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Modi and his crazy sanghis revoke democracy for Kashmir (Article 370 of Indian Occupied Kashmir)

Been doing that for a long time.

Not very bright are you dear, never mind. We don't retaliate on LOC but controlled and targetted response for a reason.

Did you forget how Indian Army Brigade HQ was Targetted on 27th that jolted your Army chief's hearing as he was sitting inside at the time?
@waz Do you know you are satirizing your own position by the altered title.

Saying Modi and Sanghis abolished democracy, you are admitting Kashmir had democracy for 70 years prior to this which invalidates Pakistan's case of Kashmir under being occupation. Democracy being counter-point to Occupation.

Good Luck and God Bless!
I was only asking if Pakistan was willing to fight for Kashmir Valley. Was never a bright person.
You jumped the gun, relax dear, read the complete post again.
I was only asking if Pakistan was willing to fight for Kashmir Valley. Was never a bright person.

If Pakistanis can fight for Dhaka till the very end, we will fight for Kashmir till the world ends.

What did Hasina say on this? and not putting you on the spot here with this
It's party time. I cant hold my happiness. Beer and fruits on the table.

All talk and no action.......

What more (perceived) provocation do you need?

Aur kya karvana chahte ho bhai ? what else is left to be done ? India when no one expected suddenly nailed the Kashmir bud. Its done from our side. Article 370 even since inception proved to be the thorn for Indian side which we have removed completely. Kashmir in actual terms is like any other border state of India. Heck, its not even a state now but a union territory. India plans to do nothing else in that regard. Now you have to figure out whether this is provocation or not.

Has Imran Khan issued any statement or is he waiting for the script to be sent from pindi to read out?

why dont you test your mard e momin missaaless !! see it for yourself.. oh wait.. you have no money to even launch a pencil ..

war is war.. it bleeds economy .. btw india is also 10x bigger than you.. so do the math for your side how long you can fight.
secondly.. it has been already scrapped and will go to president to sign.. by mid-night 12am all is gone.. I'm loving it !!

If Pakistanis can fight for Dhaka till the very end, we will fight for Kashmir till the world ends.

What did Hasina say on this? and not putting you on the spot here with this
Good luck. May you guys be successful.
@waz Do you know you are satirizing your own position by the altered title.

Saying Modi and Sanghis abolished democracy, you are admitting Kashmir had democracy for 70 years prior to this which invalidates Pakistan's case of Kashmir under being occupation. Democracy being counter-point to Occupation.

Good Luck and God Bless!
Sham democracy dear, there is no question about a sham democracy drama being played on Kashmiris for so many years...

Now the Bitcher sorry Butcher of Gujrat has even snatched the cloak of democracy off of Naked Indian occupation.
The real scientists who worked on the nuclear projects have never said that nukes can destroy like magic bomb. In fact, most of the opinion is that nukes were disappointing.

Giving excuses about USSR not using nukes doesn't make sense. USA involved directly by training Mujahideen in Chechnya, Afghanistan, Yugoslavia etc. Arabs were directly involved in giving logistics and even sending its own men to fight by opening borders. This was a proxy war with USA but direct war with Arabs, Pakistan and it Muslim allies. USSR could use nukes on pakistan to stop Pakistan from sending Taliban fighters from Pakistan training camp.

It is a fact that nukes are overrated. You can live in day dreams but this is a fact
Please give reference of single scientist to support your claim.You have no evidence of what you are claiming about.If nukes were so incapable u.s would have invaded russia and china long ago asthey have much superior non nuclear weapons than rest of the world.Nukes are reality ,if they are ineffective india should giveup its nukes
Please let me know what you are smoking at the moment. LOL :omghaha::omghaha::omghaha:

Did peerni warn Immy about how things will unfold? One niazi handed over bangladesh and this one kashmir.

kaptaan careem ko bolo phir kisi sheikh ko drive pe le ke jaye

Has 35a been scrapped? That should be done as a priority.

only if ur govt could give u the money to use it....:/

even if i agree with you for a 0000.1 second .. fact is you have no money.. we have. Boom !!
now i cant wait to buy a piece of land in laddakh !! go visit there on summer.. enjoy the view with beer in hand... dreams are indeed coming true..
gotta go.. ciao.. happy crying !

Yes ispr will issue a statement saying this is a big victory for Pakistan soon

Well can't you see 10x India just messed up with Pakistan today and there is hardly anything that Pakistan can do about it. :azn:

Land belonged to Kashmiri Pandits too, but i didn't see you people complaining when they were kicked out and butchered from their own homes.

Hopefully shame of our Sovereign Union of India can be lessened. Nothing can compensate for their decades of misery but hopefully healing process can be commenced and soon they can return to their homes.

It was never the Pakistan which stopped us till now but cowardice of our Political Leadership. If this step was taken in '65 then Kashmir issue would have been done and dusted with.

just celebration tweets

@ranjeet soch Raha hun.. ek plot khareed Lun.. Kashmir main.. Abhi sasta hoga...

Aaja agal lenge Ghar.. :welcome:

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