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Military analyst: Myanmar Navy can't compete with Bangladesh's

Force comparison between BN and MN


Frigates:.................5................. 4


vessel:..................11................. NA

Craft (Missile)........9.................11

(Anti Submarine... 4................. 9

Craft ............ 8................. NA

Craft (Gun)...........9.................14

Large Patrol
Craft :.................5.................2

Rapid Response
Boat:..................16................. NA

Mine Warfare:......5................. 2

Warfare:.............11................. 5


apart from that,Mayanmar has large collection of various Patrol boats and crafts..source Wiki... :tup:
Hai huys those of you who are biased over religious discrimination- screw you.
In Bangladesh, when you walk in the road, no one ask if you are hindu, muslim, sunni or shia. Get real buddy.

@ Grifin - don't rely on wiki. It's sometime good for preparing uni's assignments/presentations. But not in milli matter. Myanmar Military always boast and exaggerate their capabilities. But I assure you, our BN is more than capable of handling MN.
It's the political will that mattered most, rather than militaristic in the last standoff.
Force comparison between BN and MN


Frigates:.................5................. 4


vessel:..................11................. NA

Craft (Missile)........9.................11

(Anti Submarine... 4................. 9

Craft ............ 8................. NA

Craft (Gun)...........9.................14

Large Patrol
Craft :.................5.................2

Rapid Response
Boat:..................16................. NA

Mine Warfare:......5................. 2

Warfare:.............11................. 5


apart from that,Mayanmar has large collection of various Patrol boats and crafts..source Wiki... :tup:

BN navy is also putting up missiles in 2 ships to make them frigates.
Only trolls quote from Wikipedia.

You're right. For one thing, there are more than 2 Anawrahta class corvettes. There are 5 of the '7' series I believe. The second Aung Zeya class frigate, the Kyansittha, has just been completed and is entering sea trials I believe. Mmmilitary is quite a good resource for these things.
Only trolls quote from Wikipedia.

generally i don't rely on wiki..but then give me 2 decent sites from where i get full comparison between two navies???i neither support nor oppose any navies..these are just facts on paper..the thing which ensures quality of your armed force is quality weapons and training..do anyone post better fleet comparison that these...please post..


i was surprised to see C-802 in service of Mayanmar Navy..i didn't know that it has advanced anti-ship missiles like that in service..

I wonder what kind of Aircraft/Helos both BN and MN has under their command???
You're right. For one thing, there are more than 2 Anawrahta class corvettes. There are 5 of the '7' series I believe. The second Aung Zeya class frigate, the Kyansittha, has just been completed and is entering sea trials I believe. Mmmilitary is quite a good resource for these things.

Pretty impressive names. I already wet my pants. :lol:

On a more serious note, anything special about those aung kyan frigates that BN should be aware of? Please elaborate on the weapons suite onboard. I'm curious.
generally i don't rely on wiki..but then give me 2 decent sites from where i get full comparison between two navies???i neither support nor oppose any navies..these are just facts on paper..the thing which ensures quality of your armed force is quality weapons and training..do anyone post better fleet comparison that these...please post..

For starters, there is very little information about Myanmar's military. We don't even know what percentage of their GDP they spent on defense!

Even for Bangladesh military, Wiki isn't exactly always a reliable source.


i was surprised to see C-802 in service of Mayanmar Navy..i didn't know that it has advanced anti-ship missiles like that in service..

The C-802 isn't really that sophisticated.

I wonder what kind of Aircraft/Helos both BN and MN has under their command???

BN already uses AW-109, and will be getting Harbin Z-9s (not confirmed) and Dorniers.

What does this tripe have to do with the subject @ hand ??

Obsession knows no bounds.
generally i don't rely on wiki..but then give me 2 decent sites from where i get full comparison between two navies???i neither support nor oppose any navies..these are just facts on paper..the thing which ensures quality of your armed force is quality weapons and training..do anyone post better fleet comparison that these...please post..


i was surprised to see C-802 in service of Mayanmar Navy..i didn't know that it has advanced anti-ship missiles like that in service..

I wonder what kind of Aircraft/Helos both BN and MN has under their command???

What does this tripe have to do with the subject @ hand ??

Obsession knows no bounds.

For starter you can go to bdmilitary....but dunno they don't accept membership that often.
Bangladesh Navy has the strength against myanmar navy but myanmar air force has the strength against BAF. Interesting dilemma...
I totally aggre with this. And my uncle(Lieutenant Commander, Bangladesh Navy) also told me about it, Bangladesh Navy is much more stronger than Myanmar's...:yahoo::yahoo::yahoo:

Lets open champagne!!
oh wait its Ramdhan
I wouldn't be so jingoistic... Remember last time when Myanmar sent a few ships down to St Martins and the entire country wet their pants?

I think Bangladeshis are often too sure of victory, without any underlying strength. This is all well and good, until the actual war happens and we are defeated badly.

Do not generalize all Bangladeshis are as panicky as you yourself are. I understand you have a coward mind but do not think you belong rightly to our country which fought a vigorous war of independence to get freedom. Congratulations for admitting that you had wet your pants during that St. martin show off whereby General Moeen forced them back to their own shore. Note, that the part of sea that Burma was trying to steal is now the part and parcel of BD by the Hague verdict.
oops my bad..did nt see Myanmar navy written above...:meeting: i guess i ws in cups when i commented :drag:...sorry brother...liked ur post...:cheers:
I wouldn't be so jingoistic... Remember last time when Myanmar sent a few ships down to St Martins and the entire country wet their pants?

I think Bangladeshis are often too sure of victory, without any underlying strength. This is all well and good, until the actual war happens and we are defeated badly.

From the perspective of an outsider, I thought BD navy came out ahead in St Martins.
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