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Modi Government Plans On Introducing A Cow Ministry, Says BJP President Amit Shah

But Modi loves it, I guess.

Even "reservation" for certain "caste" is against the concept of Secularism and equality.

Political reality and the "secular" mindset of the Hindus need to be appeased with a "minority ministry".
Yes it should since it is against the concept of SECULARISM.


Its actually one of the ministries with results to show.

127 new Parsi babies. Bred like cuddly Pandas ...

Namo Namo Namo

Cheers, Doc
And I thought Pakistani politics is full of laugh but there is something for even greater laugh

Its actually one of the ministries with results to show.

127 new Parsi babies. Bred like cuddly Pandas ...

Namo Namo Namo

Cheers, Doc

I have already said "why" in my statement.

Maybe you are too stupid to even understand simple english.

Hopefully those baby parsi's will grow up to be Hindutvadi and not Hindu haters like you. If not, they too will fade into irrelevance like you.
Hopefully those baby parsi's will grow up to be Hindutvadi and not Hindu haters like you. If not, they too will fade into irrelevance like you.

Parsi babies will always grow up to be good Indians.

You can count on that.

Have you ever heard of a Parsi deshdrohi.

I can show you some in your community. Many in fact. And you've been on this soil a lot longer than the Parsis have.

So quit lecturing.

Cheers, Doc
Parsi babies will always grow up to be good Indians.

You can count on that.

Have you ever heard of a Parsi deshdrohi.

I can show you some in your community. Many in fact. And you've been on this soil a lot longer than the Parsis have.

So quit lecturing.

Cheers, Doc

LOL........... parsis were the partners to the British for their DRUG TRADE where they sold Opium to China :lol:

Parsis where partners to the british while they oppressed Hindus. Its only when they british turned on the parsis and treated them like other Hindus that the Parsis suddenly became "Patriot" :lol:

How do you think the Parsis got RICH during the British Raj ? :cheesy:
@Bibo everybody in this world has oppressed the hindus, starting from a bacteria to a mythical dragon.

True, so not don't complain when the Hindus get back at the bacteria to the mythical dragon to the barbaric Islamist.

Just think of it as karma. (It's a bitch)
True, so not don't complain when the Hindus get back at the bacteria to the mythical dragon to the barbaric Islamist.

Just think of it as karma. (It's a bitch)
so now u tell me what to do and what not ? s**la bhadwa thekedaar of dharma?
apna larma kar, fir dharma ka naara jap.
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