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MoD clears joint amphibious exercise at US base near China


Feb 23, 2009
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United States
MoD clears joint amphibious exercise at US base near China

A year after the Defence Ministry backed out of a military exercise at a US base near China at the last minute, a go-ahead has been given for a joint amphibious exercise at the US Marines base in Okinawa, Japan. The war game, which will involve senior officers of the Indian Navy and Army is scheduled to start later this week and will continue till October.

The same exercise, under the Habu Nag series of war games, was cancelled at the final stage in 2009 when 12 officers who had been earmarked were sent back to their formations days before they were scheduled to depart. While no reason was given for the last minute pull-out, regional sensitivities were thought to be behind the move. Okinawa is located
close to China and has a significant US presence where several military bases are concentrated.

The island has also been in the news recently for frequent spotting of Chinese naval vessels, including submarines by Japanese self-defence forces. A Japanese white paper on defence has also raised a red flag over the increasing operations by the Chinese Navy near the Okinawa island.

India is sending a 14-member delegation for the Habu Nag exercise that will consist of officers from the Indian Navy and Army. The exercise has been described as “very unique” by a US government official who said that there aren’t many marine forces across the world that carry out such operations.

This also brings out the increasing military exercises that are being carried out by Indian forces with their US counterparts. A US official said that India is conducting more exercises with American forces than any other nation in the world. While a brigade-level exercise will take place in Alaska next month where 200 army personnel are expected to participate, a special forces exercise is already under way at Belgaum
I would rather believe this is a smart step by the Indian MoD to enhance mil to mil cooperation with the U.S....but the timing is quite significant.....

as it seems the GOI appears to convey a message to china in a very blatant way that military encirclement or attempted encirclement of India is viewed in the South Block as a very provocative move.....the large scale Chinese activities in Pakistan admin. Kashmir involving several chinese engineers and also troops is perceived as a direct attack on Indian sovereignty......

also here Delhi is playing a diplomatic smart game by giving an impression that it is cosying up tp the U.S ...to china.....

the message is simple " you rethink your neutrality vis a vis us and pakistan and we ll retaliate by shifting from non-alignment to going hand in glove with america to corner you "

also an interesting aspect of this sudden renewal of military exercises especially involving Japan may be India's attempts to substantially engage Japan in a full blown military alliance.....over the last decade The U.S has increasingly encouraged Japan to set it's foot out of the U.S nuclear umbrella and take a more active role in its defense.....also Japan's interests have been frequently clashing with that of China's over the last several years with incidents like the Japanese premier's visit to the Yasukuni Shrine, China 's forays into Japan's claimed Exclusive Economic zone and several other issues have resulted in friction......Indian policy makers may be working to effectively align these chips in India's favour ......also there is a mention of A Security Pact between India and Japan ( Japan has Security pacts with India and Aust apart from the U.S defense shield).... though there appears to be no details.....I wonder if we should openly enter into a military alliance to balance out the Sino-Pakistan Axis on both sides of our borders.....maybe we could create an Indo-Japanese Axis hemming in China on both sides similar to what has been created around us......a permanent military understanding of sorts.....
let's wait & see if they really send the delegation or cancel the visit fearing the chinese but anyways 14 members team is small
let's wait & see if they really send the delegation or cancel the visit fearing the chinese but anyways 14 members team is small

If this happens it will be shameful for India and Congress. Steping back at this juncture is not going to help India at all. So I don't think cancellation of the joint excercise is a posibility.
A 14 member squad is more likely to be for observatory purposes than for participatory ones.
India has sent a 14 member team, which is good, we also need to understand Chinese interests in that region.
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