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Mob attacks Imran Khan's residence.

Party supporters attacks Imran Khan's house

Imran Khan’s home in Pakistan was attacked on Wednesday evening by members of his own political party angered by their failure to secure nominations for elections next month.


Protesters have been camped outside his villa, high on a hill overlooking Islamabad, for the past three weeks.
Party officials said the attack highlighted lapses in government security at a time when the Pakistan Taliban has carried out a string of assassinations in an attempt to derail May's general election.

Mr Khan, 60, whose party is poised to make a breakthrough, told The Daily Telegraph that his brother-in-law was beaten in the attack.“They managed to break through the gates. There were only two measly guards, who had no communications,” he said. “This gang could have done anything.”The crowd only dispersed when Mr Khan emerged to talk to them.

“7000 people wanted tickets, which we only gave to 700,” he said. “I understand the protest but breaking in is not the way to do things.”He demanded the resignation of the country’s caretaker interior minister – appointed for the duration of the election campaign – as well as the same level of security afforded the main opposition leader, Nawaz Sharif.The former cricket captain has spent the past two decades in the political wilderness, managing to win only one seat since founding his Movement for Justice.

In the past 18 months, however, his anti-corruption campaign and promise to overturn Pakistan’s stagnant politics has caught the imagination of a new generation of educated, urban voters, tired of the tiny feudal elite which dominates public life.

Although analysts believe he will fall well short of the number of seats needed to become prime minister, his party could become a significant force.The attack came a day after at least 17 people were killed and many more were injured by a suicide attack in Peshawar targeting leaders of the Awami National Party.The ruling Pakistan People’s Party has also received threats and officials say they have adopted a low-key approach to campaigning in order to protect Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, the son and political heir to Benazir Bhutto.

Party supporters attacks Imran Khan's house

Imran Khan’s home in Pakistan was attacked on Wednesday evening by members of his own political party angered by their failure to secure nominations for elections next month.

Protesters have been camped outside his villa, high on a hill overlooking Islamabad, for the past three weeks
Are you clear now ? Will you return my title back ?
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[MENTION=11796]Are you clear now ? Will you return my title back ?

Not unless IK posts a Tweet that it was his party supporters And not until investigation is complete.
Imran Khan’s home attacked by “miscreants”

AFP | 4 hours ago


ISLAMABAD: The party of Pakistan vote hopeful Imran Khan said on Wednesday “a horde of 100 miscreants” attacked his home and beat his brother-in-law, as they accused the government of failing to provide security.

Islamabad police denied there had been any break-in at the hill-top villa of the cricket legend, a major contender in general elections next month, and blamed any disturbance on members of his own Pakistan Tehrik-i-Insaaf (PTI) party.But PTI official Shireen Mazari demanded the immediate resignation of the interior minister, responsible for security in a caretaker administration guiding Pakistan towards May 11 polls, accusing him of imperilling Khan’s life.“The resultant attack on his house by a horde of 100 miscreants on Wednesday evening put his and his family’s lives at risk while the police and local administration did not respond despite repeated calls,” she said in a statement.

“Imran’s brother-in-law was beaten and his female family members abused as his gate was broken and the hordes reached his house because no police protection was provided despite repeated demands,” she added.Islamabad police chief Bani Amin denied any break-in.“No report has been registered. If anything has happened at Imran Khan’s home, it may have been because of his workers who are demonstrating at his house for party tickets,” he told AFP.

PTI members have been protesting outside Khan’s home in the upmarket village of Bani Gala, just outside Islamabad, against what they call discrimination in how party candidates have been allotted various constituencies.Insecurity, Taliban threats and bomb attacks have overshadowed much of the election campaign. Five deadly attacks targeting politicians or political parties have killed 24 people since April 11, according to an AFP tally.The Pakistani Taliban have also directly threatened the three main secular parties in the outgoing government, the Awami National Party, the Pakistan People’s Party and the Muttahida Qaumi Movement.

Imran Khan’s home attacked by “miscreants”
Not unless IK posts a Tweet that it was his party supporters And not until investigation is complete.

he is not dumb cuz he knows his popularity will go down.

I think you guys are a bit biased and i can understand your concerns. Lets just leave it like that. Earlier mr420 posted a thread that said 'SS supporting alliance with MQM' No need to say anything. People will figure out who is lying and or telling the truth
PTI has

Kasuris, Tareens, Niazis, Khans (Pashtuns)
Nawabs, Sardars, Makhdooms (Feudals)

What difference ?

Putting this aside, the major difference between these parties are the leaders. IK on one hand is a dead honest man with integrity. NS on the other hand is corrupt to the core, the only reason why he is in politics is to further there family businesses. Not just a coincidence that he has turned just one factory into a multi billion dollar empire after joining politics. If the head is rotten, the entire body will be rotten.

PTI can boast highly educated members within its ranks, a lot of the members that were allocated party tickets were educated individuals from very prestigious universities. Compare that to PML-N where most of the members that were allocated party tickets are 'angothay chap', and we expect these chaps to run the country. NS has had two opportunities to run the country, we all know how that went.
PTI is utterly shameless. Some PTI members attacked IK's house due to some grudges on party tickets. PTI was behind a torrent of accusations against PMLN for having too much security (and lame claims on how IK was so brave he didn't need any) this constant bickering resulted in Election commission removing most of the security cover provided to political leaders (including ANP and PTI). After getting whipped by their own PTI thugs now another circus has been started about PMLN and how an international conspiracy is trying to harm IK.

Utterly moronic and shameless attitude.
i think that there are more people in politics now and less tickets !!!!

or just an excuse to get security.....
PTI should provide its own security to Imran Khan. Security matters should not be left to a Politicised punjab police.
Some eye witness say that it was a crowd pulled off by Haniff Abbassi (the PMLN drug smuggler) just to tease IK a bit.

PTI should provide its own security to Imran Khan. Security matters should not be left to a Politicised punjab police.

Imran Khan has no security while the Shareef family sitting in raiwand has 720 police warding the area.
Shireen Mazari with True facts.


This is a politically motivated attack and a pathetic attempt to harm our dear leader.

Since every single propagandist campaign has been an absolute failure... this time out of shear arrogance and frustration, they'll go physical and this is how I see it; I think this attack on Imran khan is all a drama set by PMLN for something bigger and more sinnister... PTI Tigers are threatening Nifa endlessly in retaliations to this attack and guess what this time Haniff Abbasi will be made a siyasi Shaheed and all the blame will be put on PTI by these lifafa media outlets. Whats your say?
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