't have power,
Then he's asked to get up and takes money, he replied: sure I'm coming.

So rich coming from Bahrain.

A country where alot of unarmed protesters were killed by hired Pakistanis.

It goes to show, how they really see Pakistan. Even if Pakistan kills unarmed civilians for them.

Pakistanis really should read Dr Faust. Cover to cover. In order to understand the kind of relationship they are in with these Arabs.
One should ask them why did their King run to JSHQ uninvited when he visited Pakistan last time?
Do the Arab soldiers not have morale to fight wars? Are they just lazy? What's the problem here, why can't they fight their own wars?

They have their own army and two friends USA and Israel, They just want to involve powerful countries like Pakistan, Iran, Turkey and Egypt to create chaos. they really set a good example of being a US puppet.
Iran is already nuclear, and we are fine with it. I guess you tried to say a Iran with WMD's. If thats the case, then an arms race would be triggered which would rapidly spread into more WMD's being developed by Turkey and Saudi-Arabia.

I meant nukes. You and the Iranians are not exactly best buddies right?
Oh yeah by the way in case you dkheads forgot, you have hired Shuja pasha as your security adviser, so i wonder what will happen to you if youtake some wrong move

I see a long march and lots of containers in their future :D
Relations between Pakistan and gulf countries according to a cartoon published by Akhbar al-Khaleej (Bahrain's official newspaper).

First the Pakistani guy is asked to get up and fight, he replied: I don't have power,
Then he's asked to get up and takes money, he replied: sure I'm coming.

This is the truth. We shouldn't shy away from it. I hate to say this, but Pakistan too has always acted as a sell-out. From Americans to Arabs. It's a given. Although, the Arabs will now know that Pakistani help isn't coming for Yemen at least.

Nawaz Sharif won't be forgiven for sending troops to these Arabs. He can mark my bloody words.

Yes, Pakistan won't do more for anyone any more. Screw everyone.
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We never claim that we are best friends to anyone unlike Pakistanis who never miss an opportunity to boast about their relations with the Chinese.We never have to claim anything.It becomes pretty evident from the kind of reception our Ministers and Diplomats get in foreign countries including the Arab Nations.

Turkey rolls out red carpet for Indian power producers - timesofindia-economictimes
US elite rolls out red carpet for Indian PM Modi - World Socialist Web Site
France rolls out red carpet for India’s Modi, a former EU outcast | The National
Manmohan Singh chosen for top national award by Japan - The Times of India
Grand welcome for Indian PM in Saudi Arabia. | Adilmohd's Blog
You see India never claims to be in the camp of any other country or to be someone else's bi*ch.But it is a fact that authority and economic prowess is recognised world over.

Yet with every Indian I ever worked with showed me how little spine they posses, boss says jump, Indian goes jump off the roof :D
Even after 07 pages of comments I didn't see any saudi poster. come on guys. express your opinions too.
Even after 07 pages of comments I didn't see any saudi poster. come on guys. express your opinions too.

I guess they have created their own defense forum. One of their posters was going around spamming threads yesterday, inviting other Saudis to join him there.
Why Arabs are not talking about Oman?? where is Oman??
Oman is the neighbor of yemen and KSA. Oman can play important role in yemen..
This is the truth. We shouldn't shy away from it. I hate to say this, but Pakistan too has always acted as a sell-out. From Americans to Arabs. It's a given. Although, the Arabs will now know that Pakistani help isn't coming for Yemen at least.

Nawaz Sharif won't be forgiven for sending troops to these Arabs. He can mark my bloody words.

Yes, Pakistan won't do more for anyone any more. Screw everyone.
the UAE racist bastard minister said that Arabs need to raise their won army to safegaurd themselves
someone should put a foot on his fat neck choke the fat fck and ask.

what did you fat leaders do when Libya went down
what did you Arabs do when Israel bombed Lebanon?
what did you Arabs do when Iraq went down?
what did you Arabs do when Israel bombed Palestine?
what did you Arabs do against Boko Haram?
what did you Arabs do against ISIS?

now that Pakistan and TTurkey doesnt want to be your cannon fodder in your Yemeni war that you have imposed on that small and weak country you guys are raising racist card?
Relations between Pakistan and gulf countries according to a cartoon published by Akhbar al-Khaleej (Bahrain's official newspaper).

First the Pakistani guy is asked to get up and fight, he replied: I don't have power,
Then he's asked to get up and takes money, he replied: sure I'm coming.

Hilarious from a Bahraini paper, where the rulers are by and large hated by the majority Shia population and depend on Saudi troops, and firepower to hold the feeble hold they have over the country together.
the UAE racist bastard minister said that Arabs need to raise their won army to safegaurd themselves
someone should put a foot on his fat neck choke the fat fck and ask.

what did you fat leaders do when Libya went down
what did you Arabs do when Israel bombed Lebanon?
what did you Arabs do when Iraq went down?
what did you Arabs do when Israel bombed Palestine?
what did you Arabs do against Boko Haram?
what did you Arabs do against ISIS?

now that Pakistan and TTurkey doesnt want to be your cannon fodder in your Yemeni war that you have imposed on that small and weak country you guys are raising racist card?

1- Arabs were part of the coalition that bombed Libya. Qatari planes, along with others and NATO were there. In fact if it was not for Arab cajoling and encouragement US would have probably stayed out and encouraged NATO to do the same. Later on forces that were ideologically sympathetic to Qatar and Saudi took over Libya and the carnage began.

2- Behind the scenes they were happy.

3- They were part of the coalition. Both in 1991 and 2003. US could not have magically sent hundred thousand soldier into Iraq. They went in via Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. US has bases in Qatar, UAE and Kuwait and Bahrain. As do France, and UK. The only traditional ally of Arabs that does not have a base in these countries, is Pakistan.

4- Behind the scenes they were happy. In fact Saudi Arabia or UAE did not even condemn. They cheered.

5- Because they are ideologically the same. Both are Takfiris. Brothers in arm and in heart.

6- They help them. Since they are siblings. Ideologically, socially and genetically indistinguishable from each other. When it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck and looks like a duck then it is a duck.

That's extremely insulting.
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