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This is a very interesting argument.

It practically declared that what people -- non Jews -- did back in WW II when they sheltered Jews from the Nazis and many of them died in their humanitarian deeds, THEY WERE WRONG.

The argument basically said that Jews and Israel are exceptions to humanitarian impulses. The slippery slope here is that ALL people should avoid sacrificial acts in the name of humanity when they see another person being robbed or even worse. According to our female Iranian member here, it is not merely wrong but outright immoral to defend someone under threats because if now it is Jews and Israel who are exceptions to humanitarian impulses, tomorrow it could be you and your kind, whoever you are.

Congratulations to our Iranian members here. Inshallah and Allahu Akbar.

Do you how many Iranian people in Europe risked their lives to save Jews and other minorities WWII?

No one in the Middle East should die because of Israel's plans for the Middle east.
Your such a F&Cking retard.

Do you how many Iranian people in Europe risked their lives to save Jews and other minorities from WWII?
Then they were immoral for doing so. Am only going by YOUR argument.

No one in the Middle East should die because of Israel's plans for the Middle east.
What plans are they? To merely exists for Jews? What evil is this?
Then they were immoral for doing so. Am only going by YOUR argument.

What plans are they? To merely exists for Jews? What evil is this?

If your gonna redraw the Middle east map, to divide up all the Arab countries so that the security of Israel can be guaranteed, then the people should know the truth.
No innocent person should DIE for security of Israel.
I love this argument. I really cannot get enough of it or over it. It reveals so much about the Muslims' mentality and contradicts everything we hear/read about the petty differences between a Jew and a Zionist.

'No innocent person should DIE for security of Israel.' -- It means those non-Jews who died, whether they were agents in the service of their countries and serve those countries' national interests that involved Israel or that they helped Jews from their own humanitarian impulses such as the planned extermination of Jews by the Nazis, those non-Jews were guilty of something heinous.

i cannot speak for other countries, by respect.
but for mine, clearly we never choosed a dictator.
in the revolution time all people wanted to kick the shah. then people wanted morality and values (which the shah was missing very much) so they trusted Khomeiny words when himself said he would ask again later for referendum and more important this would be a republic (with no power - in economic or any field not religious- in the hands of religious people ; which would be there just for agreement of some morality in some matter). war was terrible and it made a disaster for us. after war basiji were used as a militia . sepah is not more an army in business having half the economy in hands.
well what i mean is that all this never happened by choices of Iranians. never.
THe only choice we made @gambit is when our elections are not cheated and we can show we want change.
but you see even for a president having far less pwoer than leader, we hope elections are respected, we hope Khamenei would accept this guy or that guy, and not only conservatives or ultras.
i have been in contacts with green movment (not a member since i don't do politics) and clearly your country totally ignored this social movment; because it was not about the leader arrested it was much more than this: it was a will that all the society would unite to express the wills of change.
Iran is really special maybe in the world: a population modern with culture and respect compared to his leader with the stupid group leading the country. there is a so huge difference between a small part of fanatics and an important part of people who always value first the education of their children, who value peace and respect. I believe in Iranians. We need a big change anyway but not a lot of people are optimistic.

anyway i understand your position. thx for your answers.
Perhaps not by noticeable margin. But dictators and their regimes do not last unless there are sizable support among the people and the dictator is able to gain and maintain their support by certain means. I read a long time ago, as in pre-historic (Internet) days, an analyst who declared that a dictator needs at best 30% of the population to gain power and maintains it. Reasonable people are the bulk of any citizenry and their willingness to be reasonable often makes them easily cowed by threats and intimidation by that lesser 30%.
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Perhaps not by noticeable margin. But dictators and their regimes do not last unless there are sizable support among the people and the dictator is able to gain and maintain their support by certain means. I read a long time ago, as in pre-historic (Internet) days, an analyst who declared that a dictator needs at best 30% of the population to gain power and maintains it. Reasonable people are the bulk of any citizenry and their willingness to be reasonable often makes them easily cowed by threats and intimidation by that lesser 30%.

Has there been a scientific study in this regard?

It appears to be true but exact percentages would be helpful as sometime in multiparty democracy, winner has support of less than 30%.
Hope some Tomahawks and Storm Shadows "loose" their way and hit a certain naval base at Tarsus and its assets :usflag:

A la guerre ,comme a la guerre :D
I love this argument. I really cannot get enough of it or over it. It reveals so much about the Muslims' mentality and contradicts everything we hear/read about the petty differences between a Jew and a Zionist.

'No innocent person should DIE for security of Israel.' -- It means those non-Jews who died, whether they were agents in the service of their countries and serve those countries' national interests that involved Israel or that they helped Jews from their own humanitarian impulses such as the planned extermination of Jews by the Nazis, those non-Jews were guilty of something heinous.


WTF are you talking about....
You can recognize my thoughts from my Flip-Flops....:cheesy:

hahaha, J/K.

Your about the only one left who still thinks US wasn't lying....
So when the Iranians say Saddam gassed them....they are lying?

They lied to KSA during Iraq's invasion of Kuwait. They showed them fabricated intel info of Iraqi Army at the borders of KSA. Just to get their feet on KSA ground and make bases. After that Kuwait was liberated without firing a single bullet. What a joke.
With out a single bullet? So no Iraqis were killed, that's good.
It seems like Uncle Sam is going to play another dirty game in Syria to destroy her (Same like Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Afghanistan and Pakistan).....A policy to weaken the Islamic world slowly by destroying its strong countries.....make trouble, in those countries by giving the rebels weapons, training and money, raised them against govt. and when violations will start enter in that country with full military force with the name of Peace and destroy that country so she can't raise for next 50 years.

In Syria, CIA gave weapons and money to rebels and then sent his Elite commandos to fight along with rebels. And when they saw ground is ready they sent now her military to destroy that country...........and now it's proved that Uncle Same gave the Chemical Weapons o rebels so they can make a propaganda against Syrian Govt. and get some reason to attack on that country.

See the link here what UN Official are saying, if that is true, question raised from where those rebels get those Weapons and answer came automatically CIA.

Syrian rebels used Sarin nerve gas, not Assad's regime: U.N. official - Washington Times

with the help of our beloved Royal Jewish Family, all those countries you mentioned US wasnt alone there was Royal Jewish family side by side with money bags wide open.
Yes, it is true that talks of another 'world war' are overplayed and I certainly hope no-one bombs Syria and a 'peaceful' solution is found but if Assad is cornered like Qaddafi was then he would rather not be literally sodomized like Qaddafi was and instead throw everything at his opponents--starting from Israel (the real force in this anti-Syria campaign, I might add); the war is going to involve Lebanon, Iran, Israel and several others. NOTHING like that has been seen since WW 2 if you consider how dangerously armed and suicidal some countries are. Pakistan is almost certainly going to get involved as well if Iran is being destroyed.
Let's hope we pull back from this scenario WHICH IS NOT IMPOSSIBLE AT ALL! War has its own dynamic. For 30+ years plans have been devised to neutralize Iran. The plans have been hastened after the Israel-Hezb battle of 2006. I think we are finally seeing real action on that--but the climax is nowhere in sight--yet!!
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There will be no collapse of Iran.

Iran is standing tall and strong.

Iran is the most stable country in the region.

Everything is going smoothly and as planned.

Even if they bomb Syria, Syria is not going to collapse, they are not going to change the government.

Actually this works in favor of Iran.

It means stronger alliance of Iran-Syria in the future. More military cooperation and closer ties.
Iran is tiny and weak....run by in-bred mullah-tards...and will do squat about our punishment of their boy Assad except fire a few ineffectual rockets at Israel (always thought it strange that the Iranians who consider themselves a "missile power" cant provide Hezzbull a something that can actually hit a target....instead of point and pray)
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