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Mixed response to Asif Zardari’s address



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Sunday, 21 September 2008

The religious leaders have termed the first address of the president to the joint session of parliament a frustrating event which, they said, did not address the public grievances particularly with regard to averting the national security crises, relief from the price-hike and the restoration of independent judiciary.
President Zardari
He said Asif Zardari had ascended to the presidential slot because of the Charter of Democracy, but he did not seem to be ready to implement the charterís clauses. He said the president had put all the issues in cold storage by handing them over to the committees.

Munawar said the president should have announced the abolition of 58-2(B) and the 17th amendment immediately but the public was in limbo due to different statements by the president. He said Asif Zardari seemed to have taken over the jobs of the PM as he had gone to forein tour just after becoming the president. He said it was unbecoming of a president’s office.

Munawar said Asif Zardari had paid verbal tributes to Benazir Bhutto but, after becoming the president, he had taken no practical steps to hold an inquiry into her murder, which showed that her assassination was now a thing of the past.

Jamiat Ahle Hadith president Senator Sajid Mir said Zardari’s presidential address was the same traditional speech, full of tall claims and promises but without any concrete measures to address the impending problems of the masses.

He said all such claims Asif ZArdari has already made a number of times in his speeches and interviews in the recent past but without any practical implementation. He said only the time would tell if the promises made turn into reality or not. He said it was not understand why President Zardari was refraining from undoing the Nov 2ís unconstitutional steps.

He said it would have been better for president Zardari to abolish immediately the Article 58-2(B) before putting it before a review committee. He pronounced to uphold national security but his actions of the recent past were exactly opposite to such claims. The president also avoided to openly oppose and condemn the American aggression against Paksitan’s security and sovereignty, he added.

Sajid Mir said the issue of Kashmir was more important than free trade and visa policy with India, since without solving the core issue bilateral relations would never improve. The president keeps on mentioning the public mandate but has given comprehensive program to provide relief to the masses from the back breaking price hike and lawlessness.

Hizbut Tahrir (HT) Pakistan spokesman Naveed Butt said president Zardari’s speech was contrary to the public aspirations since he said nothing new and wasted precious thirty minutes of the nation. He said people wanted an end to the war on terror but Zardari had declared it would continue till the completion of the American agenda.

He emphasized that the corrupt Muslim leadership trapped in the quagmire of corrupt democratic system could never pull the Muslim Ummah out of the present crises since their power could not survive without further corruption and plundering of the public wealth.

He said only Islamic Khilafah could pull the Ummah out of western clutches and protect its material and human resources and only Hizbut Tahrir was the only option as alternate Muslim leadership to achieve that goal.
Hizbut-Tahreer and Zardari should both lump it. Both are all talk and no action.

Zardari's speech about the bombing was hideous. Not one sane line that made any sense. Right in the middle of it he got stuck and was unable to say "Pae-takmeel" and his advisers had to correct him as he was speaking on TV.

The guy inspires zero confidence. All he is good at his wheeling and dealing at home with the likes of himself.
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Sunday, 21 September 2008

Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid (PML-Q) NWFP President Amir Muqam has said that President Asif Ali Zardari disappointed the nation, as he announced no relief for the people in his speech to the joint session of the Parliament.

Talking on Saturday, he criticised President Zardari for ignoring the much awaited demands of the NWFP people regarding net profit on hydel power generation and announcing “mere renaming of Frontier as Pakhtunkhwa.”

Renaming of NWFP as Pakhtunkhwa, he said, would not benefit anyone and President Zardari should have provided net profit on hydel power generation. He said the president should have announced reduction in the prices of petroleum products besides announcing measures to check the price-hike.

The PML-Q provincial president said that renaming of the NWFP, as Pakhtunkhwa was an insult to all the legislators who had showed their marked ballot papers to the government monitors during the presidential election. He said that the president announced only formation of a committee to revisit the 17th Amendment and 58-2(b) instead of taking practical decision. It, he said, had become a saying now that whenever the government did not want to solve any problem it named a committee to look into it.

The PML-Q leader said the prices of petrol in the international market had decreased but the president instead of announcing subsidy for the people ignored miseries of 160 million people.

The PML-N leaders, while welcoming the maiden speech of the president, wished that Zardari should have restored the judges also. The ruling alliance leaders, including PPP Provincial President Rahimdad Khan and ANP Minister Mian Iftikhar Hussain welcomed President Zardari’s speech and said the government would provide provincial autonomy and resolve all the outstanding issues between the centre and provinces.

Sunday, 21 September 2008

Opposition Leader in the Senate Kamil Ali Agha said the speech had proved that the previous government’s policies would continue without any change.

He said rather than scrapping the Article 58-2 (b) and the 17th Amendment, the matter had been handed over to committees, which would favour the president.

“The gory incident of Islamabad blast, which came just a few hours after the president’s speech, is the reaction against Zardari’s claim that the country is a part of the war on terror,” he said, adding the situation would only improve if the PPP worked according to the people’s expectations.

PML-Q senior leader Hamid Nasir Chattha said the president’s speech did not contain any outstanding stuff. He said that changing the name of the NWFP would require an amendment in the Constitution, which would also open many other fronts such as abolishing the 17th Amendment for the president.

Senator SM Zafar said the president’s speech was full of future promises. He said the speech should have focused on issues like getting concession for the country in the nuclear field like the one India got from the USA.

SM Zafar lauded the decision of nominating the opposition leader as the chairman of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC), terming it a positive step.

PML-Q NWFP President Amir Muqam has said that President Asif Ali Zardari had disappointed the nation, as he announced no relief for the people in his speech to the joint session of parliament.

Renaming of the NWFP as Pakhtunkhwa, he said, would not benefit anyone and President Zardari should have provided net profit on hydel power generation.

Talking to The News, PML-N Vice Chairman Raja Zafar-ul-Haq said it was a very short speech in which the president had avoided issues such as the price-hike, restoration of the judges and the situation in the Fata.

PML-N Vice President Zafar Ali Shah said the president had not taken the nation into confidence on vital issues such as economy, the war on terror, law and order and judicial crisis. He said the short speech lacked any clear policy on vital issues. He said the people had great expectations from the president but they were disappointed. “The president said nothing about how he would resolve the public issues,” he said.

He added the people were expecting that the president would order an inquiry into the murder of Benazir Bhutto from the UNO but he seemed to have put that matter in cold storage.

Punjab Law Minister Rana Sanaullah Khan said the president had not discussed the basic issues and the speech lacked depth.

PML-N Central Finance Secretary Pervez Malik said the president’s address to parliament reflected lack of political will on the part of the government to steer the country out of the prevailing crises. In a statement issued on Saturday, he said: “The address does not contain any programme and guidelines for addressing the problems facing the country.”

Meanwhile, leaders of the JI said that the address did not touch the grievances of the masses. Syed Munawwar Hasan of the JI said Asif Zardari had ascended to the presidential slot because of the Charter of Democracy, but he did not seem to be ready to implement the charter’s clauses.

Munawar said the president should have announced the abolition of the Article 58-2(b) and the 17th Amendment immediately.

He said Asif Zardari had paid verbal tributes to Benazir Bhutto but after becoming the president, he had taken no practical steps to hold an inquiry into her murder, which showed that her assassination was now a thing of the past.

Jamiat Ahle Hadith president Senator Sajid Mir said Zardari’s presidential address was a traditional speech, full of tall claims and promises but without any concrete measures to address the problems of the masses.

Also, the Pakistan Muslim League-Quaid (PML-Q) criticised the presidentís first speech, saying no concrete steps were announced to solve the present crises in the country.

Leaders of the PML-Q were of the view the Saturday’s suicide attack in Islamabad was a result of Zardari's claim that the war on terror was Pakistan’s war.
Hizbut-Tahreer and Zardari should both lump it. Both are all talk and no action.

Zardari's speech about the bombing was hideous. Not one sane line that made any sense. Right in the middle of it he got stuck and was unable to say "Pae-takmeel" and his advisers had to correct him as he was speaking on TV.
- Bomb blast 2008 Marriot Hotel - President Zardari Speech[/url]

The guy inspires zero confidence. All he is good at his wheeling and dealing at home with the likes of himself.

Dman...every time I think that we can't suck worse than we already do something worse just pops up out of nothing?
How low can we go? :hitwall:
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Dman...every time I think that we can't suck worse than we already do something worse just pops up out of nothing?
How low can we go? :hitwall:

It has to go a lot lower than this for the nation to realize the worth of this country and then rise (if they have enough ghairat to do so). :tsk:
It has to go a lot lower than this for the nation to realize the worth of this country and then rise (if they have enough ghairat to do so). :tsk:

Do we have a nation? I'm least optimistic about this part. IMO, we can wait till end of the world for the day when we realise the worth of an independent country.

Munawar said the president should have announced the abolition of 58-2(B) and the 17th amendment immediately

How silly, how come a President make constitutional changes!
In parliamentary system of govt. it is PM who is CEO and all constitutional revisions are done in parliament.
I know Zardari has been misleading all the idiots of nation on this issue before presidential elections. who is more culprit zardari or the fools who lack common sense!

I remember seeing his interview on one of his propaganda TV ARY where he was mentioning that he will gift the nation by abolishing both mentioned clauses and I was wondering either he is insane himself or he consider this rest of Pakistan as insane.
^^^in one sentence his speech was "big on words & small in deeds".
Thank God, Allah has saved me from listenining to Zardari's crap :D
He doesn't come across as a sincere man, and his oratorial skills are quite poor.

I wonder why people voted for him.
Zardari's speech about the bombing was hideous. Not one sane line that made any sense. Right in the middle of it he got stuck and was unable to say "Pae-takmeel" and his advisers had to correct him as he was speaking on TV.


I believe this was related to PTV messing up again (after Gillani's teleprompter incident) and starting a live broadcast during the speech rehearsal, hence Zardari asking for clarifications in the middle ..

PTV has gone even further downhill since that hack Shahid Massod was appointed.
Zardari's speech about the bombing was hideous. Not one sane line that made any sense. Right in the middle of it he got stuck and was unable to say "Pae-takmeel" and his advisers had to correct him as he was speaking on TV.


I believe this was related to PTV messing up again and starting a live broadcast during the speech rehearsal, hence Zardari asking for clarifications in the middle ..

PTV has gone even further downhill since that hack Shahid Massod was appointed.
Zardari’s messed up speech

Monday, September 22, 2008
State TV again embarrasses govt

By Mazhar Tufail

ISLAMABAD: President Asif Ali Zardari's address to the grieved nation hours after the deadly blast at the Marriott Islamabad reflected the nation's resolve not to submit to intimidation. Yet the state TV even in this hour of national grief could not display professionalism and caused embarrassment to the president.

Two months ago, Prime Minister Syed Yousuf Raza Gilani's address was also messed up by the PTV when his live address, first communication with the nation, was interrupted owing to mismanagement and malfunctioning of a tele-prompter. The poor show by the state TV was once again displayed Saturday night when the rehearsal of the president's speech was telecast live at around 2:10 a.m.

When the PTV team reached the Aiwan-e-Sadr, it was decided that the president's speech would be recorded rather than broadcast live and clear instructions were issued to the PTV Chairman/MD Dr Shahid Masood to arrange recording equipment accordingly.

After approving the draft of the address, the president, as part of the routine exercise, took a few minutes to rehearse the speech. The PTV cameras and recording systems were activated to monitor the rehearsal.

However, what was described as a "recording" of the rehearsal turned into actual live broadcast and the state TV telecast the president's rehearsal as a live address and two other private networks also carried out the same feed. Dr Shahid Masood was present at the scene during the entire episode.

"The PTV Chairman/MD was clearly directed that the speech would be recorded and the president did not wish a live broadcast," said a source at the Aiwan-e-Sadr. On learning the mismanagement, the president ordered the information minister to initiate an inquiry. The Information Ministry has constituted a team to investigate into the matter. PTV Chairman/MD Dr Shahid Masood, who was to accompany the president on his official trip to New York, has been ordered to stay back in Pakistan.

Acting Information Secretary A S Abbasi confirmed that a high-level committee has been constituted to probe the matter. "The committee would submit its report after the president's returns from New York later this week," said Abbasi.

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Incompetent morons! All the way from MD PTV to the President of Pakistan. :disagree:
He doesn't come across as a sincere man, and his oratorial skills are quite poor.

I wonder why people voted for him.

People did not vote for him. People have voted for the political entity PPP.

The sold out goons in PPP have chosen him as president plus the foolish egoism and hate of Nawaz the gunja for Musharraf had paved way for zarari to become president.
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