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Mind Your Own Nukes

Misinformation...the Strategic Plans Division was established before the stated series of events...its job is to supervise the development of Pakistan's Nuclear Weapons and their Delivery Systems...its job is also to protect them...
In short ,SPD looks over the nuclear matters,like whats going on and how to improve...

National Command Authority (NCA) decides when to mobilize or use them...

Army Strategic Forces Command (ASFC) is the User of these weapons which are land-based...

if you look back at my post, i never said that they decide to mobilize the nukes, they use them, they are simply there to secure them and get info about what is happening regarding the nukes. By the way, SPD and NESCOM are beefing up security real time and are floating a tender for 6 gigantic screening machines. Before AQ network plot, SPD was not much active or in the limelight, but now it is very much active.

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