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Modi Laoxian, 'Modi the immortal': Chinese netizens think Indian PM is different, amazing


Sep 20, 2014
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except for the fact that it means the old fairy; the old gandu; the old deceiver; charlatan; clown; leader of fools; liar etc. it is all good
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When our trade deficit with China is more than our defence budget, no wonder they love Modi. Who won't love such a faithful customer?
Amazing, different and immortal.

I think most people would agree that Modi amazes the world with his butchery, different because for an Indian, he does what he says like his active part in Gujarat massacre and yes for the above two reasons, he is as immortal as Gandhi.
Lol, 莫迪老仙, Indians mock Xi with a cartoon character and Chinese public mock Modi with this clown character, they are both inappropriate, people should refrain from hurling these insults.
The name of the Modi lao xian

Originated from Jin Yong's martial arts novel Ding Chunqiu's slogan in Tianlongbabu


The general meaning of the slogan is that Ding Chunqiu is an old immortal, full of magic, can solve all problems
As soon as Ding Chunqiu appeared, his disciples would shout slogans! Anyone who doesn't shout will be punished.

Ding Chunqiu kills people without batting an eyelid, he likes others to flatter him the most, but he hates others' flattery to get on the horse's hooves, so whenever he competes with others to gain the top spot, his disciples will flatter him loudly, but when him falling behind You must shut up quickly to avoid disaster.

Chinese use Lao xian to satirize Modi's personality cult in India
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