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Military Operation against TTP in N.Waziristan | Updates & Discussions.

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Typical ignorant mindset. People like you should be lined up with the taliban and killed! Racists. Do you know the basics of NWA? Population, the tribes, the area? Pls research first before giving bullsh!t opinions.

Oh, and I can bet you are a punjabi.. thinking every baluch is a BLA fighter, every Pathan is TTP and every Urdu speaking is MQM

Shoot the ones who took part and sheltered the people who invaded the airport, not someone who from day 1 back in 2005 has spoken against TTP and their sympathizers who are equally as guilty. Why else would they run away into the mountains and away from hospitals and schools? Only an idiot or a criminal would do that.

Everyone needs a passport and everyone who is calling themselves 'Pakistani' have to check in and have documents issued. Just because they live in the mountains doesn't mean they are some sort of special case. Same treatment for all.
Shoot the ones who took part and sheltered the people who invaded the airport, not someone who from day 1 back in 2005 has spoken against TTP and their sympathizers who are equally as guilty. Why else would they run away into the mountains and away from hospitals and schools? Only an idiot or a criminal would do that.

Everyone needs a passport and everyone who is calling themselves 'Pakistani' have to check in and have documents issued. Just because they live in the mountains doesn't mean they are some sort of special case. Same treatment for all.

Because no matter what you think or are told, Pakistan Army does kill civilians and does bomb mosques, hospitals, homes etc (Sometimes even intentionally, and I can swear on this)

Majority of Army is of your punjabi mindset, all mountain people are taliban or those who shelter them! Fact is, Majority dont support ANY Taliban (afg, pak, alqarda, imu etc etc) but are forced by both sides. Thy have little choice
Majority of Army is of your punjabi mindset, all mountain people are taliban or those who shelter them! Fact is, Majority dont support ANY Taliban (afg, pak, alqarda, imu etc etc) but are forced by both sides. Thy have little choice

Little choice?? Are you justifying terrorist sympathizers?? Why are they running away into Afghan hell hole and not towards PA army camps for protection if they have no choice?

Its ok to give shelter to an Uzbek terrorist who can kill innocent people in an airport but I have a horrible "punjabi mindset" to think thats wrong and do something about it.

I know you mean well and I perfectly understand your concerns because all I want is for people there to be happy and join the modern world. Its a beautiful part of the country and like myself and I am sure many others just want to go have a look there and see with my own eyes. I don't believe in provincialism, it is just as stupid as tribalism, its backwards.

The area needs to be secured and infrastructure needs to be built for trade and development. These places are tourist destinations, not inaccessible terrorist sanctuary where they have made a business out of murder.

Any Pakistani, or any human for that fact which is normal does not shit in his own house, doesn't matter where that house is. Justice must be delivered as a lot of good people have been wronged.
150 uzbik terrorist killed. Including Abu Abdur Rehman the master mind of khi airport attack.
Jet bombings kill over 50 terrorists in North Waziristan: ISPR
By Web Desk
Published: June 15, 2014

ISLAMABAD: Over 50 people were killed as Pakistan Air Force (PAF) jets bombed hideouts of suspected militants in Dattakhel area of North Waziristan early on Sunday,Express News reported.

In the second wave, the air force carried out shelling in the Mir Ali area of North Waziristan.

An Inter Services Public Relations (ISPR) press release confirmed that terrorists linked to planning the attack on Karachi airport were present in the hideouts that were bombed.

At least 37 people, including 10 terrorists, were killed in the all-night battle at Jinnah International Airport that had started on June 8. The Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan (IMU) had claimed responsibility for the attack.

The ISPR stated that mostly Uzbek foreigners were killed in the strikes. An ammunition dump was also destroyed, according to the press release.

Terrorists of East Turkestan Islamic Movement (ETIM) were also allegedly killed in the bombings, Express News reported.

There were earlier reports that 150 people had been killed, but this death toll could not be confirmed at this time.

Following the incident, the local political administration imposed a curfew in the area for an indefinite period.

Previous bombings

On Jun 10, aerial bombing in Tirah valley of Khyber Agency killed at least 25 militants.

On May 23, gunship helicopter and jet planes bombed hideouts of suspected militants in North Waziristan, killing four and injuring three others.
Did ISPR release any videos of bombings as proof that only terrorists are killed and there are no civilian casualties.
TTP extends olive branch after N Waziristan air strikes
By Tahir Khan / AFP
Published: June 15, 2014

ISLAMABAD: As army air strikes intensified in North Waziristan, the Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) have offered an olive branch to the government, saying theyare still open to ‘meaningful’ peace talks.

“The government has constantly adopted a non-serious approach. This forced us to end [the] ceasefire and launch counter-attacks, which was our right and [an] obligation under Sharia,” said TTP spokesperson Shahidullah Shahid. However, the spokesman said the Taliban are still ready for meaningful talks.

He said statements from a senior member of the government’s negotiation team, Maj (retd) Aamir, have exposed the government’s real intentions. “Changes of the government’s team and their internal rifts have also had a negative impact on the process,” he said.

The government did not release a single non-combatant prisoner and also avoided producing Taliban prisoners before the court, Shahid said.

“The TTP was trapped under the pretext of dialogue. A secret operation code-named ‘root out’ was launched against the Mujahideen and their sympathisers across the country, and over 500 innocent people including some Taliban members were arrested,” the TTP spokesperson alleged.

Shahid also dismissed the army’s claims of casualties caused by air strikes in North Waziristan. He said the fighter jets have once again “targeted innocent people” in North Waziristan, and have killed and injured hundreds of people in overnight air strikes.

“We will launch revenge attacks,” Shahid said Sunday, hours after fighter jets rained bombs on what the army claimed were “hideouts of terrorists” in the Datta Khel area.

A military statement said a number of “terrorist’s hideouts in Degan, Datta Khel in North Waziristan Agency, were targeted by jet aircrafts.”

There were also confirmed reports of the presence of foreign and local terrorists in these hideouts, some linked to the planning of the Karachi airport attack.

The military said over 50 “terrorists, mostly Uzbek foreigners” were killed in the strikes and an ammunition dump has also been destroyed.

The TTP spokesperson said the PML-N and the ‘Punjab establishment’ have planned to launch a full-scale war in the near future.

Shahid said the airstrikes are alienating the people of the tribal region as around 50,000 people have migrated to Afghanistan, and such a situation presents a disastrous situation for the future of Pakistan.

The government began negotiations with the TTP through intermediaries in February, with a ceasefire beginning March 1 but breaking down a month later.

Eight killed in fresh infighting

Eight militants were killed Sunday in the latest clashes between the Pakistani Taliban and a breakaway faction in North Waziristan on Sunday, officials said.

The fighting erupted in the Wacha Mela area 65 kilometres west of Miranshah, the capital of North Waziristan tribal district.

A total of 106 militants have been killed since supporters of commander Khalid Mehsud, alias Khan Said Sajna, began battling followers of the slain former Taliban chief Hakimullah Mehsud in April.

Khalid Mehsud’s group last month split from the umbrella Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan, a move which analysts described as a victory for the Pakistani military’s strategy of sowing divisions between insurgent factions.

The latest fighting left eight militants dead and three wounded, a local intelligence official told AFP on condition of anonymity.

“Six of the dead militants belonged to the Hakimullah group,” he said.

Another security official and a militant source confirmed the fighting and casualties.

The powerful Mehsud faction parted ways with the TTP last month after its senior leader, Azam Tariq, blamed the TTP for “falling in the hands of conspirators and indulging in burglaries and extortion.”

The Taliban under Maulvi Fazalullah had been silent over the division for nearly three weeks and TTP spokesperson briefly touched upon what is widely believed as a serious development for the group.
The time for talk is over, now its time for ACTION

BUSS TUSS ho gaaay...lol

Operation finally launced!!! Called Zarb e Azb!!

Wht does it mean btw?
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