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Modi Management: Indian economy to grow 9.9% in 2021 and 8.2% in 2022 says OECD

Long story short - Modi ruined Indian economy.

Your message is reflection of your (muslims) hatred towards him. Which major economy is not shrinking during this pandemic excluding Chinese ? We are a developing country and is hit severely by Covid but mint,the print is something which is known to fudge data and is known for writing against India.
Your message is reflection of your (muslims) hatred towards him. Which major economy is not shrinking during this pandemic excluding Chinese ? We are a developing country and is hit severely by Covid but mint,the print is something which is known to fudge data and is known for writing against India.

Yeah we Muslims are all Modi Haters and he did not screw up Indian Economy....

The proof is in the pudding buddy...pandemic is a flimsy excuse. Modi didn't plan crap for India.

Bangladesh will grow at least 4% probably 5%.
man, another projection :rofl:

didn’t u guys brag imf projection of 12.8% india growth a few month ago?

the only projection I can rely on is Indians are incompetent and self delusional, when the pressure is on, it will fail miserably like 1962 war and covid fuxx up

They are fascinated with projections. They either project their failures onto others or make wildly inaccurate projections about super powa status in the future.
Exactly brother! That is the clincher. :-)

By the way, that lady who is the Indian chief economist of IMF (Gita Gopinath) - has been contacted and "handled" by the Indian Govt. and RAW

She has been very critical of Indian govt in past and RW in India considers her to be anti-Indian. RAW and Indian govt doesn't have any power to manipulate such people. Even people who worked with Modi have spoken out living in India. Example Arvind Subramanian, the ex-chief economic advisor. You could also say RBI executive members (Acharya/Patel) who spoke out often against Modi's policies and RAW could do absolutely nothing. People outside India gives too much importance to RAW as if it has some huge CIA-like figure. Why would Gita care about what Modi says? Modi doesn't pay her salary. Not to forget she was born in Indian, now US citizen. It's hilarious to even think RAW has any control over chief economist of IMF.
Why we have a second thread on this 😂

We already have a thread on this:

Congratulations on the feet! Where's the party at?
It will still depend on Covid infection rate in India. The number is still huge which is 200.000 infection per day.

Even Malaysia which only have 6000 infection per day has undergone total lockdown since Today

128.000 now.

Nice, but if you dont be careful, the case will sky rocketing once again just like happening in the first months of 2021, and knowleadgeable and honest Indians are also aware that infection now go to rural areas where the testing rate is so minimal.

Last one, that number is still higher than Indian first wave peak infection rate
She has been very critical of Indian govt in past and RW in India considers her to be anti-Indian. RAW and Indian govt doesn't have any power to manipulate such people. Even people who worked with Modi have spoken out living in India. Example Arvind Subramanian, the ex-chief economic advisor. You could also say RBI executive members (Acharya/Patel) who spoke out often against Modi's policies and RAW could do absolutely nothing. People outside India gives too much importance to RAW as if it has some huge CIA-like figure. Why would Gita care about what Modi says? Modi doesn't pay her salary. Not to forget she was born in Indian, now US citizen. It's hilarious to even think RAW has any control over chief economist of IMF.

Ms. Gopinath is worried about (what we call in Bangladesh) Roti-Halwa prospects past current IMF tenure.

Fine and dandy she's Princeton-educated, a Harvard professor and current chief-economist of IMF blah-blah.

What about the future? These people are essentially like career diplomats, playing geopolitical games via monetary policy and economic predictions. At some point she will need leverage in India and China. More in India, since this is where her original roots were.

You don't think that she'd think twice about angering Modi (and the Indian govt. establishment baboos) ?

She is a smart woman, won't shoot herself in her own feet.

She used to work for the Kerala govt. back before she emigrated to Princeton to get her Ph.D.
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