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‘Moeen Ali would have joined ISIS’: Taslima Nasreen

Why are you harassing him? Does he ask you about your rapist Yogi UP chief minister or your genocidal virat Hindu PM?

why are you meddling in this? LoL ..could not forget Gangadesh till now could you, Indus Nationalist?
Massacaring millions of Muslims in Iraq, Afghanistan, Kashmir, Burma and then weeping your pants wet for a blasphemer!
who massacred millions of Muslims in Iraq,Afghanistan? It's your fellow Abrahamic Monotheists
What an absolute waste of oxygen, Bangladesh can you take this idiot back? Do whatever you like after that, I won't care.
Taslima nasnreen sud not be discussed she is not imp and people who bringing this topic trying to hurt muslims sentiment. This topic sud be removed.
yogi deals with terrorists in the exact manner you want

Terrorists like the corpses of Muslim women doing "Funeral Jihad" on virat Hindu land? Thank you brave rapist Guru Swami Yogi-ji!

why are you meddling in this? LoL ..could not forget Gangadesh till now could you, Indus Nationalist?

Lmao can't believed you're still triggered about being called a Gangadeshi by some random Pakistanis 6 months ago.
Terrorists like the corpses of Muslim women doing "Funeral Jihad" on virat Hindu land? Thank you brave rapist Guru Swami Yogi-ji!

Lmao can't believed you're still triggered about being called a Gangadeshi by some random Pakistanis 6 months ago.

lolwa...Nice dodge there Indus Supremacist

ABout Yogi, I would say he is indefensible...If Mamata Banerjee comes out on top this election (I am betting on it), and regional states offer strong performance till 2024...there might be a chance that BJP can be be dislodged from the centre...centre-left had shot themseves in the foot in 2014 through excessive corruption and failure to project a single leader around whom everybody could rally......I personally donot see a centre-left party coming to power for quite a looong time in the centre...may be 2029 is doable... @jamahir is savvier reading the pan-India political climate

Best would be 20 years of right for strong growth inspite of everything
then 20 years of central-left and atheistic hard left for strong redistribution of wealth
:lol: :rofl:

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Done that thousands of times and will continue to happen. Nothing much you weakling lot can do about it. The most latest example is Kamlesh ch*tiya meanwhile you couldn't even prosecute the Muslim comedian that made fun of your gods and mocked them laughably.

Hindus are weak cucks. Everyone tramples over you and nothing ever happens. Remind me of this :lol: Hindu gods giving blowjob to Christian gods while getting his arse shafted. And hindus just laid down and took it like proper little b*tches that you are. No wonder 16% Muslims took away 25% of your most sacred lands in 1947

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@waz @The Eagle @AgNoStiC MuSliM

Just read through the whole thing..anybody else from any other religion would have been perma-banned from this server...This is beneath even PDF
She still sounds stupid. Her older age seems to have made her more spiteful.
No man, no kids also adds to the misery.

You can't fix stupid !
I think she is a little crazy !
She deleted the tweet because white cricketers started criticizing her! Regardless of what people think about her, we can all agree she's a good, servile dasyu who knows she must never displease her Aryan masters.

:lol: :rofl:

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Done that thousands of times and will continue to happen. Nothing much you weakling lot can do about it. The most latest example is Kamlesh ch*tiya meanwhile you couldn't even prosecute the Muslim comedian that made fun of your gods and mocked them laughably.

Please repost the image with the depictions of Hazrat Isa and Musa cropped or covered.

lolwa...Nice dodge there Indus Supremacist

I didn't dodge anything. You're obsessing over this Indus thing which I've never believed in lol.
Three years ago during his peak, Moeen Ali was interviewed by a BBC sports journalist. The journalist asked Moeen where could he see himself in a decade. Moeen softly replied he would like to work for his local mosque and to offer his services including cleaning the toilets.
Such a humble character, he did not boast about establishing his own brand, business or academy. Left the journalist speechless and surprised.
:lol: :rofl:

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Done that thousands of times and will continue to happen. Nothing much you weakling lot can do about it. The most latest example is Kamlesh ch*tiya meanwhile you couldn't even prosecute the Muslim comedian that made fun of your gods and mocked them laughably.

Hindus are weak cucks. Everyone tramples over you and nothing ever happens. Remind me of this :lol: Hindu gods giving blowjob to Christian gods while getting his arse shafted. And hindus just laid down and took it like proper little b*tches that you are. No wonder 16% Muslims took away 25% of your most sacred lands in 1947

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i don't support killing over religious matters , but killers of kamlesh tiwari are in jail alongwith their helpers their fate is fixed hindus are lrearning fast from muslims . you can not kill crores of those who are abusing your religion on internet . there are crores of kamlesh tiwari in india doing it daily .
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