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‘Moeen Ali would have joined ISIS’: Taslima Nasreen

She is someone who really wants to see women dominating men where women can openly abuse men. This is abuse against men. Calling him a terrorist probably satisfied her ego. She knows she is a woman and can't become a man. This is why I call these stupid bitches psychopaths. They want all women to join them so that they can dominate men. You can't dominate men! You will never! psychopath! crazy bitch.
An irrelevant person seeking attention. Not the first time for her.
I never knew this "woman" till now. A quick Google search showed me: I haven't missed out anything eihter :D.

No man, no kids also adds to the misery.
That's the fate of all radical feminists. No man, no kids, no love, no meaning in life. But this you only realize when you are beyond a specific age as a woman.

And Taslima Nasreen would have joined a brothel
According to Western feminists this is nothing wrong, because prostitution empowers women!

She generally tweets anti-Muslim stuff when her visa is about to expire.
"Ex-Muslims" have issues. One of these issues is their urge for attention whoring.

Only India among non-Islamic can give proper respect to a Muslim cricketer's faith...while our neighbours to the East force Muslims to drink alcohol
Does your legal guardian know that you post here on PDF?

come on it was a sarcasm .
Yeah... when you can't handle the backlash it's always fun, irony, sarcasm or satire. Spineless people everywhere.

Why do most ugliest women always speak about women rights??? I wonder if its due to their sexual deprivement
Charles Bukowski said it right:
"Feminism exists only because ugly women want to integrate in the society"

She sounds salty, even for an ex-muslim and self-described radical feminist. This is a case of faux-progressiveness trying to take a shot at a real example of pluralism. Kudos to the response from players.
To be quite honest, I never met a sane "Ex-Muslim". They all have severe mental issues. They love the attention White masters give them, but they also realize that they are only random brownies for them. So they have to come up with even more filth to get some attention and approval of White masters.

"tHiS wAs SaRcASm" the usual escape when someone doesn't get triggered like you wanted. This women and people like her are not secular but partisans and would continue to seek attention as intellectuals.
"tHiS wAs SaRcASm" the usual escape when someone doesn't get triggered like you wanted. This women and people like her are not secular but partisans and would continue to seek attention as intellectuals.
Hating on Muslims is the easiest way to get attention. White masters like it and Muslims are triggered. Win-Win and otherwise it's sarcasm, irony, satire or fun. Attention-whoring 101.
Ryan sidebottom and archer should ask moeen the following questions:
" do we as christians have the right to enter heaven according to islam? Will we or will we not be burnt in eternal hellfire for worshipping Jesus? Is jesus equal or lesser in ranking compared to mohammad? Is it true jesus prayed behind mohammad while mohammad led the prayers?.Do you believe homosexuals should be hanged? Do you believe or not that people who had sex before marriage should be whipped? Do you believe or not they be called adulterers?"
Poor souls...got carried away by their liberal upbringing without knowing the beliefs of Moeen Ali.

people are blowing simple sarcasm out of proportion .
She is someone who really wants to see women dominating men where women can openly abuse men. This is abuse against men. Calling him a terrorist probably satisfied her ego. She knows she is a woman and can't become a man. This is why I call these stupid bitches psychopaths. They want all women to join them so that they can dominate men. You can't dominate men! You will never! psychopath! crazy bitch.

where she called him terrorist ?
Ryan sidebottom and archer should ask moeen the following questions:
" do we as christians have the right to enter heaven according to islam?

Same belief as Jews and Christians
'Lord, Lord,' who will. enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he who. does the will of my Father who is in heaven.

Will we or will we not be burnt in eternal hellfire for worshipping Jesus?

You shall not make for yourselves an idol, nor any image of anything that is in the heavens above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: you shall not bow yourself down to them, nor serve them, for I, Yahweh your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the ...

From Ten Commandments followed by Jews , Muslims and Christians

Is jesus equal or lesser in ranking compared to mohammad?

25 prophets are mentioned in the Qur'an, although some believe there have been 124 000. ... They see all the prophets as equal to each other — "We make no distinction between any of them" (Qur'an 2:136).

Is it true jesus prayed behind mohammad while mohammad led the prayers?

no pure trash fabrication made up fairytale jumbo jumbo you just made up :partay:

.Do you believe homosexuals should be hanged?

no need to again islaam Judaism and Christianity are the same again regarding this .

Leviticus: If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death.(Leviticus 20:13).

Do you believe or not that people who had sex before marriage should be whipped? Do you believe or not they be called adulterers?"

same again islaam Judaism and Christianity belief is same poor pagan should read what the major world religions say regarding paganism and idol worshippers before butting in
Poor souls...got carried away by their liberal upbringing without knowing the beliefs of Moeen Ali.
Vikki said:
Ryan sidebottom and archer should ask moeen the following questions:

" do we as christians have the right to enter heaven according to islam?

Same belief as Jews and Christians
'Lord, Lord,' who will. enter into the Kingdom of Heaven; but he who. does the will of my Father who is in heaven.

Will we or will we not be burnt in eternal hellfire for worshipping Jesus?

You shall not make for yourselves an idol, nor any image of anything that is in the heavens above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth: you shall not bow yourself down to them, nor serve them, for I, Yahweh your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the ...

From Ten Commandments followed by Jews , Muslims and Christians

Is jesus equal or lesser in ranking compared to mohammad?

25 prophets are mentioned in the Qur'an, although some believe there have been 124 000. ... They see all the prophets as equal to each other — "We make no distinction between any of them" (Qur'an 2:136).

Is it true jesus prayed behind mohammad while mohammad led the prayers?

no pure trash fabrication made up fairytale jumbo jumbo you just made up :partay:

.Do you believe homosexuals should be hanged?

no need to again islaam Judaism and Christianity are the same again regarding this .

Leviticus: If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death.(Leviticus 20:13).

Do you believe or not that people who had sex before marriage should be whipped? Do you believe or not they be called adulterers?"

same again islaam Judaism and Christianity belief is same poor pagan should read what the major world religions say regarding paganism and idol worshippers before butting in

Poor souls...got carried away by their liberal upbringing without knowing the beliefs of Moeen Ali.
These pagans lol don’t know anything they wrote just come onto Pakistani site and write an essay and all proven wrong
Too much cow urine and bowing down to penis mashes up your brain
Take your false fuckery and **** off back to your Indian fantasy make believe where zoo keeper is turned into a holy man and teach them nasty paganism
ABout Yogi, I would say he is indefensible...If Mamata Banerjee comes out on top this election (I am betting on it), and regional states offer strong performance till 2024...there might be a chance that BJP can be be dislodged from the centre...centre-left had shot themseves in the foot in 2014 through excessive corruption and failure to project a single leader around whom everybody could rally......I personally donot see a centre-left party coming to power for quite a looong time in the centre...may be 2029 is doable... @jamahir is savvier reading the pan-India political climate

I think Yogi is being promoted for 2024 PM candidature. Modi is growing his hair and beard to project a post-2024 sage adviser role.

I think the opposition, especially the Congress, should find a fitting opposing PM candidate and I think such a one is Kanhaiya Kumar.

Just read through the whole thing..anybody else from any other religion would have been perma-banned from this server...This is beneath even PDF

The post is deleted. Yes, it was quite an unnecessary post.
So when Dhotis is lit on fire,Tasleema Nasrin claims it was a sarcastic remark. :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:
I think Yogi is being promoted for 2024 PM candidature. Modi is growing his hair and beard to project a post-2024 sage adviser role.

I think the opposition, especially the Congress, should find a fitting opposing PM candidate and I think such a one is Kanhaiya Kumar.

The post is deleted. Yes, it was quite an unnecessary post.

Come on if Yogi is projected as PM...you guys should be able to handily beat him...really absolutely no excuse this time..He has like zero acceptance outside of BIMARU states...you guys need to open up your campaigning now only.....donot get embroiled in coalition negotiations 9 months before Gemeral Election..get that done now, when media coverage is elsewhere...bitter coalition fights for seats sap public confidence in any united front
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