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Militarization of Religion


Apr 30, 2010
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United States
United States
U.S. Special Representative to Muslim communities, Shaarik Zafar, who is of Pakistani descent, was appointed in July 2014 to support Secretary of State John Kerry during his engagement with the Muslim communities across the globe. Recently, while talking to a group of Pakistani journalists in Islamabad, he pointed out several key points about religious tolerance, radicalization and militarization of a religion. Special Rep. Zafar once again dispelled the “west is at war with Islam,” conspiracy theory. He pointed out that one way to combat violent extremism is to highlight those Muslim voices which called for peace and tolerance. He also stated that militarization of a religion is very dangerous for a peaceful society as it takes away from the spiritual aspects of religion and invokes sectarian violence. How would you highlight peace and tolerance?

Haroon Ahmad
DET – U.S. Central Command
That is very welcome. The end of the policies such as arming Mujahedin against USSR and arming "moderate" cannibal rebels against Syria, would certainly go a long way to contain this menace.

Another welcome initiative would be to stop supporting Saudi Arabia spreading Takfirism around the world. For example by putting sanctions on Saudi Arabia for bombing Yemen which has caused AQ to grow in Yemen.
That is very welcome. The end of the policies such as arming Mujahedin against USSR and arming "moderate" cannibal rebels against Assad, would certainly go a long way to contain this menace.

Another welcome initiative would be to stop supporting Saudi Arabia spreading Takfirism around the world. For example by putting sanctions on Saudi Arabia for bombing Yemen which has caused AQ to grow in Yemen.

And what about an initiative to stop Iran spreading Shiaism and Valeyt e fiqh around the world which provokes saudia arabia to spread its own brand of valeyt e fiqh ? Last I remember the ISIS grew in syria because Assad remained concentrated mostly on FSA and its allies in 2013 and 2014 and Iran bankrolled Assad during that era and still now. Using that straw-men logic, sanctions should be placed on Iran as well

Being a analyst means you have to put your critical thinking above your biases and personal grudges

What about this gentleman

Mr Zafar

Zafar once again dispelled the “west is at war with Islam,” conspiracy theory. He pointed out that one way to combat violent extremism is to highlight those Muslim voices which called for peace and tolerance. He also stated that militarization of a religion is very dangerous for a peaceful society as it takes away from the spiritual aspects of religion and invokes sectarian violence. How would you highlight peace and tolerance?



"I will build a great wall — and nobody builds walls better than me, believe me —and I’ll build them very inexpensively. I will build a great, great wall on our southern border, and I will make Mexico pay for that wall. Mark my words.” - Donald J Trump

"When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending the best. They're not sending you, they're sending people that have lots of problems and they're bringing those problems with us. They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists. ... And some, I assume, are good people."

Our great African American President hasn't exactly had a positive impact on the thugs who are so happily and openly destroying Baltimore!


Why don't Shaarik Zafar, sit down with Mr Donald over some dinner and discuss about tolorence and acceptance

Donald is angry at Mexicans , Moslems, Women , Librals

I don't know but when Muslim community or any minority community turns on TV all these see is hate against MOSLEMs, I mean on national Debate

Or how about that Magzine cover in Europe (Poland mainly)
this seem to be applying Refugess who fled to save their lives are rapist


Why would USA not condemn such a country ? for their intolorence

I mean I would like to imagine thinks are nice and dandy with world but , what do you think?

However nice to see Mr Zafar reaching out , thank you

I just don't i am seeing all these articles and TV channels saying Moslems are all bad luckily I happen to be a Muslim and not a Moslem otherwise I would be worried

Lets enjoy the conversation Donald has to ban all Moslems

You know Jeb Bush seemed like a sane person in this discussion

I don't know if Donald realizes
......such and such

Are all muslim nations that have good ties with USA
Which brings me back to the point , Why is Zafar not spending time in his own country ideally with Donald ?

Mr Zafar , perhaps as I said should have doughnut break with Donald, it is a waste of time to come to Islamabad to give a lecture to news reporters

Moslems hear what Americans talk specially DONALD over satellite TV, and it is quite disappointing , when they hear a presidential candidate speak in such tone
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Funny to bring Iran into this. Even US state department has toned down blaming everything on Iran. And for all practical purposes Iran has been ready to make an enduring peace as part of a rapprochement with US: An 'ontology' of Iran-Saudi "rivalry": From Churchill's snobbish sneeze to Abdullah's fear of snakes

It is now upto US to take up on that. I am sure still there are some left in great nation of US who think wisely and prudently just like the late General Odom: NSA DIRECTOR ODOM DISSECTS IRAQ BLUNDER

It is now long overdue, to do the correct thing:


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