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Modi will develop India into a Hindu state: Goa minister

Oh I was not at all talking about the Goa Minister or his view. I could not be more glad that he understands the native religion and culture much better than the modern Hindus do. I got into the argument with That Guy over whether Muslim claims and Hindu claims of being a way of life are equally valid or not. It followed from there into definition of religion and dharma. My only debating point with you was is Christianity same as Dharma.

Sorry, no dice.

A christian or a muslim can practice Dharma.

A Dharmic can practice islam or christianity if their mosque or church permit it. He is even free to believe in 'kafirs' or 'pagans' as long as he does not take any ACTION that is against Dharma.

After all its not your beliefs but your ACTION that is for or against Dharma.
Oh I was not at all talking about the Goa Minister or his view. I could not be more glad that he understands the native religion and culture much better than the modern Hindus do. I got into the argument with That Guy over whether Muslim claims and Hindu claims of being a way of life are equally valid or not. It followed from there into definition of religion and dharma. My only debating point with you was is Christianity same as Dharma.

Sorry, no dice.
I am not playing..,My question is pretty clear..
Tum non veg hai ya nahi??..you yourself admitted here that you are non veggie(except beef)..But as per Manvan (your own spiritual guru) killing without a cause(that includes killing for food) is against dharmic principles...
chicken khane se koi pareshan nahi hai..beef khana problem hai..haha.
you are not a hindu in any sense,sadly...
I am not playing..,My question is pretty clear..
Tum non veg hai ya nahi??..you yourself admitted here that you are non veggie(except beef)..But as per Manvan (your own spiritual guru) killing without a cause(that includes killing for food) is against dharmic principles...
chicken khane se koi pareshan nahi hai..beef khana problem hai..haha.
you are not a hindu in any sense,sadly...

Only Sri Ramchandra ji was maryada purushottam. Even dharmaraj Yudhisthira told one Lie.

I am sure Indirani does not compare herself to them :angel: Nor do I. Neither are any of us expecting moksha this life.

So as she said, no dice.
A christian or a muslim can practice Dharma.

A Dharmic can practice islam or christianity if their mosque or church permit it. He is even free to believe in 'kafirs' or 'pagans' as long as he does not take any ACTION that is against Dharma.

After all its not your beliefs but your ACTION that is for or against Dharma.

If we are talking in terms of righteousness and duty and virtue, then of course anyone can practice Dharma, but if you are talking in sense of "religion," then no. There are a set of principles which need to be believed in to be considered Dharmic, reincarnation being one of them. A concept that just does not gel with Abrahamic faiths.
Only Sri Ramchandra ji was maryada purushottam. Even dharmaraj Yudhisthira told one Lie.

I am sure Indirani does not compare herself to them :angel: Nor do I. Neither are any of us expecting moksha this life.

So as she said, no dice.
but indrani is the one and only one person in PDF howling for the dhramic principles,and issuing certificates for who is a true hindu or not,and bashing others for not following the dharmic principles in its true sense...just go through her previous posts..
I am not playing..,My question is pretty clear..
Tum non veg hai ya nahi??..you yourself admitted here that you are non veggie(except beef)..But as per Manvan (your own spiritual guru) killing without a cause(that includes killing for food) is against dharmic principles...
chicken khane se koi pareshan nahi hai..beef khana problem hai..haha.
you are not a hindu in any sense,sadly...

No Manvan did not say what you are implying. Killing for food is allowed. The point is the choices we make. The one that causes the least harm, the least destruction, the least displacement is what is dharma. Given the availability of abundance of food what are the choices you are going to make that is going to cause the least havoc or destruction to the planet becomes the difference between dharma and adharma.

Given a choice between eating grains, vegetables, chicken, mutton, beef -- you decide which is least harmful or most harmful to the sustenance of the planet and human life. Also count in the sense of gratitude which is the most important part of Dharma.

This topic has been gone over many times, you are just being an ingrate Christian who would harm an animal just to see people hurt. Provocation being a virtue in your life perhaps.
I am not playing..,My question is pretty clear..
Tum non veg hai ya nahi??..you yourself admitted here that you are non veggie(except beef)..But as per Manvan (your own spiritual guru) killing without a cause(that includes killing for food) is against dharmic principles...
chicken khane se koi pareshan nahi hai..beef khana problem hai..haha.
you are not a hindu in any sense,sadly...

Nice points mate,,,,hypocrisy is everywhere
If we are talking in terms of righteousness and duty and virtue, then of course anyone can practice Dharma, but if you are talking in sense of "religion," then no. There are a set of principles which need to be believed in to be considered Dharmic, reincarnation being one of them. A concept that just does not gel with Abrahamic faiths.

1. Dharma as a duty to self to achieve moksha.
2. Dharma as a duty to society (fighting Adharma) to sustain Dharma for future generations.

That is what defines Hinduism.

Reincarnation is not an essential part of ALL Hindu beliefs. Bhaghavata purana talks about Naraka. So does Agni purana. For eg. those in Kakola does not get reincarnated.

but indrani is the one and only one person in PDF howling for the dhramic principles,and issuing certificates for who is a true hindu or not,and bashing others for not following the dharmic principles in its true sense...just go through her previous posts..

At least at this point it was you who was issuing her a certificate of Hinduness.

A Hindu who denies the existence of dharma or its importance is not a Hindu and hence her "bashing". Perfectly understandable. No reason to suffer fools gladly.
You just have to prove you are a moron just about everywhere, don't you?

And u have to prove time and again u are a paid agent??
What business have u on this forum if u are not paid??

U certainly ain't any defence lover:lol::lol:
1. Dharma as a duty to self to achieve moksha.
2. Dharma as a duty to society (fighting Adharma) to sustain Dharma for future generations.

That is what defines Hinduism.

Reincarnation is not an essential part of ALL Hindu beliefs. Bhaghavata purana talks about Naraka. So does Agni purana. For eg. those in Kakola does not get reincarnated.

At least at this point it was you who was issuing her a certificate of Hinduness.

A Hindu who denies the existence of dharma or its importance is not a Hindu and hence her "bashing". Perfectly understandable. No reason to suffer fools gladly.

In Hinduism, dharma signifies behaviors that are considered to be in accord with rta, the order that makes life and universe possible,[10][note 1] and includes duties, rights, laws, conduct, virtues and ‘‘right way of living’’.[7] InBuddhismdharma means "cosmic law and order",[10] but is also applied to the teachings of the Buddha.[10] InBuddhist philosophy, dhamma/dharma is also the term for "phenomena".[11][note 2] In Jainismdharma refers to the teachings of the Jinas[10] and the body of doctrine pertaining to the purification and moral transformation of human beings. For Sikhs, the word dharm means the "path of righteousness".

Dharma in Hinduism, is an organizing principle that applies to human beings in solitude, in their interaction with human beings and nature, as well as between inanimate objects, to all of cosmos and its parts.

You are paring down Hinduism to a joke. Devoid of every philosophy, devoid of vedas, devoid of anything at all. Just some fancy term "dharma." Why the need to achieve Moksha? Why the need to perform Dharma? What are the philosophies governing them?

Reincarnation is an essential part of Hinduism. There is no ever lasting hell in Hinduism.

naraka (Sanskrit: "abode of darkness", literally "pertaining to man.") — an unhappy, mentally and emotionally congested, distressful area of consciousness in the lower worlds. Naraka is a state of mind that can be experienced on the physical plane or in the sub-astral plane after death of the sthula-sharira (physical body). It is accompanied by the tormented emotions of hatred, remorse, resentment, fear, jealousy and self-condemnation. Naraka is a congested, distressful area where demonic beings and young souls may sojourn until they resolve the darksome karmas they have created. Here beings suffer the consequences of their own misdeeds in previous lives. However, in the Hindu view, the hellish experience is not permanent, but a temporary condition of one's own making. See: asura, loka.

And u have to prove time and again u are a paid agent??
What business have u on this forum if u are not paid??

U certainly ain't any defence lover:lol::lol:

Paid/unpaid how does it matter? Wish I was paid for this work. I would be in heaven. Reading and researching being my hobbies, it would have been the perfect job for me. I have as much business to be on this forum as you, unless your father has purchased this site and put prohibitions on me participating in this forum.

You being a primitive being still have to evolve your perception of defence beyond arms and ammunitions.

sahi hai bhaiya..voh sab hypocrites hai..

Go torture some animal. You may enjoy that even more.
In Hinduism, dharma signifies behaviors that are considered to be in accord with rta, the order that makes life and universe possible,[10][note 1] and includes duties, rights, laws, conduct, virtues and ‘‘right way of living’’.[7] InBuddhismdharma means "cosmic law and order",[10] but is also applied to the teachings of the Buddha.[10] InBuddhist philosophy, dhamma/dharma is also the term for "phenomena".[11][note 2] In Jainismdharma refers to the teachings of the Jinas[10] and the body of doctrine pertaining to the purification and moral transformation of human beings. For Sikhs, the word dharm means the "path of righteousness".

Dharma in Hinduism, is an organizing principle that applies to human beings in solitude, in their interaction with human beings and nature, as well as between inanimate objects, to all of cosmos and its parts.

You are paring down Hinduism to a joke. Devoid of every philosophy, devoid of vedas, devoid of anything at all. Just some fancy term "dharma." Why the need to achieve Moksha? Why the need to perform Dharma? What are the philosophies governing them?

Reincarnation is an essential part of Hinduism. There is no ever lasting hell in Hinduism.

naraka (Sanskrit: "abode of darkness", literally "pertaining to man.") — an unhappy, mentally and emotionally congested, distressful area of consciousness in the lower worlds. Naraka is a state of mind that can be experienced on the physical plane or in the sub-astral plane after death of the sthula-sharira (physical body). It is accompanied by the tormented emotions of hatred, remorse, resentment, fear, jealousy and self-condemnation. Naraka is a congested, distressful area where demonic beings and young souls may sojourn until they resolve the darksome karmas they have created. Here beings suffer the consequences of their own misdeeds in previous lives. However, in the Hindu view, the hellish experience is not permanent, but a temporary condition of one's own making. See: asura, loka.

Paid/unpaid how does it matter? Wish I was paid for this work. I would be in heaven. Reading and researching being my hobbies, it would have been the perfect job for me. I have as much business to be on this forum as you, unless your father has purchased this site and put prohibitions on me participating in this forum.

You being a primitive being still have to evolve your perception of defence beyond arms and ammunitions.

Right,,,ultra modern dharmic troll,,,as u say:coffee:
1. Dharma as a duty to self to achieve moksha.
2. Dharma as a duty to society (fighting Adharma) to sustain Dharma for future generations.

That is what defines Hinduism.

Reincarnation is not an essential part of ALL Hindu beliefs. Bhaghavata purana talks about Naraka. So does Agni purana. For eg. those in Kakola does not get reincarnated.

At least at this point it was you who was issuing her a certificate of Hinduness.

A Hindu who denies the existence of dharma or its importance is not a Hindu and hence her "bashing". Perfectly understandable. No reason to suffer fools gladly.
but why she couldn't even follow the basis of dharmic principles ahimsa???..she even says that killing for food is allowed,thus defending it too...this shows her hypocrisy...
Right,,,ultra modern dharmic troll,,,as u say:coffee:


but why she couldn't even follow the basis of dharmic principles ahimsa???..she even says that killing for food is allowed,thus defending it too...this shows her hypocrisy...

Yo most of our Gods and Goddess have killed. Ahimsa is not non-violence but non-torture. Learn the meaning of words you use, bozo.
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