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Modi overshadowed Nawaz Sharif at UN: Pakistani daily

Modi overshadowed Nawaz Sharif at UN: Pakistani daily
What do you expect,one has a nation behind him and one has a nation against him,and no prices for guessing.
Elected PM to another elected PM, but then again democracy is a new thing for you..

Both are elected PM representing their country. They have lot in common ..e.g.
Whole country is behind one and other has whole country on his behind :devil:
"He (Modi) was correct of course; the general assembly is no longer a platform for serious discussion, it is a way for heads of state to build an image for their country and themselves," said the editorial.

No wonder people think UN is a joke but if this is true, will the person who wrote the article say the same thing for Netanyahu, because for years he have been talking about Iran in his speeches. I did not listen to his speech this time but I saw a news with him mentioning Iran in the title. I do not like Nawaz, but charisma/ charm and all that are subjective matters. Plus, just because western nation does not like what is being said, does not make it wrong. The world is much bigger and consist of other countries not just west. Its a reason they call it United Nations.
The only reason why India is so welcomed in western world is she could be used to leverage CHina. It is because India is now more strategically important to contain China than used to be. What else? a huge market for military weapons maybe. Don't take it for granted that India is gonna overshadow China with support from the west. You guys shall make your mind clear, don't be cheated by those petty favours and lip-service given by those whites. USA and Soviet did not fulfill their promise to help India when you guys launched attack to China in 1962.

Never bet your own life for others' benefits.

I think Nehru's most regretful thing is to attack China, he died of loss of prestiges.

As a CHinese, i expect Modi could be wise enough to deal with China in a sane way.
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Compare a non popular PM to a popular PM and feel good about it- how to boost indian self esteem 101-

The article quotes the editorial of Pakistan daily. It is not written by any Indian.
It noted that Modi's speech, with its references to Indian spiritual traditions was "written for the US public to consume, while Sharif's bland, narrow focus was everything that western publics feel is wrong with Pakistan - an obsession with India, desire for territory and a total lack of charisma and likeability".

That is the story of Pakistan in a nutshell! It's Kashmir or bust. It's been Pakistan's one-point agenda since 1947!! It is so obsessed with Kashmir that nothing else matters. Trade, poverty alleviation, commerce, education, improving living standards, healthcare, transport, infrastructure development, energy self sufficiency, etc can all go to hell!

Pakistan seems to be under the delusion that getting Kashmir will make it a super power one day! Oh yeah!
Modi overshadowed Nawaz Sharif at UN: Pakistani daily

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It’s up to Pak to create right atmosphere for talks, Modi says at UNGA

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Narendra Modi's speech at the UN was everything his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif's was not, said a Pakistani daily on Monday.

READ ALSO: PM Narendra Modi enthralls a rapturous crowd at New York City's Madison Square Garden - The Times of India

An editorial "Modi at the UN" in the Daily Times said: "Modi continued his charm offensive in the west with a speech to the UN general assembly that was everything Nawaz Sharif's was not."

Modi began with a quaint reference to India's ancient Vedic culture, a running theme in his speech.

He took the opportunity following this to rebut Nawaz Sharif's speech from the day before.

"He (Modi) was correct of course; the general assembly is no longer a platform for serious discussion, it is a way for heads of state to build an image for their country and themselves," said the editorial.

It noted that Modi's speech, with its references to Indian spiritual traditions was "written for the US public to consume, while Sharif's bland, narrow focus was everything that western publics feel is wrong with Pakistan - an obsession with India, desire for territory and a total lack of charisma and likeability".

It went on to say that Modi's speech did not focus on Pakistan except by implication.

"Also not lost were his references to India's large population, a way to position India as a major global market ... Climate change and poverty eradication, alongside terrorism, made up Modi's three main talking points."

The daily said that it is a credit to Modi's political acumen that he understands how important western public opinion is to shaping policy.

Source:- Modi overshadowed Nawaz Sharif at UN: Pakistani daily - The Times of India

Not a big deal & nothing to breg about. Even comparing Nawaz to NaMo is an insult to NaMo itself. I stay offended.

The only reason why India is so welcomed in western world is she could be used to leverage CHina. It is because India is now more strategically important to contain China than used to be. What else? a huge market for military weapons maybe. Don't take it for granted that India is gonna overshadow China with support from the west. You guys shall make your mind clear, don't be cheated by those petty favours and lip-service given by those whites. USA and Soviet did not fulfill their promise to help India when you guys launched attack to China in 1962.

Never bet your own life for others' benefits.

I think Nehru's most regretful thing is to attack China, he died of loss of prestiges.

As a CHinese, i expect Modi could be wise enough to deal with China in a sane way.

When did we attack china???? Yeah, there were incursions into disputed territory, But attacking china??? Where have you read that part of history mate.
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Sir failed sytem is not Failed State . India Failed system and Pakistan is a Failed State . Do u see the difference ?System can be improved but a failed cant be . Just think what will take to clean up pakistan mess internally ? It will implode if PA starts cleaning / clearing home grown terrorism / Talibans etc . Its a hard future ahead for pakistan .

Hahaha Ok no one cares about what china has or will do . Trust me :woot:
you do
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