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Modi’s poorly planned lockdown won’t save us from coronavirus, but will kill economy

oh you and your little Gangu logics! There are many hindus also been airlifted from Gulf, how is this then 'Muslim appeasement' only?
Use your head. If he had to airlift Muslims he would have to airlift Hindus, Sikhs and Christians.
But this should have not been done anyway. The Gulf states and specially that taqqiya master state Iran which backstabbed India after Delhi riots who fund madarassas, terrorist groups and act as saviour of all Muslims should have been forced to take care of Muslims. First patients to die had visited gulf. Modi to save his face deliberately bought Muslims from Gulf. This the reason why I don't like him. He will start appeasing Muslims when his image is at a low.

If you don't do lock down now, economy will be doomed even then.
Imagine the scores of people dying. In India and pakistan, death rate would be around over 10 percent whether we publish the correct figures or not. Many of them will be working individuals who are backbone of our economies.

Also, as the disease will go out of control, rest of the world will stop importing stuff from India and Pakistan. Tourism (although not a concern for Pakistan for now) will get a massive blow. NRIs and NRPs who visit respective countries of origin and spend a lot of money that keeps the economy going, will reduce their number of days in India and Pakistan. Our people will not be allowed to visit other countries too.. including those who go on a business visit. People will reject the meeting requests.

There is a limit to foolishness. Don't cross that limit and support your government to lock down the country for a few weeks.
Fck the lockdown!

India cannot afford a lockdown. Most Indians work in informal sectors and live hand to mouth. They will starve to death.
And a lockdown is not feasible in such a densely populated country. Many people are violating it in a gathering in daily bazaars.

India should have went for herd immunity.

2 percent mortality is better than economic depression, famine, starvation and increase in crimes and suicides.
Only one Chinese province was under a lockdown not whole of China.

And China does not follow suicidal policy of Muslim appeasement

Neither does India. What a looser you are to blame Muslims for Modi's incompetence
India cannot afford a lockdown. Most Indians work in informal sectors and live hand to mouth. They will starve to death.
And a lockdown is not feasible in such a densely populated country. Many people are violating it in a gathering in daily bazaars.
Then our government must create processes that support the poor people.

What you want is to kill the working members of families and stop their earning forever.

Think rationally from your head for once.
Use your head. If he had to airlift Muslims he would have to airlift Hindus, Sikhs and Christians.
But this should have not been done anyway. The Gulf states and specially that taqqiya master state Iran which backstabbed India after Delhi riots who fund madarassas, terrorist groups and act as saviour of all Muslims should have been forced to take care of Muslims. First patients to die had visited gulf. Modi to save his face deliberately bought Muslims from Gulf. This the reason why I don't like him. He will start appeasing Muslims when his image is at a low.
Gangu logics again! So Vatican sits in Italy doesnt make all people airlifted from Italy labelled as 'Christian appeasement'.

and who is doing the Muslim appeasement anyway? Gangus or? So the perpetrator of crime are Gangus and appeasement is labelled as Muslim! Gangu logics never cease to surprize me!

This the reason why I don't like him.
Try, maybe you can get elected as the next PM of Ganguland. Seems like you have got all the logics and mind it needs to lead a country like yours!
and who is doing the Muslim appeasement anyway? Gangus or? So the perpetrator of crime are Gangus and appeasement is labelled as Muslim! Gangu logics never cease to surprize me!
No is blaming Muslims for Muslim appeasement. It's the Congress gangu Hindus and now BJP gangu Hindus who are responsible for Muslim appeasement.
2 percent mortality is better than economic depression, famine, starvation and increase in crimes and suicides.
It will not remain 2 percent.
When your hospital capacity will reach 100 percent, most of the 15 percent people who require hospitalization will die.

Our countries are not comparable to China. Think, think, think.. Do not make silly remarks.
India, Pakistan, BD and many other countries are poor countries. They cannot have a good plan when they do not have the resources to do so. For any effective plan and control, you need to have "Vertical Integration" of Capacities and Resources. This DOES NOT exist in these countries. So how can you plan for something when you just do not have resources and capacity to do so??
No is blaming Muslims for Muslim appeasement. It's the Congress gangu Hindus and now BJP gangu Hindus who are responsible for Muslim appeasement.
Then call a spade a spade. A crime as you call it committed by Hindus(subject) shouldnt be labelled as the appeasement of Muslims(object). This is like labelling a Gold robbery as 'Gold appeasement' while letting the thief go. But, logics like this end where you guys start!
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That's how China did for the national quarantine, everything was smooth and organized, no chaos or disturbance occured during the whole time

It will not remain 2 percent.
When your hospital capacity will reach 100 percent, most of the 15 percent people who require hospitalization will die.

Our countries are not comparable to China. Think, think, think.. Do not make silly remarks.
Are you aware of British era famines?
Millions are going to die anyway when the economy tanks.

Lockdown won't do much. Since the government isn't going to test more people. It thinks 21 day lockdown is going to kill Coronavirus
With typically shoddy execution, Modi's national curfew could starve Indians to death — and not even save them from the coronavirus.
SHIVAM VIJ25 March, 2020

New Delhi in a lockdown due to coronavirus pandemic | Manisha Mondal | ThePrint

It is important to note that countries that have so far done a relatively good job of containing the coronavirus pandemic have refrained from imposing a complete, nation-wide, curfew-like lockdown. These include Singapore, Taiwan, Germany, and Turkey. Even China, where it all started, placed only the Hubei province under complete lockdown, not the whole country.

But Prime Minister Narendra Modi has put 1.3 billion people under a curfew-like lockdown. Since the authorities are using the word ‘curfew’ in the context of issuing passes, it is fair to call it a national curfew.

A national curfew for 21 days will definitely go a long way in reducing the transmission of the deadly virus. But what happens after 21 days? The virus won’t disappear after that. Not until we get a vaccine, and it will take at least a few months to vaccinate every Indian even after a vaccine has been developed. A few months is a very optimistic estimate. In other words, we are in this mess for years.

Like these other countries, India could also have avoided the need for a national lockdown had it done what those countries are doing: testing, testing, testing.

India’s 21-day national lockdown should thus be seen as buying time to create a massive testing infrastructure, so that even asymptomatic people could be tested and quarantined. That’s the only way to manage the coronavirus pandemic until we get drugs and vaccines to administer en masse.

The devil is in the details
Sadly, Narendra Modi’s two national addresses have done little to address this concern about India not taking the mass-testing approach. We need fast testing, cheap testing, easily available testing — and a well laid out mechanism to quarantine a person the moment she is found positive, without letting her infect others, including medical staff and family members.

You have to be really naive to believe India’s official numbers of coronavirus patients — and then there are those who have died of sudden pneumonia without being tested or counted as coronavirus deaths.

The lack of widespread testing, as well as the lack of PPEs (personal protective equipment) for doctors, is a scandal. These 21 days are Modi’s last chance to fix these two problems. The responsibility is his more than anyone else’s, but state governments will also be put to test

Sadly, the evidence so far suggests that the Modi government does not have the capacity to think through the details of planning and execution. This is turning out to be another demonetisation, with the typical Modi problem of mistaking theatrics for achievement.

The deliverable is not how many people clanged pots and pans or how many obediently followed Modi’s advice of staying indoors. The deliverable is how many people got tested, how many doctors have protective gear, how many ventilators the government managed to manufacture or buy overnight. Another deliverable is isolation centres, temporary hospitals in indoor stadia and quarantine facilities that are fit for human beings.

Modi does not have the patience or the interest to deliver on these nitty-gritty details, he’s probably working on his next grandiose ‘address to the nation’ to be applauded for his oratory. He will leave the tough things to state governments and focus on the right optics to sustain his political ratings through a tough period.

If the virus doesn’t kill you…
If we survive the pandemic, we won’t survive the impending economic collapse.
The economy isn’t on Modi’s radar either. He won a national election despite disastrous economic policies that gave us a 45 year-high unemployment rate. Why should he worry about the economy?

Demonetisation and GST resulted in killing demand, and this poorly planned national curfew will kill supply chains. We’ll be left with the great Indian discovery, the zero.

Modi announced a national curfew with little notice. He addressed India at 8 pm, and the curfew came into force at midnight. Just like demonetisation. Why couldn’t he have given some notice? Why couldn’t he have done his TV address at 8 am? Maximising prime time attention, you see.

The home ministry issued a list of exemptions but try explaining them to the cops on the street. The Indian police is doing what it loves to do the most: beating up Indians with lathis. Meanwhile, lakhs of trucks are stranded on state borders. Supply chains for the most essential items have been disrupted, including medicines, milk, groceries, food and newspaper deliveries. Nobody in the prime minister’s office seems to be aware of any such thing as crop harvesting, or the Rabi season, as farmers wonder how they’ll do it amid this national curfew. Only Modi can manage to be so clever as to disrupt the country’s medical supply chain while fighting a pandemic.

Modi is the only major world leader who has not yet announced a financial package. In his first speech, he said the finance minister will head a committee, but some in the finance ministry said they heard of this committee from the PM’s speech. He did announce Rs 15,000 crore extra to meet the health expenditure arising out of the Coronavirus crisis — that is Rs 5,000 crore less than the amount of money he has kept aside for his narcissistic and unnecessary project of rebuilding the Central Vista of New Delhi.

At this rate, more Indians might die of hunger than of coronavirus. Modi’s poor administrative skills, zero attention span for details, and preference for oratory over governance spell disaster for this crisis. In a few weeks, we might find ourselves overwhelmed with an epidemic in defiance of official numbers, while the economy might start looking like the 1980s.


My best wishes to India and Indian.

The difficult time should not be the time to bad-mouth your own government. You should follow their guidance, even if you do not agree with it and refrain from posting your own idea. No government can listen if they receive 1,000 different ideas, and India has 1.3 billion mind.

Democracy will kill you, at least in this case.
Then call a spade a spade. A crime as you call it committed by Hindus(subject) shouldnt be labelled as the appeasement of Muslims(object). This is like labelling a Gold robbery as 'Gold appeasement' while letting the thief go. But, logics like this end where you guys start!
Well, Muslims get benefitted due to it. Now the intention of Hindu Gangu politicians is to benefit themselves, but still Muslims get something out of it. So it's appeasement.
Well, Muslims get benefitted due to it. Now the intention of Hindu Gangu politicians is ti benefit themselves, but still Muslims get something out of it. So it's appeasement.
Appeasement in English means to give someone out of turn benefit to make them happy. It doenst mean to give someone a favor against money which is called graft.

Graft is a punishable offence whereas Appeasement isn't!

Hinglish at its divine height!

You guys have become so irrational in hatred that such false comparisons doesnt make you feel ashamed anymore!
It doenst mean to give someone a favor against money.

Taking your words forward, Its not Appeasement its called Graft! and perpetrators of Graft are punished whereas perpetrators of Appeasement are not!

Hinglish at its divine height!
Are you saying Hindu politicians recieve money from Muslims?

There is no money or bribes involved. It's appeasement!

I will stick to Hinglish. :cheers:
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