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Mob in Pakistan kills man accused of burning Quran

In a Society which has went through Zia regime of Arabization and last decade of radicalization, These kind of things reflect the psyche of the common man.

With out a trial the mob delivered the justice like in Middle ages.
Very sad to read this human life is more precious than a book.
ok whether its justifiable or not is debatable, because maybe he doesnt believe in it.
but what is despicable is that the man was killed by a mob. that is worse than the actions of the victim.
i think there is a competition between indi and pak as to how low their people can go.

First comprehend the post you are about to reply in its entirety and then reply, no where I justified the action of the mob.

Fine, it's fairly your choice to agree or disagree. Now if you could refer me to a version of the morality/set principles that teaches people to burn a holy book you don't agree with or believe in? You didn't agree with me on my stance, now are you going to set me on fire?

Muslims don't regard Hindu scriptures, would it be justifiable if they set them ablaze?
.......Now if you could refer me to a version of the morality/set principles that teaches people to burn a holy book you don't agree with or believe in? You didn't agree with me on my stance, now are you going to set me on fire?

...can I refer to version of the morality/set principles that teaches people to desecrate idols and statues ? :azn: .....no need to answer that ..it might result in the thread getting closed :coffee:

Muslims don't regard Hindu scriptures, would it be justifiable if they set them ablaze?

...are you suggesting its not happened before ? or that it was not justified by islamic scholars ? ....you have a town in pakistan called Taxila ..once know as Takshashila.
...can I refer to version of the morality/set principles that teaches people to desecrate idols and statues ? :azn: .....no need to answer that ..it might result in the thread getting closed :coffee:

...are you suggesting its not happened before ? or that it was not justified by islamic scholars ? ....you have a town in pakistan called Taxila ..once know as Takshashila.

Yeah you better avoid for mosques, Jainist, Buddhist, Christians, Muslims and stuff like that if gets started would make you feel uncomfortable on this thread.

I am not suggesting anything btw.. Now anything other than trolling?
Indians are not allowed to create threads on Pakistani social issues. 2nd thread reported in a day. You bharteez seriously need to overcome your obsession with Pakistan. If I, being a Pakistani, cant discuss Indian matters on a Pakistani forum then what makes you think that you people can get away with your lowsome propoganda and anti Islam rants?
Indians are not allowed to create threads on Pakistani social issues. 2nd thread reported in a day. You bharteez seriously need to overcome your obsession with Pakistan. If I, being a Pakistani, cant discuss Indian matters on a Pakistani forum then what makes you think that you people can get away with your lowsome propoganda and anti Islam rants?

can paks create threads on indian social issues?
Yeah you better avoid for mosques, Jainist, Buddhist, Christians, Muslims and stuff like that if gets started would make you feel uncomfortable on this thread.

I am not suggesting anything btw.. Now anything other than trolling?

care to explain?

No we can't.

then why do i see so many threads on bari masjid and gujarat riots.
then why do i see so many threads on bari masjid and gujarat riots.

Well, for that you have to provide links to such threads. Secondly, it could be, that they were created before the enactment of current rules. Thirdly everone is free to use the report button, try it, doesnt cost a dime.
In a Society which has went through Zia regime of Arabization and last decade of radicalization, These kind of things reflect the psyche of the common man.

With out a trial the mob delivered the justice like in Middle ages.

And ur avatar is cute :D
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