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Police didn't act because their families would have been killed. That's why Army was brought. The riots were controlled in 3-4 days.

Then Modi's claim that neighboring states didn't send police is irrelevant and a red herring.

Moreover, the Gujarat police actively escorted mobs -- this wasn't just passive reluctance for self-preservation.

You should read about history of Gujarat's riots. This riot was nothing before the previous riots during Congress Rule.

Irrelevant. We are talking the specifics of this particular riot.

As for victim mentality, since you don't know any facts or basis about Gujarat, I give you benefit of doubt.

I know that the legal system in India, like the rest of the region, has its faults. For people to selectively use specific miscarriages of justices to imply a broad pattern of victimhood is specious and, in the context of Indian communal history, dangerously inflammatory.

BJP gave ticket to 24 Muslims in Municipal elections this year, all won. 47 seats won by BJP. What you call that ?

Dancing with the devil.
@Developereo Irrelevant ? History of violence and riots don't matter ? Sorry dude, I didn't expect these weak statements.

Do you know why Riots happen in India ? Why is that Muslims and other minorities are increasing every year even when 81% of Indians are Hindus ?
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@Developereo Irrelevant ? History of violence and riots don't matter ? Sorry dude, I didn't expect these weak statements.

Of course riots happen and each riot uses previous riots as justification.

I am not trying to defend Congress here. My point was simply to point out the weakness of Modi's defence in these particular riots. Also, I don't know if any previous riots had police complicity to this extent.

Do you know why Riots happen in India ? Why is that Muslims and other minorities are increasing every year even when 81% of Indians are Hindus ?

The issue is not the relative birth rates of various groups. A more significant barometer would be the prosperity index, and it would be interesting to compare the economic gains for the Muslim average v/s the Hindu average under Modi. Certainly, both groups would have seen improvement -- a rising tide lifts all boats -- but the trends in relative disparity would be good to know.
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Of course riots happen and each riot uses previous riots as justification.

Singapore also has 15% Muslims, and 11 millions (muslims) in China.
Tell me why there are no riots there?
This atrocious behavior of Modi's Gujarat police was so unconscionable, it even made it into the movie Slumdog Millionaire.
those were 1993 Mumbai riots.
You really need to give your victim mentality a rest.

There is nothing worse than a majority playing the victim card

Pot calling the kettle black. :rolleyes:
Read this. It has all official figures and incidents if you are really interested in Gujarat.

Official, as in Modi's version.

Independent, not Muslim, versions of the riots are far more scathing.

As for Indian Muslims, watch this video. All your doubts will be clear.

I can't watch videos now, but I would love to see statistics comparing average Muslim/Hindu income, say, over Modi's tenure.

Singapore also has 15% Muslims, and 11 millions (muslims) in China.
Tell me why there are no riots there?

Because the majorities in those countries don't suffer from a victimhood complex towards their Muslim minority, nor do they hold an ongoing grudge about previous Muslim invasions whose effects need to be "redressed".

Pot calling the kettle black. :rolleyes:

Not at all.

The entire BJP campaign against Congress relies on the majority Hindu population's victim mentality that Congress has been favoring "them" Muslims/Christians/etc. v/s "us" Hindus.
Because the majorities in those countries don't suffer from a victimhood complex towards their Muslim minority, nor do they hold an ongoing grudge about previous Muslim invasions whose effects need to be "redressed".

Wrong! very wrong and mischeivous answer.
The correct answer is BIG danda. Nobody dares to riot in Singapore and China because they know what fate they will meet with.
Its matter of fear. As in Saudi arabia, most people are safe from crime.
But in India Muslims know they can get away. Congress vote bank mili bhagat and withdrawal of POTA is absent both in China and Singapore.
Official, as in Modi's version.
Independent, not Muslim, versions of the riots are far more scathing.I can't watch videos now, but I would love to see statistics comparing average Muslim/Hindu income, say, over Modi's tenure.
Because the majorities in those countries don't suffer from a victimhood complex towards their Muslim minority, nor do they hold an ongoing grudge about previous Muslim invasions whose effects need to be "redressed".Not at all.
The entire BJP campaign against Congress relies on the majority Hindu population's victim mentality that Congress has been favoring "them" Muslims/Christians/etc. v/s "us" Hindus.
Will you accept any Data. The data is from Independent Investigation, Special Investigation Team, Media sources, what do you want tell me ?

Supreme Court found no hand of Modi in Gujarat. Do you believe Supreme Court. 75 convictions in Godhara including BJP minister and Bajran Dal leader Babu Bajrangi.

Even Human Rights watch applauded the justice given on Godhara case.

Previous grudge of Muslim Invasions ? Does riots occur in India every day ?

You have made up your mind and sorry to say you are acting just like a typical person. Entire world is conspiring against Muslims, Indian govt. are telling lies, Supreme Court of India is wrong.

Just like you don't accept UN declared Hafeez Saeed as terrorist.
The entire BJP campaign against Congress relies on the majority Hindu population's victim mentality that Congress has been favoring "them" Muslims/Christians/etc. v/s "us" Hindus.
I am not even a Hindu.
BJP prior to 2000 has relied on religion based politics,but now its main agenda is rather development and nationalism oriented. Bjp would loose big time if they ever went back to same hindutva agenda and they know it very well.It is the congress that appeases the Muslim vote bank.

Apart from a few Incidents by radical Hindus years ago,there are no problems with the christians per say. They do not indulge in bombings and terrorism .It is Just one particular community.
Wrong! very wrong and mischeivous answer.
The correct answer is BIG danda. Nobody dares to riot in Singapore and China because they know what fate they will meet with.
Its matter of fear. As in Saudi arabia, most people are safe from crime.
But in India Muslims know they can get away. Congress vote bank mili bhagat and withdrawal of POTA is absent both in China and Singapore.

Your entire post begs the question. It's that victim mentality again (we Hindus are too soft)...

Will you accept any Data. The data is from Independent Investigation, Special Investigation Team, Media sources, what do you want tell me ?

Supreme Court found no hand of Modi in Gujarat. Do you believe Supreme Court. 75 convictions in Godhara including BJP minister and Bajran Dal leader Babu Bajrangi.

Even Human Rights watch applauded the justice given on Godhara case.

None of which changes the fact that police were complicit. All the SC verdict says is that Modi can not be held legally responsible for the behavior of street cops.

Previous grudge of Muslim Invasions ? Does riots occur in India every day ?

The ongoing hostility over past invasions is a regular feature of Indian posters on this forum and online in general. If online Indian views are representative of Indian population in general, and given the large numbers we should think so, then this barely latent hostility is a very real factor in people's perception towards their Muslim compatriots.

The very fact that BJP can play the us v/s them card in the first place is testimony to the fact that this divisiveness sells.

I am not even a Hindu.

Irrelevant. We are discussing BJP's campaign tactics.

BJP prior to 2000 has relied on religion based politics,but now its main agenda is rather development and nationalism oriented. Bjp would loose big time if they ever went back to same hindutva agenda and they know it very well.It is the congress that appeases the Muslim vote bank.

How ironic that, while denying the BJP election mantra, you just reiterated it.

Apart from a few Incidents by radical Hindus years ago,there are no problems with the christians per say. They do not indulge in bombings and terrorism .It is Just one particular community.

No, the majority community uses the police to do its dirty work.
Gentlemen. 700 odd Muslims were killed in Gujarat. Some 1000-1500 in Mumbai. Before that some 2000 odd in Bhagalpur, and even before that, around 2000 in Jamshedpur. I think we Hindus have been much kinder with our Muslims than you Pakistanis have been with yours. Let us end the Modi debate here please. Crocodile tears. Look within. Look at the blood soked killing fields of Quetta and Peshawar and Lahore and Karachi day in and day out. Please be reasonable and balanced, even if all you want to do is bash us.
Your entire post begs the question. It's that victim mentality again...

It does not beg anything, just that they are not above the law. Victimization will happen to whichever community which produces the most anti-social elements, you have to live it.

None of which changes the fact that police were complicit. All the SC verdict says is that Modi can not be held legally responsible for the behavior of street cops.
Its like saying your intelligence agency, ISI, was complicit in 26/11. Don't you guys vehemently oppose the idea based on lack of proof, why these double standards by a think tank?

The ongoing hostility over past invasions is regular feature of Indian posters on his forum and online in general. If online Indian views are representative of Indian population in general, and given the large numbers we should think so, then this barely latent hostility is a very real factor in people's perception towards their Muslim compatriots.

The very fact that BJP can play the us v/s them card in the first place is testimony to the fact that this divisiveness sells.
I do not know how you claim about the ongoing hostility, taking a sample of members in PDF and extrapolating it to the whole population of India is stupid to say the least.
@Developereo WoW. You are generalizing entire India over few Indian posters ? Don't you hate Muslims generalized all over the world due to acts of few.

1.5 billion Muslims, 900 million Hindus. Draw the conclusion.

Police are also human beings. They have seen Muslim men going free raping and converting girls under Congress Rule. But not all were complicit. Don't you have rogue Army officers and Police men.

And Police in India don't have sophisticated equipment and weapons to control sudden riots. The major killing happened in 72 hours.

Best analogy, the case of Mob attacking Police station to bring out the man charged with Blasphemy and burnt him alive. Happened in Pakistan.

Should I also post videos of those 2 boys beaten to death in Pakistan, hanged in open while Police was standing right beside them.

Should I post case of Sarfaraz who was killed by Security forces.

Police is also susceptible to Riots.

Leave it buddy, you don't want to see the obvious. For you, only Muslims are killed in Godhara whereas in Reality Riots were started when 58 Hindus including 25 women and few children were burnt alive by Muslim Mob.

Do you even know why its called Godhara riots ?

Also, 290 Hindus were also killed.

Now tell me, why Hindus got killed if we have Hindus in majority ?

I know you won't accept anything. You justify every terrorist act against India as Jehad and Freedom struggle for Kashmir.
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