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Miracle baby plucked ALIVE from toilet pipe after his parents flushed him

offtopic but anybody fancies a bite?


ps: these are chocolates, I am not a monster.. :)
Chinese newborn rescued from apartment sewage pipe: police

BEIJING -- A newborn baby boy was rescued from a sewage pipe in a Chinese apartment building after becoming stuck down a toilet, local police said Tuesday, in a case that provoked a shocked online reaction.

The mother of the baby, 22 and unmarried, hid her pregnancy from neighbors for fear of being ostracized, a police officer in Jinhua in the eastern province of Zhejiang, told AFP.

She gave birth unexpectedly when she went to the lavatory on Saturday, and the newborn fell into the squat toilet, said the officer, who declined to be named.

The mother telephoned her landlord, claiming she heard “weird noises” in the pipe, and the proprietor called in police after spotting the infant.

Attempts to pull him out failed, so rescuers sawed away a section of the 10-centimeter (4-inch) diameter conduit with the baby inside and took him to a local hospital, according to Chinese media reports.

Firefighters and doctors spent nearly an hour taking the tube apart piece by piece with pliers and saws and finally recovered the newborn, whose placenta was still attached, the reports said.

From the time he was found until when he was taken out, the baby was stuck in the tube for two to three hours, according to the policeman.

“The woman was on the scene during the entire rescue process ... and admitted (she was the mother) when we asked her,” he said, adding they were still looking for the boy's father.

“We need further investigations to find out if she had any malicious intentions” before deciding whether the young mother would be charged, he added.

The 2.3-kilogram (5-pound) boy suffered some cuts to his face and limbs and was put in an incubator at the hospital, according to earlier reports — which alleged the newborn had been deliberately dumped down the toilet.

According to the officer his condition had improved. “The baby is very healthy now and can be released from the hospital,” he said.

But the mother was in a serious condition due to complications from the delivery, he added.

The incident triggered hundreds of thousands of comments on China's hugely popular weibos, services similar to Twitter, with users astonished by the circumstances and expressing good wishes for the baby.

“What? A baby was dropped in a toilet pipe? It goes beyond my imagination,” said a user with the pseudonym Long Live Little D.

Another user, If-Free, said watching the rescue left her distraught.

“Seeing the little one wriggling and groaning as the pipe was torn apart bit by bit wrings my heart ... You've lived through the hardest moment in your life and your future will definitely be smooth,” she wrote.

Chinese babies born out of wedlock are sometimes abandoned because of social and financial pressures. The country's one-child policy can also mean heavy fines for couples who have more than one baby.

Chinese newborn rescued from apartment sewage pipe: police - The China Post

Thank the good Lord!
Chinese baby is rescued ALIVE from toilet pipe after being flushed away by parents | Mail Online
It began when perplexed neighbours heard screams coming from a waste pipe on the fourth floor of a run-down block of flats.
It ended with the astonishing sight of a two-day-old, 5lb boy being cut free after apparently being flushed down a lavatory by his mother.
He has been temporarily named Baby 59 – the number of the incubator in which he lies with a fractured skull and severe bruising.
Scroll down for video. Warning graphic content

Baby 59¿s condition was said to be stable and he should recover, but his discovery - head first in a toilet waste pipe - has succeeded in outraging a country in which brutal acts against youngsters are a common occurrence


Being nursed back to health: The abandoned baby boy is pictured being fed in hospital after firefighters rescued him from a sewage pipe after he was apparently flushed down a toilet in Jinhua, Zhejiang Province


Reunited: The baby boy's mother - believed to be a 22-year-old single woman - has been found and is said to be with her baby in hospital
In scenes captured on video and posted online, firemen desperately sawed away at the four-inch-wide pipe just below a ceiling in which the boy was trapped.

The rescuers then rushed the section of pipe to a hospital, where firemen and doctors alternately used pliers and saws to take it apart.

The infant’s arms were pinned to his side and when the pipe was prised away, he let out a long wail at the Pujiang County People’s Hospital in Jinhua, eastern China. He was still attached to the placenta.

Baby 59’s condition was said to be stable and he should recover. But the incident has succeeded in outraging a country in which brutal acts against youngsters are a common occurrence.

Hundreds of thousands of Chinese people took to Weibo – their version of Twitter – to vent their fury at the mother, believed to be an unmarried 22-year-old.


Injured: A nurse said the baby boy - who weighs 6.2 pounds - suffered a fracture to his skull but is now in a stable condition

God bless you, I am glad this precious little baby is of an age where he won't remember this ordeal. This thing really shocked the entire Chinese, just as Xiao Yueyue event last year, what should we do for every Chinese,tell children no matter what you do wrong, you can't do more wrong, gorv, society, everyone should do more to protect every minor
Haemoglobin-F (Foetal Haemoglobin) with greater oxygen carrying capacity might have kept him alive in such a tight space.

Fetal hemoglobin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"Functionally, fetal hemoglobin differs most from adult hemoglobin in that it is able to bind oxygen with greater affinity than the adult form, giving the developing fetus better access to oxygen from the mother's bloodstream."

For a specific oxygen partial pressure, Hb-F can hold more oxygen than Adult-Hb:

"A higher affinity for oxygen allows higher concentrations of oxygen into fetal circulation, however this also inhibits oxygen dissociation into fetal tissue where the oxygen is needed. To overcome this, other mechanisms are in place to ensure oxygen delivery to fetal tissue:

• Increased hematocrit (Hct) – higher number of red blood cells per blood volume.
• Exacerbated Bohr effect"

Jesus Christ.......

Are those parent even Human to begin with? How can they flush something that adorable into something that horrible.

I'll say, the Chinese Government should lock those Parent up IN DA SEWER SYSTEM, see how they like this
Just how Americans carpet bomb & nuke civilians & drone children in schools & homes... So YOU suggest that punishment for culprits must be on the same lines...!!! So the victims & their relatives could see how YOU guys like it done to ur kids...! By-the-way victims won't really need to get to that since ur own governments would take care of you, soon.

I remember a similiar incident in kerala,when a mother gave birth to a child in toilet,and the newborns head got struck in the toilet. The rescue services took her to safety.

Kids these days... !!!
Jesus Christ.......

Are those parent even Human to begin with? How can they flush something that adorable into something that horrible.

I'll say, the Chinese Government should lock those Parent up IN DA SEWER SYSTEM, see how they like this
I remember a similiar incident in kerala,when a mother gave birth to a child in toilet,and the newborns head got struck in the toilet. The rescue services took her to safety.
I remember a similiar incident in kerala,when a mother gave birth to a child in toilet,and the newborns head got struck in the toilet. The rescue services took her to safety.

that's a different case I suppose. I don't think in this case the mother is giving birth in the toilet, rather she had given birth and then flash the toilet down the drain......At least this is what the local news source say
This seems more like a social tragedy rather than a criminal act:

Mother Of Baby Trapped In Sewer Pipe Was Present During Rescue

Mother Of Baby Trapped In Sewer Pipe Was Present During Rescue

BEIJING -- The mother of the Chinese newborn trapped in a sewer pipe in a stunning ordeal caught on video had raised the initial alarm and was present for the entire two-hour rescue but did not admit giving birth until confronted by police, reports said Wednesday.

The state-run, Hangzhou-based newspaper Dushikuaibao said police became suspicious when they found baby toys and blood-stained toilet paper in the 22-year-old woman's rented room, in the building where Saturday's rescue occurred in eastern China.

The woman, whose name was not revealed in state media reports, confessed to police when they asked her to undergo a medical checkup.

The woman told police she could not afford an abortion and secretly delivered the child Saturday afternoon in the toilet. She said she tried to catch the baby but he slipped into the sewer line and that she alerted her landlord of the trapped baby after she could not pull the child out, the state-run, Jinhua-based Zhezhong News said.

Video of the rescue of Baby No. 59 – so named because of his incubator number in the hospital – was shown on Chinese news programs and websites starting late Monday and picked up worldwide, prompting both horror and an outpouring of charity on behalf of the newborn. The mother's reported confession raises questions about whether she intended to abandon the baby, while suggesting that she was desperate and did not know what to do.

Zhezhong News said the woman is a high school graduate who works at a restaurant in the Zhejiang province city of Jinhua. She said she became pregnant after a one-night stand with a man who later denied any responsibility. The woman did not reveal the pregnancy to her parents. She also said she wanted to raise the child but had no idea how to do it, according to local reports.

Firefighters were called to the residential building in the Pujiang area of Jinhua to rescue the baby, which was trapped in the L-joint of a sewage pipe just below a squat toilet in one of the building's public restrooms.

In the video, officials were shown removing the pipe from a ceiling that apparently was just below the restroom and then, at the hospital, using pliers and saws to gently pull apart the pipe, which was about 10 centimeters (about 3 inches) in diameter.

The baby, who weighed 2.8 kilograms (6 pounds, 2.8 ounces), had a low heart rate and some minor abrasions on his head and limbs, but was mostly unhurt, according to local reports. The placenta was still attached.

News of the baby's ordeal was met with horror and pity by bloggers on Chinese sites. Most speculated that the child had been dumped by his parents down the toilet. The rescue prompted an outpouring from strangers who came to the hospital with diapers, baby clothes, powdered milk and offers to adopt him.

Dushikuaibao said the mother was present throughout the entire rescue and expressed her concern for the child, thought that didn't initially rouse suspicion of the police.

Police initially said they were treating the case of as possible attempted homicide, but it was not immediately clear whether the mother would face criminal charges.

Local police refused to comment, saying the case is under further investigation.

In China, unwanted pregnancies have been on the rise because of a lack of sex education and an increasingly lax attitude toward sex. Young men and women often are engaged in unprotected sex, and abortions have become increasingly common, with abortion services widely available.

Sociologist Li Yinhe said more than 70 percent of China's young adults have had premarital sex, but that Chinese schools typically shy away from sex education and teaching about contraception because teachers don't want to appear to condone premarital sex.

"The public also is very ambiguous over whether you are committing a murder when you kill an infant or abandon it," Li said.

The landlord of the building told local media earlier in the week that there were no signs that the birth took place in the restroom and she had not been aware of any recent pregnancies among her tenants.

The baby's mother told police she cleaned up the scene in the toilet after the delivery and that she had managed to hide her pregnancy by wearing loose clothes and tightly wrapping her abdomen, Zhezhong News said.
But the landlady said she didnt notice any of her tenants pregnant...was the mother soo .....that her pregnancy was not noticed?
But the landlady said she didnt notice any of her tenants pregnant...was the mother soo .....that her pregnancy was not noticed?

Please read the last paragraph:

"The baby's mother told police she cleaned up the scene in the toilet after the delivery and that she had managed to hide her pregnancy by wearing loose clothes and tightly wrapping her abdomen, Zhezhong News said."

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/member...-his-parents-flushed-him-2.html#ixzz2UgVGW5ZD
Man.. what do i know about the world! these kinda people exist among us?:eek:
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@Argus Panoptes even soo...movement and other aspects are noticeable at 5mths

Yes, but I think the mother was aware she was pregnant, but successfully hid her state from everybody around her, which led to the incident.

The full story is not yet known as the police are still investigating.
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