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Modi and his crazy sanghis revoke democracy for Kashmir (Article 370 of Indian Occupied Kashmir)

India has now made enemy of those people who were supporting it in Kashmir. It has effectively shot itself in the foot.

Modi seems to think it is Gujarat and that it will be forgotten in no time. This is a major mistake.
lel bring it on. i am from odisha. chk our hisory how we dealt with your birathers long before mudi or rss walas came into picture. One thing write it down, modi didnt start all this, he is a product of the process and he too will be shown the door if he falters. He is the means not the end. about your survival skills, yes you will be kept alive, as a token, a sorry reminder of your sorry civilisation.
Just another keyboard warrior.
You should indeed be proud of your vedic civilization where fighter jets and nukes were invented.
Pratically speaking, we are yet to see who will actually move to Kashmir. I doubt anyone will. Not to the valley at least.
Have you ever Imagined why do some MUSLIMS are JATT, RAJPUT, GUJJAR... because they were weak...

If you are weak... you won't survive in front of STRONGER...

India and Pakistan got Independent because... UK was too weak to handle its COLONY after the world war 2... and yes, borders keep changing... Who knows it better than India and Pakistan...

Are you suggesting they were indians who converted? Truth is, the people of modern day Pakistan and their ancestors were ALWAYS racially different to the peoples of modern day india. Even before the advent of ISLAM.
India lost afghanistan and now in envy and jealousy did this stupid act they might loose kashmir in coming days and may he a new home for muslims of india a new country a new home for muslims .. Two nation theory 2.0
It will be challenged in Supreme Court .
But precedents have been set ,Andhra pradesh assembly also rejected the centre's proposal for bifurcation.It happened.

Yes. But I guess you are not aware of Article 3. What is required is consultation and view of the assembly, not its consent.

But in this case I'm afraid any such consultation or views were asked. That itself give a possibility for SC to ask the center to consult the state assembly before implementation which means another election soon.:-)
Teez bukhar lagta hay...

aap tu meri zuban bolnay lagay...

magar naam GOP ka laytay ho...

kia aadhay sar ka bukhar bhee hota hay?

GoP has legal blame for this for her utter failure of aggressive diplomacy in Kashmir specially after this current government raised populist slogans like '' Modi ka Jo yaar hai '' during elections.

You haven't answer any thing but start showing old age is getting you ….. How easy you are losing cool ……
  1. Take Kashmir by force , all-out war , kill 1+billion ad world with you. And I am all IN for this .. Let us finish this once and for all..
  2. Stay where you are , accept LOC as border , let india do whatever they want to do in Kashmir and with Kashmiris ,, this will break Pakistan , end of elite and some establishment ..
  3. Sit on table , Keep what we have and Take Jamu(Valley) and some parts of Ladakh … Give others to india .. win-win for both and no war ……
Chose one from above .. Remember we are alone in all this ….. Facing 2.5 front …… Brotherly nations ready to attack Pakistan ….. Rest …… age is getting you.. and sufferings of Kashmiri people getting me..

We know what we have to do. Its the peaceful GoP that is parroting Indian designs in the region with Iran.

They sold us out .

You cannot even protest. They will sell you to Gitmo Bay for economic gains.
The valley has been effectively isolated...ladak always wanted to end terrorism and wanted peace in the region...one of their major wishes for decades had been to run away from the mullah administration of kashmir and become a union territory...they are very happy now and are celebrating...the other part is already very pro india...so the view that this has made india weak...is what to say ...lack of analytical skill ? i dont know...but shows how uninformed some posters are of ground realities.

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