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Moody's upgrades India's rating citing government reforms


Aug 21, 2012
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Moody's upgrades India's rating citing government reforms


  • The cost of international borrowing will now become cheaper for Indian government and Indian corporates
  • The move will also improve the sentiment in the equity markets
  • The upgrade comes as a major boost to govt which has been under fire for the fallout of GST and demonetisation

International rating agency Moody's has upgraded India's local and foreign currency issuer ratings to Baa2 from Baa3 and changed the outlook on the rating to stable from positive. The rating agency has cited the government's implementation of its reform programme which includes introduction of the Goods and Services Tax, Aadhaar system of biometric accounts and direct benefit transfer schemes and measures taken to address bad loans in the banking system.

The immediate impact of the rating upgrade is that the cost of international borrowing will become cheaper for Indian government and Indian corporates whose ratings are constrained by the sovereign rating. Issuers of lower rated paper have to pay higher rates to make up for the perceived credit risk. The move will also improve the sentiment in the equity markets.

"Moody's believes that those (reforms) implemented to date will advance the government's objective of improving the business climate, enhancing productivity, stimulating foreign and domestic investment, and ultimately fostering strong and sustainable growth. The reform program will thus complement the existing shock-absorbance capacity provided by India's strong growth potential and improving global competitiveness," the rating agency said in a statement today.

The upgrade comes as a major boost to the Narendra Modi government which has been under fire for the fallout of GST and demonetisation on business. "The decision to upgrade the ratings is underpinned by Moody's expectation that continued progress on economic and institutional reforms will, over time, enhance India's high growth potential and its large and stable financing base for government debt, and will likely contribute to a gradual decline in the general government debt burden over the medium term. In the meantime, while India's high debt burden remains a constraint on the country's credit profile, Moody's believes that the reforms put in place have reduced the risk of a sharp increase in debt, even in potential downside scenarios," said the rating agency in a statement.

Demonetisation which has been facing severe criticism after most of the currency was returned to banks has also been viewed positively by Moody's. "Government efforts to reduce corruption, formalize economic activity and improve tax collection and administration, including through demonetization and GST, both illustrate and should contribute to the further strengthening of India's institutions," the agency said.

On the fiscal front, efforts to improve transparency and accountability, including through adoption of a new Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) Act, are expected to enhance India's fiscal policy framework and strengthen policy credibility. The other reforms which have helped in the upgrade is the legislation towards fiscal responsibility and the shift to a monetary policy committee for interest rate setting. "Adoption of a flexible inflation targeting regime and the formation of a Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) have already enhanced the transparency and efficiency of monetary policy in India. Inflation has declined markedly and foreign exchange reserves have increased to all-time highs, creating significant policy buffers to absorb potential shocks," Moody's said.






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International rating agency Moody's has upgraded India's local and foreign currency issuer ratings to Baa2 from Baa3 and changed the outlook on the rating to stable from positive. The rating agency has cited the government's implementation of its reform programme which includes introduction of the Goods and Services Tax, Aadhaar system of biometric accounts and direct benefit transfer schemes and measures taken to address bad loans in the banking system.

The immediate impact of the rating upgrade is that the cost of international borrowing will become cheaper for Indian government and Indian corporates whose ratings are constrained by the sovereign rating. Issuers of lower rated paper have to pay higher rates to make up for the perceived credit risk. The move will also improve the sentiment in the equity markets.

"Moody's believes that those (reforms) implemented to date will advance the government's objective of improving the business climate, enhancing productivity, stimulating foreign and domestic investment, and ultimately fostering strong and sustainable growth. The reform program will thus complement the existing shock-absorbance capacity provided by India's strong growth potential and improving global competitiveness," the rating agency said in a statement today.

The upgrade comes as a major boost to the Narendra Modi government which has been under fire for the fallout of GST and demonetisation on business. "The decision to upgrade the ratings is underpinned by Moody's expectation that continued progress on economic and institutional reforms will, over time, enhance India's high growth potential and its large and stable financing base for government debt, and will likely contribute to a gradual decline in the general government debt burden over the medium term. In the meantime, while India's high debt burden remains a constraint on the country's credit profile, Moody's believes that the reforms put in place have reduced the risk of a sharp increase in debt, even in potential downside scenarios," said the rating agency in a statement.

Here is the beginning of the positive results off demonization and GST being recognized by more international agencies. Hope the government implements its schemes with a firm hand yet with a humane touch.David Sudhakar
Demonetisation which has been facing severe criticism after most of the currency was returned to banks has also been viewed positively by Moody's. "Government efforts to reduce corruption, formalize economic activity and improve tax collection and administration, including through demonetization and GST, both illustrate and should contribute to the further strengthening of India's institutions," the agency said.

On the fiscal front, efforts to improve transparency and accountability, including through adoption of a new Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management (FRBM) Act, are expected to enhance India's fiscal policy framework and strengthen policy credibility. The other reforms which have helped in the upgrade is the legislation towards fiscal responsibility and the shift to a monetary policy committee for interest rate setting. "Adoption of a flexible inflation targeting regime and the formation of a Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) have already enhanced the transparency and efficiency of monetary policy in India. Inflation has declined markedly and foreign exchange reserves have increased to all-time highs, creating significant policy buffers to absorb potential shocks," Moody's said.

So what? Answer below

what about Hunger Index
what about loss in JNU
what about Rahul Social media traction
What about Gaurakshak
What about 100+ death during demonitization
why this upgrade before Gujarat elections

Be ready to answer unrelated from liberals...
So what? Answer below

what about Hunger Index
what about loss in JNU
what about Rahul Social media traction
What about Gaurakshak
What about 100+ death during demonitization
why this upgrade before Gujarat elections

Be ready to answer unrelated from liberals...
So what? Answer these

what about Hunger Index?
what about loss in JNU?
what about Rahul Social media traction?
What about Gaurakshak?
What about 100+ death during demonitization?
why this upgrade before Gujarat elections?

Stop calling that false flag. He do not even know there is saffron in Indian flag.
So what? Answer below

what about Hunger Index
Do you know pakistan status? 107
India -97

Still better than pakistan.

what about loss in JNU
What losses?

what about Rahul Social media traction
What do you mean about Rahul munna Social media traction?

What about Gaurakshak.
India is a big and secular country, some bad incidents happen and will happen. Because good and bad both together people (Muslims, Hindu, Sikh, Christian) live in India.

What about 100+ death during demonitization
Unfortunate, that happened but demonization would help thousands of families in the future. Good development always help.

why this upgrade before Gujarat elections
Almost, every years election is happened in India. So what?
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