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Modern times?: more savage than "dark ages".


May 27, 2015
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This thread is all about my observations.
Human today, only pose to be more mannered, more humble, yet are more ignorant and dark deep inside. We are evolving into some creatures who are less and less sensitive about the well being of others. Overall dependence on technology has stolen the essence of life. Now here are some examples how:

1) Its war theater in many many countries. Humans are dying like flies. But the countries far away from these horrors of war are just crying on refugees? Amazing. No UN , no NATO no nothing. What bunch of hypocrites we have become.

2) Financial organizations around the globe literary are raping developing countries. These financial organizations like IMF literary setup game plans to hunt down the smaller economies. People of developed countries are quite because they are at benefiting end? What a bunch of hypocrites.

3) Man marries a single woman, and have affair with 3 women. When some body says please marry 2 of them and give them proper rights, then suddenly this becomes a sin. Even women, who are well aware of their men affairs, are not willing to put an stop on this exploitation. But this is real unjust with the women, who don't have husbands. Many of them become public property, specially the widows and those who couldn't marry due to some compulsions.

4) Bureaucrats and politicians make policies as somebody cuts cake. For example in Pakistan, its a govt policy for govt employees that if you have your own home, you will get Hiring allowance in your account, if not, then the home owner will directly get that hiring amount. Why? because some "honest" bureaucrats sitting in Islamabad have banglows in F sector of Islamabad, and the rest in self explanatory. And this is not particular with Pakistani bureaucracy.

5) Weapon manufacturers keep nations continuously under pressure, so that their weapons are being purchased by already financially half dead nations. They use their agents on both sides. The real masters of third world countries are these weapon manufacturers. Your country may be starving to death, but you can't stop buying weapons. Can you? And only 4 to 5 companies are there who get money out of every weapon deal on the face of earth, no matter how small the deal is.

So, are these enlightened times? I think not.

@Areesh @Mentee @Desert Fox @BHarwana
@undertakerwwefan @AZADPAKISTAN2009
This thread is all about my observations.
Human today, only pose to be more mannered, more humble, yet are more ignorant and dark deep inside. We are evolving into some creatures who are less and less sensitive about the well being of others. Overall dependence on technology has stolen the essence of life. Now here are some examples how:

1) Its war theater in many many countries. Humans are dying like flies. But the countries far away from these horrors of war are just crying on refugees? Amazing. No UN , no NATO no nothing. What bunch of hypocrites we have become.

2) Financial organizations around the globe literary are raping developing countries. These financial organizations like IMF literary setup game plans to hunt down the smaller economies. People of developed countries are quite because they are at benefiting end? What a bunch of hypocrites.

3) Man marries a single woman, and have affair with 3 women. When some body says please marry 2 of them and give them proper rights, then suddenly this becomes a sin. Even women, who are well aware of their men affairs, are not willing to put an stop on this exploitation. But this is real unjust with the women, who don't have husbands. Many of them become public property, specially the widows and those who couldn't marry due to some compulsions.

4) Bureaucrats and politicians make policies as somebody cuts cake. For example in Pakistan, its a govt policy for govt employees that if you have your own home, you will get Hiring allowance in your account, if not, then the home owner will directly get that hiring amount. Why? because some "honest" bureaucrats sitting in Islamabad have banglows in F sector of Islamabad, and the rest in self explanatory. And this is not particular with Pakistani bureaucracy.

5) Weapon manufacturers keep nations continuously under pressure, so that their weapons are being purchased by already financially half dead nations. They use their agents on both sides. The real masters of third world countries are these weapon manufacturers. Your country may be starving to death, but you can't stop buying weapons. Can you? And only 4 to 5 companies are there who get money out of every weapon deal on the face of earth, no matter how small the deal is.

So, are these enlightened times? I think not.

@Areesh @Mentee @Desert Fox @BHarwana
@undertakerwwefan @AZADPAKISTAN2009

I share your sentiments... I believe we live in an every selfish narcissistic world. Where reality and appearances are usually opposite to each other.
Our moral deficit is a reflection of this.

Only a global catastrophe may bring us back to our senses. But that is a misery none of us would wish to live through.

We live in an age of information but no knowledge.
I share your sentiments... I believe we live in an every selfish narcissistic world. Where reality and appearances are usually opposite to each other.
Our moral deficit is a reflection of this.

Only a global catastrophe may bring us back to our senses. But that is a misery none of us would wish to live through.

We live in an age of information but no knowledge.
Essene of everything is lost. People are more "modern" yet "knowledge" has made them more and bigger scavenger.
This thread is all about my observations.
Human today, only pose to be more mannered, more humble, yet are more ignorant and dark deep inside. We are evolving into some creatures who are less and less sensitive about the well being of others. Overall dependence on technology has stolen the essence of life. Now here are some examples how:

1) Its war theater in many many countries. Humans are dying like flies. But the countries far away from these horrors of war are just crying on refugees? Amazing. No UN , no NATO no nothing. What bunch of hypocrites we have become.

2) Financial organizations around the globe literary are raping developing countries. These financial organizations like IMF literary setup game plans to hunt down the smaller economies. People of developed countries are quite because they are at benefiting end? What a bunch of hypocrites.

3) Man marries a single woman, and have affair with 3 women. When some body says please marry 2 of them and give them proper rights, then suddenly this becomes a sin. Even women, who are well aware of their men affairs, are not willing to put an stop on this exploitation. But this is real unjust with the women, who don't have husbands. Many of them become public property, specially the widows and those who couldn't marry due to some compulsions.

4) Bureaucrats and politicians make policies as somebody cuts cake. For example in Pakistan, its a govt policy for govt employees that if you have your own home, you will get Hiring allowance in your account, if not, then the home owner will directly get that hiring amount. Why? because some "honest" bureaucrats sitting in Islamabad have banglows in F sector of Islamabad, and the rest in self explanatory. And this is not particular with Pakistani bureaucracy.

5) Weapon manufacturers keep nations continuously under pressure, so that their weapons are being purchased by already financially half dead nations. They use their agents on both sides. The real masters of third world countries are these weapon manufacturers. Your country may be starving to death, but you can't stop buying weapons. Can you? And only 4 to 5 companies are there who get money out of every weapon deal on the face of earth, no matter how small the deal is.

So, are these enlightened times? I think not.

@Areesh @Mentee @Desert Fox @BHarwana
@undertakerwwefan @AZADPAKISTAN2009

There are more people surviving on Earth than ever so in this context the amount of war is proportionally much lower. People are living longer than ever despite starvation and war too so it can't be that bad.

In the olden days there were far fewer people but still people were at war almost constantly. E.g how many times have national borders changed in the past centuries and compare it to the last 50 years. All out war and invasion was very common before, now it hardly ever happens.

Instead militaries use infiltration and proxy war - which is a more civilised, limited way to do it isn't it? In the old world, a power like USA could decimate a population and take over resources - that does not happen anymore.

Also any savage act that you can imagine, even the worst acts of a serial psychopath, were routinely carried out in public by sovereign rulers. Feeding people to animals, burning alive, torture, all were carried out for everyday people's consumption.

So no, the world was definitely more savage before.
3) Man marries a single woman, and have affair with 3 women. When some body says please marry 2 of them and give them proper rights, then suddenly this becomes a sin. Even women, who are well aware of their men affairs, are not willing to put an stop on this exploitation. But this is real unjust with the women, who don't have husbands. Many of them become public property, specially the widows and those who couldn't marry due to some compulsions.

I have no problem with polygamy as long as you legalize polyandry
let me know if you are game for that
This thread is all about my observations.
Human today, only pose to be more mannered, more humble, yet are more ignorant and dark deep inside. We are evolving into some creatures who are less and less sensitive about the well being of others. Overall dependence on technology has stolen the essence of life. Now here are some examples how:

1) Its war theater in many many countries. Humans are dying like flies. But the countries far away from these horrors of war are just crying on refugees? Amazing. No UN , no NATO no nothing. What bunch of hypocrites we have become.

2) Financial organizations around the globe literary are raping developing countries. These financial organizations like IMF literary setup game plans to hunt down the smaller economies. People of developed countries are quite because they are at benefiting end? What a bunch of hypocrites.

3) Man marries a single woman, and have affair with 3 women. When some body says please marry 2 of them and give them proper rights, then suddenly this becomes a sin. Even women, who are well aware of their men affairs, are not willing to put an stop on this exploitation. But this is real unjust with the women, who don't have husbands. Many of them become public property, specially the widows and those who couldn't marry due to some compulsions.

4) Bureaucrats and politicians make policies as somebody cuts cake. For example in Pakistan, its a govt policy for govt employees that if you have your own home, you will get Hiring allowance in your account, if not, then the home owner will directly get that hiring amount. Why? because some "honest" bureaucrats sitting in Islamabad have banglows in F sector of Islamabad, and the rest in self explanatory. And this is not particular with Pakistani bureaucracy.

5) Weapon manufacturers keep nations continuously under pressure, so that their weapons are being purchased by already financially half dead nations. They use their agents on both sides. The real masters of third world countries are these weapon manufacturers. Your country may be starving to death, but you can't stop buying weapons. Can you? And only 4 to 5 companies are there who get money out of every weapon deal on the face of earth, no matter how small the deal is.

So, are these enlightened times? I think not.

@Areesh @Mentee @Desert Fox @BHarwana
@undertakerwwefan @AZADPAKISTAN2009
My dear nigga things you listed above have been happening in the dark ages as well but not meticulously recorded by some news media----------. It's just that in this day and age shitt happens on an enormous scale and I find that 8+ billion population the reason for it . The human instincts are the same though.
Your country may be starving to death, but you can't stop buying weapons

1. India - the quoted statement pretty much describes India. Farmers are committing suicide because of money reasons yet the government is keen on spending vast amounts on silly things like the Rafale fighter plane.

2. Pakistan - the quoted statement also describes Pakistan to the extent of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto's famous line
"We will eat grass, even go hungry, but we will get our own bomb”. I don't know if Pakistan would have turned out to be a just and ideal society had Z. A. Bhutto lived, but there sure are many hungry in Pakistan too, and also socio-economic inequalities.

We live in an age of information but no knowledge.


Also any savage act that you can imagine, even the worst acts of a serial psychopath, were routinely carried out in public by sovereign rulers. Feeding people to animals, burning alive, torture, all were carried out for everyday people's consumption.

That reminds me of the Roman gladiator games where, just for the fun of the audience, warriors were forced to fight each other to the death.

But this has also carried on into the present world. Look at the boxing matches where people beat each other up for the fun of the cheering audience.

Instead militaries use infiltration and proxy war - which is a more civilised, limited way to do it isn't it?

The NATO proxy war in Syria cost 500,000+ Syrians lives. Is this civilized ??
My dear nigga things you listed above have been happening in the dark ages as well but not meticulously recorded by some news media----------. It's just that in this day and age shitt happens on an enormous scale and I find that 8+ billion population the reason for it . The human instincts are the same though.
:) matlab ab ham discuss bhi na karain?

1. India - the quoted statement pretty much describes India. Farmers are committing suicide because of money reasons yet the government is keen on spending vast amounts on silly things like the Rafale fighter plane.

2. Pakistan - the quoted statement also describes Pakistan to the extent of Zulfikar Ali Bhutto's famous line
"We will eat grass, even go hungry, but we will get our own bomb”. I don't know if Pakistan would have turned out to be a just and ideal society had Z. A. Bhutto lived, but there sure are many hungry in Pakistan too, and also socio-economic inequalities.
Actually India was not the target of this statement. This statement is true for many many countries.
This thread is all about my observations.
Human today, only pose to be more mannered, more humble, yet are more ignorant and dark deep inside. We are evolving into some creatures who are less and less sensitive about the well being of others. Overall dependence on technology has stolen the essence of life. Now here are some examples how:

1) Its war theater in many many countries. Humans are dying like flies. But the countries far away from these horrors of war are just crying on refugees? Amazing. No UN , no NATO no nothing. What bunch of hypocrites we have become.

2) Financial organizations around the globe literary are raping developing countries. These financial organizations like IMF literary setup game plans to hunt down the smaller economies. People of developed countries are quite because they are at benefiting end? What a bunch of hypocrites.

3) Man marries a single woman, and have affair with 3 women. When some body says please marry 2 of them and give them proper rights, then suddenly this becomes a sin. Even women, who are well aware of their men affairs, are not willing to put an stop on this exploitation. But this is real unjust with the women, who don't have husbands. Many of them become public property, specially the widows and those who couldn't marry due to some compulsions.

4) Bureaucrats and politicians make policies as somebody cuts cake. For example in Pakistan, its a govt policy for govt employees that if you have your own home, you will get Hiring allowance in your account, if not, then the home owner will directly get that hiring amount. Why? because some "honest" bureaucrats sitting in Islamabad have banglows in F sector of Islamabad, and the rest in self explanatory. And this is not particular with Pakistani bureaucracy.

5) Weapon manufacturers keep nations continuously under pressure, so that their weapons are being purchased by already financially half dead nations. They use their agents on both sides. The real masters of third world countries are these weapon manufacturers. Your country may be starving to death, but you can't stop buying weapons. Can you? And only 4 to 5 companies are there who get money out of every weapon deal on the face of earth, no matter how small the deal is.

So, are these enlightened times? I think not.

@Areesh @Mentee @Desert Fox @BHarwana
@undertakerwwefan @AZADPAKISTAN2009
Well I share your sentiments and there are more issues that can be added to the list you made.

But I'm currently low on time to make an in depth post on this topic, however I will leave you with a name that you should definitely look into; Julius Evola. Do look into his work, he has written many great essays and books on the issue of modernity and the global problems arising from it.
I have no problem with polygamy as long as you legalize polyandry
let me know if you are game for that
we dont have issue with polyandry as long as you accept this statement .its ok! " to grab women by their private parts" :cheesy::cheesy:
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