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Mohammed is most popular name for baby boys in UK

that is your thoughts mate, but reality is something else. look at the population of muslims and also the jews!! they have quality and we have quantity. more people means more mouth to feed, more responsiblity etc.

I must share a very interesting Hadith with you.

The Prophet said “The [disbelieving] people will soon summon one another to attack you [Muslims] as people when eating invite others to share their food.” Someone asked, “Will that be because of our small numbers at that time?” He replied, “No, you will be numerous at that time: but you will be froth and scum like that carried down by a torrent (of water), and Allah will take the fear of you from the breasts (hearts) of your enemy and cast al-wahn into your hearts.” Someone asked, “O Messenger of Allah, what is al-wahn?” He replied, “Love of the world and dislike of death.” [An authentic hadith recorded by Abu Dawud and Ahmad]
^^ quality doesnt matter when there is quantity in terms of kids, the future man power, India itself has followed that path, you should acknowledge that fact instead of refuting it, this is the main reason your economy has grown to where it is now. The population of india is going exceed chinas in 25+ years. I think it will be better if you turn to your countrymen and give them the birth control advice.

Population of India to overtake China's within 30 years | World news | The Guardian

Islam dont prohbits us to control birth rate, each child brings his own luck, infact Islam encourages us to multiply.

Just 5 million Jews in this world and they have progressed more in science & technology than many other nations. Even India, a nation of ONE BILLION people is buying technology from them. Now tell me whether quantity matters ? If it really does, why does China have the one-child policy ?
that is your thoughts mate, but reality is something else. look at the population of muslims and also the jews!! they have quality and we have quantity. more people means more mouth to feed, more responsiblity etc.

Na man, look around you, the population is the main factor why European and American companies are outsourcing their businesses to india and china, more people means cheap labour, more profit margin, good for the business of the company, good for economy of the countries,
Have Look at the clothing retail stores around you Primark, Marks and Spencer, its not the quality that matters its just the brand value, most of their production and supplies come from third party companies, in india and china, Consumers wants wants cheaper price, the manufacturers wants cheaper production, strategically the more populated third world countries are assests to their profits.

Just 5 million Jews in this world and they have progressed more in science & technology than many other nations.

Jews are financially supported by american, israel get billion of dollars economic and millitary aid, the main contributing factor to the Israels progress is not their long for quantity, or less population as comapred to other countires, it US support and AID, just google how much AID israel is getting from America each fiscal year.
Ask me i will provide you neutral amrican links if you want :D

Even India, a nation of ONE BILLION people is buying technology from them.

In terms of millitary, Yes, india with one billion people is buying technology from them,
Economically speaking, No, you are not buying it is being outsourced to you.

Now tell me whether quantity matters ?

Statistically speaking, quantity does matter, more money more resources, more cars, more bungalow, more weapons, more fighters, missiles etc etc :smokin:

I dont know much about birth control laws in china, so cant comment.
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