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Military analyst: Myanmar Navy can't compete with Bangladesh's


Mar 14, 2008
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Military analyst says Myanmar Navy can't compete with Bangladesh's

The capabilities of the Myanmar Navy may have been over estimated according to a military researcher of a pro-democracy Myanmar group.

A Burmese military analyst said Burma's navy could not compete with Bangladesh's if the two countries come to blow over ongoing maritime boundary dispute in the Gulf of Bengal.

U Htay Aung from research and documentation department of Thailand-based Network for Democracy and Development said the Burmese Navy's weaponry and tactical skills are no match for those of Bangladesh.

"The Burmese government only has a few warships bought from China that break down often even during military exercises," said U Htay Aung.

"Many Burmese naval ships in Heingyi Island base were also destroyed by Cyclone Nargis," he said
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Military analyst says Myanmar Navy can't compete with Bangladesh's

The capabilities of the Myanmar Navy may have been over estimated according to a military researcher of a pro-democracy Myanmar group.

A Burmese military analyst said Burma's navy could not compete with Bangladesh's if the two countries come to blow over ongoing maritime boundary dispute in the Gulf of Bengal.

U Htay Aung from research and documentation department of Thailand-based Network for Democracy and Development said the Burmese Navy's weaponry and tactical skills are no match for those of Bangladesh.

"The Burmese government only has a few warships bought from China that break down often even during military exercises," said U Htay Aung.

"Many Burmese naval ships in Heingyi Island base were also destroyed by Cyclone Nargis," he said

I totally aggre with this. And my uncle(Lieutenant Commander, Bangladesh Navy) also told me about it, Bangladesh Navy is much more stronger than Myanmar's...:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:
Is bangladesh sunni muslim country?I don't know much information about far east.
Is bangladesh sunni muslim country?I don't know much information about far east.

The answer is "YES", Bangladesh is a Sunni Muslim country. And Allah says, those who try to create division among the Muslim, are not Muslims themselves. So, I would like to say we are just Muslims.

By the way, this is not the topic you should ask such question.(No disrespect)
Is bangladesh sunni muslim country?I don't know much information about far east.

Bangladesh is the 3rd largest Muslim country in the world and yes sunni muslim country, but you should also know that Bangladesh also have a very small number of Shi'a and have Shi'a mosques in Dhaka capital too, we also have Hindu,Budhdhist,Christian with Church,Temples and everybody can organize celebration festivals even if it is the month of Ramadan. Me and my muslim neighbors used to sing songs in Hindu Pooja Festival upto 7.30 pm in the month of Ramadan and when the Azaan started, the hindus turned off their speakers and we went to Mosque for Tarabi Prayer.

We don't care about Shi'a/ Sunni fractions. In our country sometimes we don't even feel that a Hindu community exists because we live so closely.

Bangladesh has very good relations with Turkey historically, even we have a road named "Kamal Ataturk Avenue" which is the most expensive place to live in Dhaka Capital, it was named after Kamal Ataturk.

Turkey has been always a free religion nation that doesn't judge people by religion, so I think you don't see Shi'a as different.

here is the rankings of top 6 largest muslim countries by population :

1. Indonesia (Sunni 81%) (Presidential Democracy)
2. Pakistan (Sunni 97%) (Semi-Presidential Republic)
3. Bangladesh (Sunni 90%) (Parliamentary Democracy)
4. Nigeria (Sunni 50%) (Presidential Federal Republic)
5. Egypt (Sunni 90%) (Semi-presidential republic)
6. Turkey (Sunni 99.8%) (Parliamentary democracy)

hope this will help you.

Sorry To Moderator If Offtopic
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Military analyst says Myanmar Navy can't compete with Bangladesh's

The capabilities of the Myanmar Navy may have been over estimated according to a military researcher of a pro-democracy Myanmar group.

A Burmese military analyst said Burma's navy could not compete with Bangladesh's if the two countries come to blow over ongoing maritime boundary dispute in the Gulf of Bengal.

U Htay Aung from research and documentation department of Thailand-based Network for Democracy and Development said the Burmese Navy's weaponry and tactical skills are no match for those of Bangladesh.

"The Burmese government only has a few warships bought from China that break down often even during military exercises," said U Htay Aung.

"Many Burmese naval ships in Heingyi Island base were also destroyed by Cyclone Nargis," he said

Bangladesh has close defense relationship with Pakistan and this helped both the countries to learn a lot from each others experiences especially in the naval department. It seems to look like Myanmar cannot compete with Bangladesh in conventional warfare.
I wouldn't be so jingoistic... Remember last time when Myanmar sent a few ships down to St Martins and the entire country wet their pants?

I think Bangladeshis are often too sure of victory, without any underlying strength. This is all well and good, until the actual war happens and we are defeated badly.
Me and my muslim neighbors used to sing songs in Hindu Pooja Festival upto 7.30 pm in the month of Ramadan and when the Azaan started, the hindus turned off their speakers and we went to Mosque for Tarabi Prayer.

What is the about?

We don't care about Shi'a/ Sunni fractions.

True because both are Muslims.

In our country sometimes we don't even feel that a Hindu community exists because we live so closely.

Give me a break. Pure nonsense and personal commitment has nothing to do with entire country.
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