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Modernized T-90 Can Bury the Project of New Russian Tank T-14 Armata

Major Shaitan Singh

Dec 7, 2010
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Modernization of the T-90S Main battle tank can be an alternative to the new Russian tank Tank T-14 Armata. The reasons for this are two – inflated price Uralvagonzavod and inconsistency approved specifications. Earlier media reports said that the russian military criticize the T-14 Armata tank for its price being too high. The manufacturer said it would work on lowering the price.

Modernization of the T-90S can provide opportunities of new generation tank at a much lower price. The proposed tank upgrades include improved automotive components, enhanced protection by reactive, passive and countermeasure systems improving the tank’s protection against guided missiles; the firepower enhancements rely on comprehensive modernization of the turret systems, including a new automatic fire control system, stabilized day/night sights and auto-tracking capability.

The modernized T-90 uses early warning threat sensors and countermeasure to protect the tank over 360 degrees. The system relies on two types of detectors, offering coarse threat detection over 270 degrees (sides and rear of the turret), employing instant multi-spectral smoke screen, while the fine threat detectors are employed over the turret’s frontal 90 degree arc, driving electro-optical countermeasures.

As told “Gazeta.ru” a senior source in the Ministry of Defense, the military is not satisfied with the price of production samples and characteristics of the prototype T-14 “Armata”. “We have two complaints: one economic plan, and the other – the process. Inflated prices are not at times, but significant. “- said the source.

The Armata is designed as a modular universal combat platform that could be used as a basis for a variety of combat vehicles, including fire support, mine clearing, heavy flame throwing and bridge laying vehicles. Although the new tank remains top-secret, Uralvagonzavod has said that its design incorporates elements seen in other projects, including Object 195 and Black Eagle. It will also reportedly feature a remotely controlled gun and fully automated loading, as well as a separate crew compartment made from composite materials and protected by multilayered armor.

Earlier, the Defense Ministry said the Russian Ground Forces will get 2,300 Armatas by 2020. But now just ordered a pilot batch of tanks and on May 9 the new tanks will take part in the Victory Day parade in Moscow.

The final decision on the purchase of machines T-14 Armata or modernized T-90 will be made in January 2015, after the official presentation.
Give T-90MS to New Russia. Use Armata for Russian army.
T14 appears to be far more advanced than a T90 upgrade. It will be interesting to lurk around Moscow on May 9 to get some views of the T14.
T-90SA in 1/35 m from Eugene Yashkina

I would like to submit an excellent model remarkable master: T-90SA from Eugene Yashkina. Chosen as the prototype export version of the Russian tank repeatedly demonstrated at the exhibition of arms Russian Expo Arms in Nizhny Tagil.

As the author himself says: "Model - Assorted hellish!" The basis was taken from the body T-72M1 TAMIYA. Tower, air conditioning and rollers production MINIARM. Trunk - Model Point (Magic Models). Caterpillar on MENG Model. Used as various small things on the model T-90 "Stars" and the remains of the etching VOYAGER Model for all the same T-90 from "Stars". Well, basically, of course, is the result of the gold hands of the master! In general, admire (all photos are clickable):

Based on what I've read, one of the biggest weaknesses of the T72 family is their propensity for ammunition explosion after armor penetration. This is almost never thru the front glacis plate but that still leaves a 270 degree window of vulnerability.
This was seen in IRaq, Yugoslavia, Georgia, and recently Ukraine. almost every time you see a destroyed tank the turret has been blown off and is sitting upside down or to the side of the chassis.
As told “Gazeta.ru” a senior source in the Ministry of Defense, the military is not satisfied with the price of production samples and characteristics of the prototype T-14 “Armata”. “We have two complaints: one economic plan, and the other – the process. Inflated prices are not at times, but significant. “- said the source.
the price is too high if you don't consider how vulnerable your current tanks and their crews are in the T-family of MBT's.

From RT

The new Armata armored tracked platform has reportedly combined and assimilated all the last decade’s major developments and innovations in battle vehicle design and construction.
The platform’s chief tank (T-14) sports an unmanned remotely controlled turret armed with a brand new 125 mm 2A82-1M smoothbore cannon. Its muzzle energy is greater than one of the world’s previously considered best cannons: the German Leopard-2 Rheinmetall 120 mm gun.
The 125 mm gun has 15-20 percent improved accuracy and its rolling fire angular dispersion has improved 1.7 times.According to Russian media, the Armata tank might also come with a specially developed 152 mm gun, the most powerful ever cannon to be mounted on a main battle tank.

The tank’s turret will also carry a 30 mm sub-caliber ranging gun to deal with various targets, including low-flying aerial targets, such as attack planes and helicopters.A 12.5 mm turret-mounted heavy machine gun is reportedly capable of taking out incoming projectiles, such as anti-tank missiles. It’s capable of neutralizing shells approaching at speeds of up to 3,000 meters per second.

The tank’s crew is securely enclosed in a multi-layer armored capsule separated from the ammunition container. The vehicle is fully computerized and only needs two servicemen to operate it. Each can also deploy the tank’s weapon systems.The tank’s targeting is reportedly done with an active-phased array antenna and a large variety of other sensors.The Armata platform allegedly has a fully mechanized electric transmission, powered by a 1,200 HP diesel engine. For greater efficiency, maintenance and repair schedules have been extended.Within its blueprint, the Armata armored vehicle has the potential to evolve into a fully robotic battle vehicle.According to preliminary estimates, 2,300 units are required for the Russian army.
Based on what I've read, one of the biggest weaknesses of the T72 family is their propensity for ammunition explosion after armor penetration. This is almost never thru the front glacis plate but that still leaves a 270 degree window of vulnerability.
This was seen in IRaq, Yugoslavia, Georgia, and recently Ukraine. almost every time you see a destroyed tank the turret has been blown off and is sitting upside down or to the side of the chassis.
the price is too high if you don't consider how vulnerable your current tanks and their crews are in the T-family of MBT's.

From RT

The new Armata armored tracked platform has reportedly combined and assimilated all the last decade’s major developments and innovations in battle vehicle design and construction.
The platform’s chief tank (T-14) sports an unmanned remotely controlled turret armed with a brand new 125 mm 2A82-1M smoothbore cannon. Its muzzle energy is greater than one of the world’s previously considered best cannons: the German Leopard-2 Rheinmetall 120 mm gun.
The 125 mm gun has 15-20 percent improved accuracy and its rolling fire angular dispersion has improved 1.7 times.According to Russian media, the Armata tank might also come with a specially developed 152 mm gun, the most powerful ever cannon to be mounted on a main battle tank.

The tank’s turret will also carry a 30 mm sub-caliber ranging gun to deal with various targets, including low-flying aerial targets, such as attack planes and helicopters.A 12.5 mm turret-mounted heavy machine gun is reportedly capable of taking out incoming projectiles, such as anti-tank missiles. It’s capable of neutralizing shells approaching at speeds of up to 3,000 meters per second.

The tank’s crew is securely enclosed in a multi-layer armored capsule separated from the ammunition container. The vehicle is fully computerized and only needs two servicemen to operate it. Each can also deploy the tank’s weapon systems.The tank’s targeting is reportedly done with an active-phased array antenna and a large variety of other sensors.The Armata platform allegedly has a fully mechanized electric transmission, powered by a 1,200 HP diesel engine. For greater efficiency, maintenance and repair schedules have been extended.Within its blueprint, the Armata armored vehicle has the potential to evolve into a fully robotic battle vehicle.According to preliminary estimates, 2,300 units are required for the Russian army.

Needing only two tanks crews is a very very big plus, especially for countries that can't spare manpower like the UAE and Saudi Arabia to a lesser extent, it means more Tanks in the field for less people manning it.
Yes, BUT, this also poses some questions as well. Traditionally the Tank had a 5 man crew, the driver, gunner, loader, radio-operator/machine gunner, and commander. Quickly after WW2 technology got rid of the radio operator, then in the T-72 series the Russians were the first AFAIK to get rid of the loader with an auto-loading cannon, reducing the crew to 3 . Now we're down to 2, I'm guessing it's the commander and driver.

You have to have a person who is in command, both for situational awareness, coordination with other tanks /infantry, and a focused , cohesive control of the vehicle and it's actions. Those judgement calls on which targets to engage, where to position the vehicle, etc. are critical. The driver is also critical to guide the vehicle , there is no computer that can survey a battlefield and decide where to go , at what speed, what obstacles to hide behind, etc.

That leaves the gunner, and this is where the Russians have probably used computer automation to eliminate another man. the Gun is now just loaded automatically but also aimed and fired automatically where the commander is looking. The M1Abrams already has this aiming feature integrated into the gunners helmet so it's not a huge leap.The biggest difference is that now there is actually no living person in the turret itself, which is pretty amazing if you think about it.That's why it's so low and wedge shaped, it doesn't have to hold a human body.

the problem is that now your placing an even bigger mental demand on the commander, and your training requirements go way up. Someone still has to decide and initiate what kind of ammo to load, HE, armor piercing, fragmentation? Then be in command, communication, and coordination with all supporting forces This isn't a vehicle you'll be taking into a modern battlefield effectively after a 2 month training course. You will need hundreds of hours in a very expensive simulator before this vehicle can be used to it's full possibility.

the second issue is your relying a lot on a computer. In addition to loading and firing the main cannon, the 2 extra smaller defensive cannon, if they make it to the production vehicle, will have to be fully controlled by a logic circuit. Since the smaller cannon cannot rotate independently of the turret, what takes precedence. The main gun being brought to bear on a opposing tank, or the smaller guns to tackle and incoming missile or Apache helicopter :)

The biggest danger here is friendly fire on supporting troops or aircraft like strike fighters and combat helicopters from the smaller guns. You better have a really well integrated friend-or-foe transponder system to pull this off. I think it's possible, and Russians have revolutionized tank design before starting with the T34 and then the T72, they're due for another break-thru.

video showing at 0:30 and 1:06 the front view and commander and drivers vision ports, although I'm sure a comprehensive 360 video screen wall is available too. It's funny that the position which used to be the "bow gunner/radio operator" and was the first one eliminated historicaly, is now (presumably) the commanders position

i like (armata) a new white paper design rather then some upgrad verson of t-90. there is a limit how much you can upgrad a old platfrom.:coffee:
It's not like Russian armed forces need more money to build surface warships and their Navy, instead they should equipped their army with much better armament as it will be in line with their projected threats which solely based on the ground and Air.

Modernization of the T-90S Main battle tank can be an alternative to the new Russian tank Tank T-14 Armata. The reasons for this are two – inflated price Uralvagonzavod and inconsistency approved specifications. Earlier media reports said that the russian military criticize the T-14 Armata tank for its price being too high. The manufacturer said it would work on lowering the price.

Modernization of the T-90S can provide opportunities of new generation tank at a much lower price. The proposed tank upgrades include improved automotive components, enhanced protection by reactive, passive and countermeasure systems improving the tank’s protection against guided missiles; the firepower enhancements rely on comprehensive modernization of the turret systems, including a new automatic fire control system, stabilized day/night sights and auto-tracking capability.

The modernized T-90 uses early warning threat sensors and countermeasure to protect the tank over 360 degrees. The system relies on two types of detectors, offering coarse threat detection over 270 degrees (sides and rear of the turret), employing instant multi-spectral smoke screen, while the fine threat detectors are employed over the turret’s frontal 90 degree arc, driving electro-optical countermeasures.

As told “Gazeta.ru” a senior source in the Ministry of Defense, the military is not satisfied with the price of production samples and characteristics of the prototype T-14 “Armata”. “We have two complaints: one economic plan, and the other – the process. Inflated prices are not at times, but significant. “- said the source.

The Armata is designed as a modular universal combat platform that could be used as a basis for a variety of combat vehicles, including fire support, mine clearing, heavy flame throwing and bridge laying vehicles. Although the new tank remains top-secret, Uralvagonzavod has said that its design incorporates elements seen in other projects, including Object 195 and Black Eagle. It will also reportedly feature a remotely controlled gun and fully automated loading, as well as a separate crew compartment made from composite materials and protected by multilayered armor.

Earlier, the Defense Ministry said the Russian Ground Forces will get 2,300 Armatas by 2020. But now just ordered a pilot batch of tanks and on May 9 the new tanks will take part in the Victory Day parade in Moscow.

The final decision on the purchase of machines T-14 Armata or modernized T-90 will be made in January 2015, after the official presentation.

Which means they will omit some features, probably, in order to keep costs down.
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