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There is nothing wrong if the caste is just taken as another identity like linguistic identity within the over-arching Hindu identity.

The first goal must be to abolish the discrimination based on that.

What I'm saying is anyone must be able to do the job of the Brahmin without the need to call himself a Brahmin.

I'm not disputing that. (if you remember me we had 'quite' a discussion on this and this is my stand too :azn:). But I;m highlighting a contradiction- how can you want to undermine caste and take pride in it at the same time? The 'label' is never just a word, it always brings underlying meaning to a line.
I'm not disputing that. (if you remember me we had 'quite' a discussion on this and this is my stand too :azn:). But I;m highlighting a contradiction- how can you want to undermine caste and take pride in it at the same time? The 'label' is never just a word, it always brings underlying meaning to a line.

What I'm saying is of a clan system as opposed to the caste. Clan system just groups people with similar culture without actually discriminating based on that. It is just an identity and not a medium of discrimination.

Once that primary purpose of stopping discrimination is achieved, then what happens from there can be discussed.
You didnt get the point.

The mentality of thinking that the guy at the top is a Brahmin must go. By making the guy at the top as a Brahmin, we automatically invent a name for those at the bottom.

The caste system has outlived its utility and a reformation is needed in Hinduism to stress on the Hindu identity and Hindu identity alone without the divisive caste factor. That is the only hope Hinduism has to face the factors that are trying to undermine it.

I'm surprised that you have not heard of the story of Ram touching the feet of elderly tribal woman Sabari who had been waiting for a darshan of him for many years.

No one has claimed 'Brahmin' is at the top....that is your assumption and counter argument....... in other words a Strawman argument.

You are trying to eliminate the word 'Brahmin' by attaching a negative symbolism to it ...much like the word 'Nigger' :lol: Are you also for eliminating 'Priest', 'Mullah', 'Rabi' as well ?

Caste is a job description ...... the way forward is to put it in its proper place, not throw out the baby with the bath water.

Cant discuss Ramayana here so here's a link for you.....
Shabari - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
No one has claimed 'Brahmin' is at the top....that is your assumption and counter argument....... in other words a Strawman argument.

You are trying to eliminate the word 'Brahmin' by attaching a negative symbolism to it ...much like the word 'Nigger' :lol: Are you also for eliminating 'Priest', 'Mullah', 'Rabi' as well ?

Caste is a job description ...... the way forward is to put it in its proper place, not throw out the baby with the bath water.

Cant discuss Ramayana here so here's a link for you.....
Shabari - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Caste was a job description..perhaps 1000 years before. Not now. Now your bloodlines determine that.

You should read people's views before commenting on that.

The 'idea' that one who does puja must be a brahmin must go. Rather "he is a Hindu, hence he can do the puja" must come.

Or in other words, the idea of hereditary work must go.
Caste was a job description..perhaps 1000 years before. Not now. Now your bloodlines determine that.

You should read people's views before commenting on that.

The 'idea' that one who does puja must be a brahmin must go. Rather "he is a Hindu, hence he can do the puja" must come.

Even today any Hindu can do a puja at home.

Only a Brahmin can do puja in a temple where 'prana prathista' is done. Anyone could have become a Brahmin even 200 years back...only it was more difficult to find a teacher. Even today, anyone can become a Brahmin if he choose to be. No one choose it anymore as its not lucrative.

I dont have to view comments from ignorant people to define hinduism. I would rather view comments from people knowledgeable in Hinduism and make comments.

In Hinduism there are Eight kinds of marriages :

1. Brahma Vivah
2. Daiva Vivah
3. Arsha Vivah
4. Gandharva Vivah
5. Prajapatya Vivah
6. Asura Vivah
7. Rakshasa Vivah
8. Paishacha Vivah
9. Swaymvara

9th has to be legalized by either by Brahma Vivah, Daiva Vivah, Arsha Vivah, or Gandharva Vivah.

Only a Brahmin can do puja in a temple where 'prana prathista' is done....

This is what that needs to be changed.

Any Hindu who is well versed in the scriptures and rituals of Hinduism must be eligible for the job of doing puja in the temple.

A brahmin does not have any special genes which the pujas he does any more special.

There are plenty of famous temples in Tamil Nadu which use 'pandarams' who are neither brahmins nor use sanskrit for the pujas.
This is what that needs to be changed.

Anyone who is well versed in the scriptures and rituals of Hinduism must be eligible for the job of doing puja in the temple.

....anyone well versed in the scriptures and rituals of Hinduism is called a 'Brahmin' even today is is eligible to do puja in the temple.

There is nothing to change.

A brahmin does not have any special genes which the pujas he does any more special.

.....thanks for letting us know that. ....dont know how we missed out that ...

There are plenty of famous temples in Tamil Nadu which use 'pandarams' who are neither brahmins nor use sanskrit for the pujas.

These are 'temples' which have come up without 'prana prathista' of the deity. The kind that was demolished by Modi to build roads.

..btw can you name some of these 'famous' temples ?
....anyone well versed in the scriptures and rituals of Hinduism is called a 'Brahmin' even today is is eligible to do puja in the temple.

No. you very well know that is not the case. A brahmin today is born, not created.
No. you very well know that is not the case. A brahmin today is born, not created.

When was the last time you actually spoke to a real Brahmin and learnt Hinduism ? and not formed opinions based on western and 'secular' Indian propaganda ?
I lol'd at his notion of the due rights of Muslims;

Muslim right#12654- The right to tap Hindu booty without oppression from Hindu parents!!! :lol:

Finished reading your novel BTW. Very well written indeed.

Am glad you liked it - did you get it off flipkart or in a bookstore?
When was the last time you actually spoke to a real Brahmin and learnt Hinduism ? and not formed opinions based on western and 'secular' Indian propaganda ?

Bullshit. Dont try this 'western' and 'secular' propaganda card with me. For 26 years in India i have grown, lived, studied, worked, drinked and roamed with Brahmins.

Not only Brahmin, any caste, people are born into and they cannot move out of it or into any other caste.

This caste-by-birth that is entrenched today needs to change.

Your argument of 'true hinduism' and 'true brahmins' is like those Islamists who say read the 'true Quran' and meet 'true muslims' to escape from the uneasy questions and blame zionist propaganda to defame them..
Modi is encroaching on Mayavati's domain. Behnji won't be too happy!
Bullshit. Dont try this 'western' and 'secular' propaganda card with me. For 26 years in India i have grown, lived, studied, worked, drinked and roamed with Brahmins.

Not only Brahmin, any caste, people are born into and they cannot move out of it or into any other caste.

This caste-by-birth that is entrenched today needs to change.

Your argument of 'true hinduism' and 'true brahmins' is like those Islamists who say read the 'true Quran' and meet 'true muslims' to escape from the uneasy questions and blame zionist propaganda to defame them..

WOW ....grown, lived, studied, worked, drinked and roamed with Brahmins. That must make you a scholar in Hinduism ...nothing more to say.
WOW ....grown, lived, studied, worked, drinked and roamed with Brahmins. That must make you a scholar in Hinduism ...nothing more to say.

He is correct ! caste is a problem and is by birth from at least 2000 years.
WOW ....grown, lived, studied, worked, drinked and roamed with Brahmins. That must make you a scholar in Hinduism ...nothing more to say.

Yes I know.

Your line of argument about asking people to "read on Hinduism" or "talk with real Brahmins" is the same as those Islamist apologists who want to deflect the criticism by asking the critics to "go read real Islam" or "read real Quran" etc.

I'm not even talking about Hinduism here. Hinduism as a faith does not provide for caste-by-birth that is in vogue today. This is a social anomaly that needs to be rectified.

The caste-by-birth that is in vogue for some hundred years and it needs to change. That is fact you cannot deny by just asking me "go talk with real Brahmins".
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