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Military option for Iran if things get worse: US General


Apr 11, 2012
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At the end of a two-day Israeli visit, US Chairman Joint Chief of Staff Gen Martin Dempsey said that the US might use military options if Iranian government deviates from the diplomatic path, reported Jim Michaels on Defense news.

The General further added that Israel is satisfied with the capability of US and believes that US will use it if it deems necessary.

It should be noted that International community had a pact with Iran last year. The deal was a success and International community was thinking of relaxing sanctions on Iran.

However, the meeting between Israeli military officials and US military officials is showing a contrasting picture of the story. General Dempsey said that Israel and we (US) are more synchronized than ever.

Source: pointraiser.com
We are wainting for the promised attack for 35yrs now .....

Its been a long long wait :lol:

anyhow , even posting this kind of threads bear no result and have no point
I sincerely wish for a strong and prosperous Iran but please don't wish for this, please don't take the U.S too lightly.
I sincerely wish for a strong and prosperous Iran but please don't wish for this, please don't take the U.S too lightly.
If even for a second , we got them easy , they would have attacked us as they promised .

but one thing for sure brother , that we dont pass any threat un-noticed .

Tnx for the nice words
Lol at this "Israel Licking" festival every time a U.S official visiting the Jewish state. it's becoming like a mandatory tradition, as if their salaries won't be paid for not doing it.
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Military option against Iran can not serve the USA's interest, a well known fact by American policy makers and commanders, that's why despite all theses huffing and puffing it's never taken place.
First of all destroying buildings and nuclear related facilities would be effective when your target is dependent on scientific and technological aids from outside to make progress in its program while Iran is self-sufficient, otherwise sanctions would have halted Iran nuclear program years ago.
Secondly there will be no more control over Iran nuclear program.
Any probable strike on Iran would justify any effort to acquire nuclear weapons by Iran immediately.
And finally Iran's response would be unpredictable in proportion and intensity.
Military option against Iran can not serve the USA's interest, a well known fact by American policy makers and commanders, that's why despite all theses huffing and puffing it's never taken place.
First of all destroying buildings and nuclear related facilities would be effective when your target is dependent on scientific and technological aids from outside to make progress in its program while Iran is self-sufficient, otherwise sanctions would have halted Iran nuclear program years ago.
Secondly there will be no more control over Iran nuclear program.
Any probable strike on Iran would justify any effort to acquire nuclear weapons by Iran immediately.
And finally Iran's response would be unpredictable in proportion and intensity.

Will the next NATO strike would be IRAN and Syria all together??? I am sure this is the case...
yavar jaan khodeti ? ya eshtebah gereftam ?

Welcome :) we really need an expert here :tup:
np . been here for long time but i never done much of posting . today the other forum is down so i was just checking this one out . you and Sohile are doing good job here .which is hard because of so many Trol here .
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np . been here for long time but i never done much of posting . today the other forum is down so i was just checking this one out . you and Sohile are doing good job here .which is hard because of so many Trol here .

do you know what happen to other forum ??
yes clearly :lol: the yavar i know doesnt know much english :lol: actually he sucks at it :D

this forum uses a new forum software , the previous one was getting too old and couldnt handle any more info .

it was getting super slow
sorry bro . i am trying my best with english .
no , i'm talking about another yavar brother :D

he is lovely and he is an expert , but he doesnt know english as much as you .

anyway welcome back , hopw you enjoy your stay

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