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MODI cleared Ishrat Murder

1. They were already milked of all the info. Read about it. 2 of them were under custody for 3 months. They must have been eliminated only after all the information was digested and only the waste remained to be disposed.

2. Do you mean that the minorities will identify with terrorists just because they are the same religion? If so, we dont need to reassure anyone. All countries place national security above rule of law and India need not be an exception. If one does not like it, he is free to leave.

3. Terrorists have have not yet committed an attack cannot be effectively punished under the present laws and will get bail sooner or later. What is the punishment for an intention which has not been carried out? At the most they can be punished for being members of banned outfits. That is why suspected terrorists are never caught, but always eliminated.

1)ishrat was killed in four days, even three months is a small period when compared to the long judicial process period as well as the possible punishment period..headly could speak about ishrat today because he is alive. police do not have the authority to decide the punishment otherwise why do we have judiciary ?
2) I did not mean minorities will identify themselves with terrorists, I mean there is a situation where Muslims are usual suspects and every body except Muslims are in agreement with this(well almost everybody ) , Muslims think many of this arrests and allegations are false and police is framing Muslims with this false cases, extra judicial killings will make their beliefs strong as there is no real arguments ,proof or assurance one can show against this belief , as a response to what they think is a act against Muslims, one or two among the millions of Muslims will decide to covert their anger into action, and this will again end when he gets killed in the same fashion(extra judicial killing) , and again more people will respond to that, only a fair trail can stop this chain reaction. National security is important, it's not above the law but defined and protected by law, and that's why we have extra privileges to police when ever, where ever it is necessary, these laws are made to give police more protection, privilege and freedom yet it gives the citizens minimum protection and rights, police men who want's absolute free hand and people who supporting an act of violation of this nations laws should leave the country, not the people who are questioning a target killing or people who supports the point that police should follow the due process of law.
3) A person caught while doing terror activities can be poured with numerous charges including wagging war against country, Indian laws are not made by fools.
There were couple of guys who threw acid at innocent girl just because she refused to fall in line with one stupid guy...Raja Shekar reddy was a CM of Andhra at that time..he ordered the police to catch those culprits and encounter them without any inquiry...believe me, Raja Shekar Reddy became an hero overnight....

Imagine, how people think about known terrorist....what is the wrong there in this encounter? Nothing...

Congress, which killed thousands of sikhs just because who killed Indira Gandhi happened to be Sikhs...have no moral rights to take a dig at this...

EPIC ............:angel:

Raja Shekar Reddy was a Christian and the encounter killing was of a Hindu..............funny how the 'secularist' dont cry for this obvious Religious murder :coffee:

Why is there no Judicial enquiry over this ? .......can we safely assume Hindus are second class citizens in India ?
EPIC ............:angel:

Raja Shekar Reddy was a Christian and the encounter killing was of a Hindu..............funny how the 'secularist' dont cry for this obvious Religious murder :coffee:

Why is there no Judicial enquiry over this ? .......can we safely assume Hindus are second class citizens in India ?

Your context is very wrong...
People in our region took that as a positive step towards stopping this idiotic sadistic behavior...

fact is that..it helped in controlling the stupid and unhealthy actions from such an idiots...

Why is it not good when you encounter a terrorist whose whole life ambition is to inflict terror in India?

I can assure you Congress people...you guys are going to learn a lesson of your life time...it is due very soon...
1)ishrat was killed in four days, even three months is a small period when compared to the long judicial process period as well as the possible punishment period..headly could speak about ishrat today because he is alive. police do not have the authority to decide the punishment otherwise why do we have judiciary ?
2) I did not mean minorities will identify themselves with terrorists, I mean there is a situation where Muslims are usual suspects and every body except Muslims are in agreement with this(well almost everybody ) , Muslims think many of this arrests and allegations are false and police is framing Muslims with this false cases, extra judicial killings will make their beliefs strong as there is no real arguments ,proof or assurance one can show against this belief , as a response to what they think is a act against Muslims, one or two among the millions of Muslims will decide to covert their anger into action, and this will again end when he gets killed in the same fashion(extra judicial killing) , and again more people will respond to that, only a fair trail can stop this chain reaction. National security is important, it's not above the law but defined and protected by law, and that's why we have extra privileges to police when ever, where ever it is necessary, these laws are made to give police more protection, privilege and freedom yet it gives the citizens minimum protection and rights, police men who want's absolute free hand and people who supporting an act of violation of this nations laws should leave the country, not the people who are questioning a target killing or people who supports the point that police should follow the due process of law.
3) A person caught while doing terror activities can be poured with numerous charges including wagging war against country, Indian laws are not made by fools.

1. Sorry! The concept of Rule of Law was made for a kinder, gentler world where only the state had a monopoly on violence - not for times when non state actors are in possession of huge finances and deadly arms and the margin of error for security forces does not exist.

2. Why are you getting into the minds of Muslims and speaking on their behalf? Why should a muslim think that all of them are presumed to be terrorists? We all have numerous Muslim colleagues - do we presume they have terroristic tendencies.

3. Your ignorance of laws is stark. A person apprehended on an IB tipoff cannot be charged with waging war against the country unless he is caught in the act or is carrying illegal arms/ bombs etc. The police will have a very weak case and such fellows will get bail pronto. And if you are so hung up on laws then tell me why laws with teeth - POTA / TADA, are always opposed by wooly headed persons like you?
This is a difficult choice. On one side Congress, need anything be said about them? On the other the horde of amateur jingos on the thread, many of whom have opined earlier that its perfectly OK if they try to besiege the parliament and try to strike down the constitution of the land, with one going as far as to state that weapons should be procured from Pakistan. :sick: Oh wait, it isn't so difficult since the said horde neither in power nor do their flight of fancy represent the policies of the party they support. Still the undisputed champions of douchebaggery- Congress! Politicize everything under the sun, now will it be inconceivable to imagine that the next terrorist caught will give it his/her best to squirrel out by stating that the police have framed the charges/ plan to kill him or her in a fake encounter or have profiled on the basis of religion. Way to go babus, ruin the the rule of law in the name of politics, itni hi khujli thi toh 5 saal pehele book karte inko- tab tindon ki tereh maun wrat le rakha tha and now they're trying to throw an IB officer under the bus. :sick:
again- You don't just walk and shoot anyone on the road. You arrest them and present evidence of their being terrorist to court. It is rgar COURT that decides whether they are terrorists or not- Not IB and definitely not You.

Yes so true just like Delhi police and Delhi CM did in case of Batla house encounter. Oh wait, did that really happened? Were those folks brought to the court, evidences produced? Or Police just encountered them because nothing better can be done to a terrorist. I support knocking down the terrorist scums before they hurt innocent people. Terrorists are the worst form of life in this world and its better they are sent gods way as soon as their intent are known.
This is a difficult choice. On one side Congress, need anything be said about them? On the other the horde of amateur jingos on the thread, many of whom have opined earlier that its perfectly OK if they try to besiege the parliament and try to strike down the constitution of the land, with one going as far as to state that weapons should be procured from Pakistan. :sick: Oh wait, it isn't so difficult since the said horde neither in power nor do their flight of fancy represent the policies of the party they support. Still the undisputed champions of douchebaggery- Congress! Politicize everything under the sun, now will it be inconceivable to imagine that the next terrorist caught will give it his/her best to squirrel out by stating that the police have framed the charges/ plan to kill him or her in a fake encounter or have profiled on the basis of religion. Way to go babus, ruin the the rule of law in the name of politics, itni hi khujli thi toh 5 saal pehele book karte inko- tab tindon ki tereh maun wrat le rakha tha and now they're trying to throw an IB officer under the bus. :sick:

Gujarat HC asked CBI to investigate the case after SIT submitted report that encounter is not genuine in nov 2011,charge-sheet in 2 years is not that bad.
All the Rashtradrohi's / traitor's platitudes about rule of law is akin to Gandhi's advice to Punjabi refujees that they should allow the Muslims to kill them. He also advised women not to resist when raped so that the rapist is satisfied early and goes away. Had this advice been taken, many of these Rashtradrohis would not have been born. Fortunately, inspite of Gandhi's sincere attempts, we are not all pus**es.

we asked you to leave the country
Yes so true just like Delhi police and Delhi CM did in case of Batla house encounter. Oh wait, did that really happened? Were those folks brought to the court, evidences produced? Or Police just encountered them because nothing better can be done to a terrorist. I support knocking down the terrorist scums before they hurt innocent people. Terrorists are the worst form of life in this world and its better they are sent gods way as soon as their intent are known.

Again- anyone opening fire at law enforcers can be shot at. All agencies allow retaliatory fire at attackers. all agencies also insist that in case you surround them first, you give them warning, ask them to surrender, if not take action. You can BS your theories all you want but if in the USA (where you are happily spewing this c*ap), if a single incident happens where sufficient warning or else evidence of firing only in self defence is not produced, the said cops will FRY.

Who will take him:P

Good question :undecided:
exactly, same way we need to keep home grown terrorists a fair trail.
1) we will get valuable info during his arrest and long judicial process period.we can question him when ever a new info comes across other terror activities.further if he is on life term or something that opportunity extends to some more time till his info goes out of date.
2) it reassures the international community as well as his religious/ community members, and human right activists that he/she is indeed guilty. this will prevent a lot of rumours, noises and will prevent more people doing such terrorists activities in revenge/response of what they believe is a target killing of innocent Muslims (or of any group ).A fair trail by keeping him alive will save a lot of trouble.
3) giving free hand to police means giving room for a lot of personal, political, revenges and target killing of innocents, or even criminals who dose not deserve death penalty.

The problem here is that on one hand people, CBI etc turns blind eye to encounters like Batla House where blame comes to Congress but the same people accuse Gujarat police actions. Why??
Even IB has a case to prove in court right? The question is, if there was a possibility of arresting them, they should have arrested them. You don't go with all guns blazing if you can avoid it. The only situation when you are allowed to do that is in self defence.

so that you can ensure,those traitors get their daily biryani quota &AC room,out of taxpayers hard earned money???
i thought you were only obsessed with italian mafia!!!:hitwall:
The problem here is that on one hand people, CBI etc turns blind eye to encounters like Batla House where blame comes to Congress but the same people accuse Gujarat police actions. Why??

You should understand the difference,congress may be politicizing this case but case is being monitored by Gujarat HC.
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