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MLRS - Effective counter to SU-30MKI + Brahmos combination

I don't care and I am not going to debate the relative performances of the two countries (by my standard both have abject poverty to address) . Peacefull coexistence with Pakistan would also benefit India greatly, freeing up resources for peacfull purposes. Or you could continue to spend on defence at the same level but fully direct your efforts against a certain large neigbouring country.
You can choose not to care, it is your wish, but let's focus on primary topic of this thread instead of economy. Also India is a country of contradictions, on one hand you've roughly 23% indian living under absolute poverty , on the other hand the middle class now amounts to 400+mn now and there are some of world's richest in India. I'm afraid we're digressing a lot , let's focus on the main topic!
You can choose not to care, it is your wish, but let's focus on primary topic of this thread instead of economy. Also India is a country of contradictions, on one hand you've roughly 23% indian living under absolute poverty , on the other hand the middle class now amounts to 400+mn now and there are some of world's richest in India. I'm afraid we're digressing a lot , let's focus on the main topic!
Like I said, best way to avoid arms is to avoid conflict and coexist, which will free up many valuable resources to society.
India's mainstay offensive weapon against Pakistan's frontline positions and aerial defense infrastructure comprises a combination of SU-30 MKI paired with a hypersonic Brahmos missile.

The age old dilemma of hypersonic missiles is that of speed vs. manoeuvrability. At hypersonic speeds, the missile does not have the luxury of deviating drastically from final trajectory if it is to have a reasonable level of accuracy. Classically, counter-measures have exploited this to propose relatively simple, linear attack patterns.


Here, we propose that MLRS type weapons are a very effective platform for the sequential launch of projectiles against incoming hypersonic threats such as Brahmos.

It is then significant, that the recent yearbook by MoDP lists MLRS as one of the systems in which Pakistan seeks to build indigenous capability.



b. Production and indigenous development of Rockets MLRS
d. Indigenous development of advanced MLRS

The indigenous production of guided MLRS rockets would be a significant step for Pakistan. Although it is tactically advantageous in its own right, but when seen in the light of defending against Brahmos, such a project takes on a vital importance for national security. Coupled with shoot and scoot type of launch vehicles, these systems would be a potent response to Brahmos, and could spell significant headaches for Indian plans in the future.

We end this article on a forward looking note. Once railgun technology matures to a point that it can be deployed easily on land based systems, it should be expected that Pakistan will invest in procuring this technology for its defence needs. Crucial projects to watch in this regard would be the Turkish and Chinese railgun systems that are currently under development.

How can MLRS be used against airborne targets as its a ground attack weapon? You mean to say SAM more than MLRS i guess. Pakistan Needs to develop Indigenious Medium to Long range SAM for such aerial threats.
India's mainstay offensive weapon against Pakistan's frontline positions and aerial defense infrastructure comprises a combination of SU-30 MKI paired with a hypersonic Brahmos missile.

The age old dilemma of hypersonic missiles is that of speed vs. manoeuvrability. At hypersonic speeds, the missile does not have the luxury of deviating drastically from final trajectory if it is to have a reasonable level of accuracy. Classically, counter-measures have exploited this to propose relatively simple, linear attack patterns.


Here, we propose that MLRS type weapons are a very effective platform for the sequential launch of projectiles against incoming hypersonic threats such as Brahmos.

It is then significant, that the recent yearbook by MoDP lists MLRS as one of the systems in which Pakistan seeks to build indigenous capability.



b. Production and indigenous development of Rockets MLRS
d. Indigenous development of advanced MLRS

The indigenous production of guided MLRS rockets would be a significant step for Pakistan. Although it is tactically advantageous in its own right, but when seen in the light of defending against Brahmos, such a project takes on a vital importance for national security. Coupled with shoot and scoot type of launch vehicles, these systems would be a potent response to Brahmos, and could spell significant headaches for Indian plans in the future.

We end this article on a forward looking note. Once railgun technology matures to a point that it can be deployed easily on land based systems, it should be expected that Pakistan will invest in procuring this technology for its defence needs. Crucial projects to watch in this regard would be the Turkish and Chinese railgun systems that are currently under development.
No mlrs will ever be able to intercept a crusie missle man whats wrong with u and su 30's??? Seriously?? We have airdefence systems for brahmos and airdefence airborne assets equipped with chinese bvrs for su 30's.

By taking out the airfields: shelters, runway and facilities and all.
Mlrs can be used to saturate thier base airdefence(consider them a rain of decoys) while a we sneak a cruise missle or two to do the job, that is one scenario.
The best way to counter Indian military forces is to not get involved in a conflict in the first place, find a way to peacefully coexist and avoid the associated spending levels at both sides. Lots of money will then become available to domestic development, improving e.g. public infrastructure, healthcare and education.
Would you suggest the same to India against China? But wait India is being developed as a counter weight to China. So why the double standards?
Besides what you said is already of topic because this isnt a love/peace forum but a military one where we discuss military options.
To counter Su-30, We need good Sam systems.
MLRS are good in battle fields against mechanized lines and even far behind defence line or could be useful against forwarding air bases.
India's mainstay offensive weapon against Pakistan's frontline positions and aerial defense infrastructure comprises a combination of SU-30 MKI paired with a hypersonic Brahmos missile.

The age old dilemma of hypersonic missiles is that of speed vs. manoeuvrability. At hypersonic speeds, the missile does not have the luxury of deviating drastically from final trajectory if it is to have a reasonable level of accuracy. Classically, counter-measures have exploited this to propose relatively simple, linear attack patterns.


Here, we propose that MLRS type weapons are a very effective platform for the sequential launch of projectiles against incoming hypersonic threats such as Brahmos.

It is then significant, that the recent yearbook by MoDP lists MLRS as one of the systems in which Pakistan seeks to build indigenous capability.



b. Production and indigenous development of Rockets MLRS
d. Indigenous development of advanced MLRS

The indigenous production of guided MLRS rockets would be a significant step for Pakistan. Although it is tactically advantageous in its own right, but when seen in the light of defending against Brahmos, such a project takes on a vital importance for national security. Coupled with shoot and scoot type of launch vehicles, these systems would be a potent response to Brahmos, and could spell significant headaches for Indian plans in the future.

We end this article on a forward looking note. Once railgun technology matures to a point that it can be deployed easily on land based systems, it should be expected that Pakistan will invest in procuring this technology for its defence needs. Crucial projects to watch in this regard would be the Turkish and Chinese railgun systems that are currently under development.
i think OP is trying to intercept straight hypersonic trajectory in air with multiple missiles in guided tag something already in place by US

RIM-116 Rolling Airframe Missile - Wikipedia
Would you suggest the same to India against China? But wait India is being developed as a counter weight to China. So why the double standards?
Besides what you said is already of topic because this isnt a love/peace forum but a military one where we discuss military options.
There is no double standard. I merely outlined India's options, including for those that are of the opinion that the situation in India is so much better than in Pakistan that India doesn't need the freeiing up of resources for improvement of infrastructure, healthcare and education. What is your obsession with double standards?

As for the remainder of your post: you would do well to remember that the main reason for maintaining a good military is that it helps to avoid conflict (deterrance). I do not need you to remind me what this forum is about, I've been here since 2003 or so.
There is no double standard. I merely outlined India's options, including for those that are of the opinion that the situation in India is so much better than in Pakistan that India doesn't need the freeiing up of resources for improvement of infrastructure, healthcare and education. What is your obsession with double standards?

As for the remainder of your post: you would do well to remember that the main reason for maintaining a good military is that it helps to avoid conflict (deterrance). I do not need you to remind me what this forum is about, I've been here since 2003 or so.
Than stay on topic please which is an effective counter to SU-30MKI and not how Pakistan will do well by not getting into conflict with India.
PS my obsession is not particularly against you per was in general against the western world particularly the US just to be clear. I have seen similar arguments before whether its conventional or nuclear and its always Pakistan that is highlighted and not the other way round.
India's mainstay offensive weapon against Pakistan's frontline positions and aerial defense infrastructure comprises a combination of SU-30 MKI paired with a hypersonic Brahmos missile.

The age old dilemma of hypersonic missiles is that of speed vs. manoeuvrability. At hypersonic speeds, the missile does not have the luxury of deviating drastically from final trajectory if it is to have a reasonable level of accuracy. Classically, counter-measures have exploited this to propose relatively simple, linear attack patterns.


Here, we propose that MLRS type weapons are a very effective platform for the sequential launch of projectiles against incoming hypersonic threats such as Brahmos.

It is then significant, that the recent yearbook by MoDP lists MLRS as one of the systems in which Pakistan seeks to build indigenous capability.



b. Production and indigenous development of Rockets MLRS
d. Indigenous development of advanced MLRS

The indigenous production of guided MLRS rockets would be a significant step for Pakistan. Although it is tactically advantageous in its own right, but when seen in the light of defending against Brahmos, such a project takes on a vital importance for national security. Coupled with shoot and scoot type of launch vehicles, these systems would be a potent response to Brahmos, and could spell significant headaches for Indian plans in the future.

We end this article on a forward looking note. Once railgun technology matures to a point that it can be deployed easily on land based systems, it should be expected that Pakistan will invest in procuring this technology for its defence needs. Crucial projects to watch in this regard would be the Turkish and Chinese railgun systems that are currently under development.

Pls don't sell this to UMAF. BAF will soon be flying SU-30s.
Looking at the original article it seems the OP is incapable of critical thought. :o:
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