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Mob 'forces' woman to take back sexual harassment complaint

As the General Elections date approaches, we can see lot of circus in Media, done by Political forces and their affiliates for votes.
@Manvantaratruti, if your intention is to highlight an issue, try to make friends who will back you. You need to be friends with your fellow indians if you want to arrive at actionable common ground.

@ the rest, pls stop rejecting everything he says because he is ''communal''. Thats plain hypocrisy. That kind of discourse we need to get rid of.
Do you remember the advice to stay away from me ? Stick to it.

You can stick to your shithole if you cant control your anti-Islam verbal diarrhea .

BUT OH WAIT you have multiple Ids :P don't you ?

so decide which ID it was you used to ask me stay away from you bwahahahahahahaha

@Manvantaratruti, if your intention is to highlight an issue, try to make friends who will back you. You need to be friends with your fellow indians if you want to arrive at actionable common ground.

@ the rest, pls stop rejecting everything he says because he is ''communal''. Thats plain hypocrisy. That kind of discourse we need to get rid of.

watch him he is not only communal but he post all shit .

just wait and he will be able to force us to throw same shit on indian Hindus.
The last case involving gang rape of a photo journalist involved muslims. There was a case of molesters caught in a train harassing a girl and they too turned out to be muslims from Bihar. Now here is another case of a muslim leader first sexually harassing a girl and then preventing her from filing a complaint. And all this with the help of a huge muslim mob. All this in Mumbai.

Then there was the case of a couple of Muslim boys sexually harassing 2 girl in Muzaffarnagar provoking their brother to kill the boy to defend the girl. In response a Mob of muslims beat the two boys to death an thus provoking the 100th Riot in UP.

Even in the delhi gang rape that made global news, of the 5 accused, 1 was a muslim minor boy (i.e. 20%) and he was the one who first raped her and then inserted a rod in her posterior, damaging her intestines and responsible for killing her in the most gruesome manner.

There is a certain association of muslims with sexual crimes (actually crimes of all sort). I do not know what the reasons are, but the danger is real. Denial of such things does not help anybody. I would rather have this thing talked about in the open.

Muslim population in India is 11-12 % but in Jails accross India they constitute 30% of the inmates. i.e. 1:3 ratio w.r.t their population. In Maharashtra their % of jail inmates is 33%. If you consider people in prison for less than a year, muslims constitute 40%.

Statistically this means that muslims are 300% more likely to commit crime than Hindus in India.

There is something seriously wrong here and it is unlikely the congress will handle this issue except to exploit this for vote bank politics. I am certain BJP will make efforts to correct the situation.
Mate, I am going to vote for the BJP but not with blind faith, yes I am looking for a change from the corrupt government but I'll wait and and watch to see if I have made the right decision because at the end of the day they (BJP) are also politicans and I do not trust any.
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The last case involving gang rape of a photo journalist involved muslims. There was a case of molesters caught in a train harassing a girl and they too turned out to be muslims from Bihar. Now here is another case of a muslim leader first sexually harassing a girl and then preventing her from filing a complaint. And all this with the help of a huge muslim mob. All this in Mumbai.

Then there was the case of a couple of Muslim boys sexually harassing 2 girl in Muzaffarnagar provoking their brother to kill the boy to defend the girl. In response a Mob of muslims beat the two boys to death an thus provoking the 100th Riot in UP.

Even in the delhi gang rape that made global news, of the 5 accused, 1 was a muslim minor boy (i.e. 20%) and he was the one who first raped her and then inserted a rod in her posterior, damaging her intestines and responsible for killing her in the most gruesome manner.

There is a certain association of muslims with sexual crimes (actually crimes of all sort). I do not know what the reasons are, but the danger is real. Denial of such things does not help anybody. I would rather have this thing talked about in the open.

Muslim population in India is 11-12 % but in Jails accross India they constitute 30% of the inmates. i.e. 1:3 ratio w.r.t their population. In Maharashtra their % of jail inmates is 33%. If you consider people in prison for less than a year, muslims constitute 40%.

Statistically this means that muslims are 300% more likely to commit crime than Hindus in India.

There is something seriously wrong here and it is unlikely the congress will handle this issue except to exploit this for vote bank politics. I am certain BJP will make efforts to correct the situation.

so are you saying mulims there are not indians o_O
I really don't know who is worse ... the dumb Pakistani bigots on this forum or the dumb Indian bigots such as this op. Perhaps there should be a middle ground between India and Pakistan where all these morons could live together and wage Jihad and Hindu Holy war against each other whilst the remaining normal people watch their stupidity as a form of entertainment
@Manvantaratruti, if your intention is to highlight an issue, try to make friends who will back you. You need to be friends with your fellow indians if you want to arrive at actionable common ground.

@ the rest, pls stop rejecting everything he says because he is ''communal''. Thats plain hypocrisy. That kind of discourse we need to get rid of.

Why do I need anyone to back me ? If they want they can back the TRUTH. They can back facts.

There are no actionable here. Only food for thought.

As to request for others, are you seriously expecting debate on this ? :lol: ..... expect only Rhetoric's. You will find debate only on caste, toilet and rape. :coffee:

Mate, I am going to vote for the BJP but not with blind faith, yes I am looking for a change from the corrupt government but I'll wait and and watch to see if I have made the right decision because at the end of the day they (BJP) are also politicans and I do not trust any.

Good for you.

I really don't know who is worse ... the dumb Pakistani bigots on this forum or the dumb Indian bigots such as this op. Perhaps there should be a middle ground between India and Pakistan where all these morons could live together and wage Jihad and Hindu Holy war against each other whilst the remaining normal people watch their stupidity as a form of entertainment

Worse are dumb fence sitting bigots such as this op. Perhaps there should be a honeymoon suite where all dumb pakistani bigots and Indian morons can live together and make love and promote 'secularism'. Not as much entertaining as it is nauseating.

You can stick to your shithole if you cant control your anti-Islam verbal diarrhea .
BUT OH WAIT you have multiple Ids :P don't you ?
so decide which ID it was you used to ask me stay away from you bwahahahahahahaha
watch him he is not only communal but he post all shit .
just wait and he will be able to force us to throw same shit on indian Hindus.

............FLUSH.............. :lol:
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Nobody has to force you to throw shit on indian hindus. I may not know him, but I know you :)

i dont throw shit on Indians.

i believe in no first use policy :laugh:

but since this Indian member smells shitty everytime hence i decided NO second use policy formulation as well.

ab shit pe shit phenknay ka faida :P

so are you saying mulims there are not indians o_O

he is among internet Hindu brigade so yes according to him if Modi has some constipation, then its Muslims' fault
@levina @Srinivas @notsuperstitious @joekrish @PlanetWarrior

Percentage of Muslims in Assam is 31%. So here is the latest news from Assam...

Assam’s Lakhimpur district is witnessing public outrage over brutal gangrape and murder of a women in a tempo.

The incident took place on Friday when the 30 year old Housewife
Sangita Devi, had boarded a shared tempo to pick up her Four-year-old daughter from school
at Boginadi area, about 14 km from the district headquarters town Lakhimpur.

The woman was allegedly gang raped by the four men inside the tempo who then thrashed black and blue with iron rods before they gouged out her eyes when she resisted. The four accused then abandoned her at a secluded place and fled. However Locals witnessed the victim, a mother of four being thrown out of a tempo.

They rushed her to the Lakhimpur civil hospital in a critical condition.The woman was later taken to the Gauhati Medical College Hospital where she succumbed to her wounds on Sunday.

Police arrested two persons so far in this regard. The arrested persons are Saifuddin Ali and Abbas Ali. Ohidul Ali, one of the rapist/murderer, is still not arrested by police.

Protesters in large number gathered at Baginadi in Lakhimpur and demanded stringent action against the culprits. Angry protestors also blocked the busy National Highway-52 for several hours.

The best part is All National Media has kept the name of the arrested a state secrete. :coffee: ....... you see, unlike me, they are secular.
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