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MoD blames French vendor, Naval Group, for Scorpene delays


Sep 26, 2018
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United Kingdom
United Kingdom

“The delays have been caused due to various defects observed during the trials of the submarines, requirement of certain modifications and delays in the supply of items": MoD

The Ministry of Defence (MoD), while answering questions in Parliament on Wednesday, squarely blamed French warship builder, Naval Group (formerly DCNS), for long delays in constructing six Scorpene submarines for the Indian Navy at Mazagon Dock Ltd, Mumbai.

“The delays have been caused due to various defects observed during the trials of the submarines, requirement of certain modifications and delays in the supply of items required for construction by the collaborator/ToT (transfer of technology) provider - Naval Group, France,” stated the MoD.

The MoD declined to say how long submarine deficiencies would continue. “In the interest of national security, the details cannot be divulged. However, the existing submarine fleet is being maintained combat worthy through life extension and modernization/upgradation,” it stated.

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The MOD that has run many failed and delayed projects in the past have come up with a novel idea of putting the blame on others for a change. Surely Modi Govt has changed the Indian mind software with delusions and self-righteousness.
The Ministry of Defence (MoD), while answering questions in Parliament on Wednesday, squarely blamed French warship builder, Naval Group (formerly DCNS), for long delays in constructing six Scorpene submarines for the Indian Navy at Mazagon Dock Ltd, Mumbai.

LOL , Blame Russians, Blame French , soon we will hear the moan about American goodies. But critically, where it matter most, the military humiliation India received at the hands of Pakistan during operation swift retort, it was the failure of Israeli products which caused India embarrassment. Pin drop silence there from Indian establishment.
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