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Modi to destroy Pakistan in 6 months | Senior Shiv Sena Leader.


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Shiv Sena disagrees with hate remarks made by leader at Narendra Modi rally

Reported by Tejas Mehta, Edited by Deepshikha Ghosh | Updated: April 22, 2014 15:51 IST

Mumbai: Narendra Modi today appeared to condemn virulent anti-Muslim remarks by one-time associate Pravin Togadia, but his party finds itself entangled in a new episode of hate remarks.

At a rally in Mumbai yesterday, just a few minutes before Mr Modi arrived, a leader from the Shiv Sena said to the large crowd, ""Narendra Modi will destroy Pakistan within six months if he comes to power." The remarks by Ramdas Kadam are the latest in a series of comments by hardliners that are threatening to over-shadow the election.

Mr Kadam's party, the Shiv Sena, is the oldest ally of the BJP, which has declared Mr Modi its prime ministerial candidate. After Mr Modi arrived at the venue with Sena chief Uddhav Thackeray, Mr Kadam continued in Marathi, "If 5 lakh Muslims can gather at the Azad Maidan, desecrate memorials, attack policemen and molest policewomen... Narendra Modi will surely teach them a lesson." (Mumbai: 80 people charged for Azad Maidan riots)

Today, Mr Kadam, seemed to be searching for an exit route from the controversy. He said to NDTV, "I said Modi would teach a lesson to Pakistan, not destroy Pakistan."

His party has distanced itself from the comments. "The statements of Ramdas Kadam don't echo the sentiments of Bal Thackeray, Udhav Thackeray and the Shiv Sena. It is his personal view," the Sena said.

This morning, Mr Modi tweeted, "Petty statements by those claiming to be BJP's well-wishers are deviating the campaign from the issues of development & good governance (sic)." (Modi raps Togadia for alleged hate speech: 10 developments)

His reprimand is being seen as a reaction to Pravin Togadia, a leader of the right-wing Vishwa Hindu Parishad, who faces a police investigation after a video appeared to show him urging Hindus to evict Muslims from their neighbourhoods in Gujarat.

Shiv Sena disagrees with hate remarks made by leader at Narendra Modi rally | NDTV.com
When Modi is PM, Pak intruders won't dare to cross border: Amit Shah

MIRZAPPUR, UP: Claiming that the country's borders are not safe under the present regime, BJP leader Amit Shah on Wednesday said once Narendra Modi becomes the Prime Minister, Pakistani intruders "will not dare to enter" into Indian territory.

"Once Modiji becomes PM, leave incidents of beheading of Indian soldiers, the Pakistani intruders will not even dare to enter into Indian side," Shah said at an election rally here in support of Apna Dal leader and NDA nominee Anupriya Patel.

Attacking the Congress-led UPA government, Shah, a confidant of Modi and in-charge of party affairs in Uttar Pradesh, said not only the soldiers but the country's borders are also not safe under the present regime.

"Whenever the Chinese soldiers want, they come and have picnic inside our territory and our government could do nothing," Shah said.

Earlier, Shah, replying to a question, said that Modi was contesting the Lok Sabha polls from Varanasi not to win elections but to win hearts of the people of the state.

"Modiji is contesting polls not for winning at the hustings, but for winning hearts of the people," he said.

Asked about the economic policy to be adopted if BJP voted to power, Shah said that the policy would be formulated keeping in mind the poor people.
When Modi is PM, Pak intruders won't dare to cross border: Amit Shah - The Times of India

When Modi is PM, Pak intruders won't dare to cross border: Amit Shah

MIRZAPPUR, UP: Claiming that the country's borders are not safe under the present regime, BJP leader Amit Shah on Wednesday said once Narendra Modi becomes the Prime Minister, Pakistani intruders "will not dare to enter" into Indian territory.

"Once Modiji becomes PM, leave incidents of beheading of Indian soldiers, the Pakistani intruders will not even dare to enter into Indian side," Shah said at an election rally here in support of Apna Dal leader and NDA nominee Anupriya Patel.

Attacking the Congress-led UPA government, Shah, a confidant of Modi and in-charge of party affairs in Uttar Pradesh, said not only the soldiers but the country's borders are also not safe under the present regime.

"Whenever the Chinese soldiers want, they come and have picnic inside our territory and our government could do nothing," Shah said.

Earlier, Shah, replying to a question, said that Modi was contesting the Lok Sabha polls from Varanasi not to win elections but to win hearts of the people of the state.

"Modiji is contesting polls not for winning at the hustings, but for winning hearts of the people," he said.

Asked about the economic policy to be adopted if BJP voted to power, Shah said that the policy would be formulated keeping in mind the poor people.
When Modi is PM, Pak intruders won't dare to cross border: Amit Shah - The Times of India


The way hype is created around Modi..... it is going to cost BJP a lot
Seems like there is a competition going on for the "Most stupid comment made during the election campaign 2014"

Believe me it will be very tough to judge the winner....

Well one thing for sure it will be am indian.
They are crawling out of the woodwork !

This is not a subject for that much controversy.Here they are talking about a foreign country who fought with us about 4 times.
and this is not against muslims.Foriegn policy will remain as 'business as usual' if someone refrain from some misadventures.otherwise things will not be that smooth.
Seems like there is a competition going on for the "Most stupid comment made during the election campaign 2014"

Believe me it will be very tough to judge the winner....

@nair It seems as a stupid comment because it is from a third rate SS leader.But what will be the response when Narendra Modi himself make such a remark.(That is not going to happen).
We always prefer for a good relation with Pakistan.Like Vajpayee ,he is also interested in a solution.But unlike Vajpayee ,he is too decisive.
Brahmos with Sukhoi-30 fighters to improve India's strike options | Business Standard

here will soon be a more practical way of retaliating against a foreign-backed terrorist attack on Indian soil than mobilising our 1.6 million-strong military for a war that might trigger a nuclear conflagration. Instead, New Delhi will soon be able to punish terrorists harbouring across the border with surgical strikes from Brahmos cruise missile, fitted on Sukhoi-30MKI fighters.<<<<<:D:D:D:D:D:D:flame::flame::flame::flame::flame:

The supersonic Brahmos, jointly developed by India and Russia, already equips Indian warships and artillery units. Yet its limited range of 295 kilometres means that targets far across the border are out of reach. That will change once Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL), Nashik, fits the Brahmos onto the Sukhoi-30MKI fighter, allowing the missile to be carried for over a thousand kilometres and then launched at a target another 295 kilometres away.

Parked in a hangar in HAL's Nashik facility is the first Su-30MKI that is being modified to carry the Brahmos in the cavity between the aircraft's giant engines. Later this year, ground tests will begin at Nashik. If successful, the aircraft will be ferried to Rajasthan to actually test-fire the missile in Pokhran. If all goes well, the air-launched Brahmos would enter operational service next year.

While HAL modifies the aircraft, the Indo-Russian joint venture that has developed the Brahmos is finalising and certifying an air-launched version of the missile.

Developing an air-launched Brahmos has not been easy, given its weight (2.5 tonnes) and size (8 metres long, 0.7 metres in diameter). The Indian Air Force (IAF) challenged both Sukhoi and HAL to propose competing solutions for integrating missile with aircraft. The Indian solution won out handily, and a contract was signed with HAL in January. Already the Brahmos has been mounted under the Su-30MKI's belly, secured on two mounting stations that replace hard points that were designed to carry ten 250-kilogramme bombs.

"The Russians are most interested in how HAL is integrating the Brahmos. We beat them out in the contract and now they want to know what we're doing," says RP Khapli, who is leading HAL's design team in the project.

Nobody will acknowledge this, but modifying a Su-30MKI to carry a 2,500 kg missile is a big step towards rendering it capable of carrying and delivering a thermonuclear bomb.

A Brahmos air launch is a relatively straightforward affair. Before take-off, the target coordinates are fed into the missile. When the Su-30MKI reaches the designated launch point, probably just short of the border to maximise range, the pilot releases the Brahmos. The missile drops clear of the aircraft before its booster ignites; then, powered by a ramjet, it quickly accelerates to more than twice the speed of sound providing little reaction time to enemy air defence fighters and missiles. Guided by navigation satellites, its inertial navigation system takes it precisely to its target.

Besides punitive strikes on terrorist targets, an air-launched Brahmos would also be the weapon of choice for striking heavily defended targets - such as enemy air bases or headquarters - without risking a manned aircraft. The Su-30MKI would release the Brahmos from a safe distance of 295 kilometres and then head back to base even as the missile heads for the target.

Integrating the Brahmos with the Su-30MKI encountered several technical challenges. IIT Mumbai assisted with studies in "computational fluid dynamics" to ascertain that the giant missile did not create disruptive airflow that would destabilise the fighter or starve its two engines of air.

HAL had already experienced such difficulties whilst upgrading the MiG-21BIS with four new missiles. That fighter's engine had to be modified with an anti-surge system to avoid shut off. This experience, say HAL designers, came in handy.

Besides the Brahmos project, HAL's Aircraft Upgrade R&D Centre has developed over 40 modifications to enhance the performance of the Su-30MKI. It has also developed almost 400 types of ground equipment, such as oxygen chargers, nitrogen chargers, mobile air charging trolleys and cooling trolleys.

"We are not just building aircraft for the IAF but are also a knowledge partner for indigenisation," says Khapli.
@nair It seems as a stupid comment because it is from a third rate SS leader.But what will be the response when Narendra Modi himself make such a remark.(That is not going to happen).
We always prefer for a good relation with Pakistan.Like Vajpayee ,he is also interested in a solution.But unlike Vajpayee ,he is too decisive.

I understand that... But once in Power Modi is going to be associated with these same guys.... How much bad name these idiots bring to the country??
At a rally in Mumbai yesterday, just a few minutes before Mr Modi arrived, a leader from the Shiv Sena said to the large crowd, ""Narendra Modi will destroy Pakistan within six months if he comes to power." The remarks by Ramdas Kadam are the latest in a series of comments by hardliners that are threatening to over-shadow the election.

Pakistan has nuclear weapons, which are the ultimate guarantor of national sovereignty against foreign invasion.
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Modi himself told in one of his speech that he wants India and Pakistan to co exist respecting each other !!
Pakistan has nuclear weapons, which are the ultimate guarantor of national sovereignty.

Weapons cannot guarantee anything except a feeling of security to its owner during & before war provided of course they are allowed to work.

USSR had more nukes than most yet it exists no more and remains in a different form ..without a shooting war.
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