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Militant wings of political parties involved in Karachi violence: DG Ranger

I still maintain that we could have kept the union intact had it not been for Bhutto's lust for power and greed. He threatened to break the legs of Bengalis who dared to vote for Awami League.


Even Bhutto's lust for power could not have divided the country into 2 parts had we not already been divided physically and that too on the 2 opposite side of our eternal enemy!! Why do you insist on the micro level of problems and ignore the bigger picture? Argument just for the sake of argument??

Now are you trying to tell me forming Pakistan was Quaid E Azam's mistake? You have lost it completely. This is where divisiveness starts and it ends with the Sindu Desh, Muhajir Republic, Independent Pakhtoonistan and what not. Pakistan could have been saved. The only people who broke Pakistan were intolerant people who did not accept the Bengali vote. There is no reason a country with Bengal in the east and Sindh, Punjab, Pakhtunkhwa and Balochistan in the west couldn't be a solid union and nation.

It could have been a mistake accepting such a position where Pakistan was divided physically. Is it not evident enough with the fact that today we are not holding onto more then half our country?? Mount Batten wanted to be the Governor General of both India and Pakistan after partition and he tried his best to persuade Quaid-e-Azam to somehow cede the position to him, he tried the carrot and stick policy and the map presented to Quaid-e-Azam was exactly such an attempt.

And you are correct in your statement that there were other factors involved such as the treatment of Bengalis by us, not giving them their fair share, keeping them as a single province, no equal rights, most importantly ZAB and his 'hum yahan tum wahan" policy etc., however, things would have been so much simpler and different had it just been 1 huge chunk of land of this side.....or that side.

The British didn't lose anything. They threw away what they had for world democracy. No matter how they behaved it was a bold step to dissipate their empire. They still have hundreds and thousands of Islands like Gibralter (spain) controlled fully by them.

This is a circular argument, although facts are straight forward that British were eventually not in a position to hold on to most of their controlled territories and that is why they gave them up. It was not by choice, it was rather because of lack of options!

Stop making excuses for throwing the Bengalis away. You did not respond to my point about who wanted the superiority of urdu. You guys broke Pakistan in half and now blame others for it. It is a typical MQM tactic. Avoid the blame and throw it onto someone else.

You are naive of a different breed. Urdu was selected as the National language because it was the 'Neutral' language rather then Punjabi, Bengali, Sindhi, Baloch or Pushto. Any other language would have driven people apart on linguistic basis, Urdu was supposed to do exactly the opposite. It's only because you derived a certain people of their basic liberties that they started finding excuses in everything that was imposed upon them! Why else does none of the other provinces ever complain of Urdu?

We could have resisted India if we had been united in the 1971 war. Instead we started fighting amongst ourselves. The exact same situation could arise again when MQM, a terrorist organization is banned. The MQM has full insurance and if we try to kick it away Altaf will try to break Pakistan.

2 Points:

1) Did you even attempt to provide protection to Bangladesh during the 1965 war let alone 1971? Could Bangladesh have been defended, had India opened up position there during the war?

2) Why would you or anybody else suppress any ethnicity to the point where they are left with no other option? Did we leave any other option for Bangladesh? Are we not at the same cross roads in Baluchistan?

I wrote an entire post to prove your childishness and disprove your stance. My worry is that the intelligence agencies chase innocents all the time and are so ethnically polarized... I wonder how they operate. I am very saddened to hear a person like you has secured a job in a federal agency.

This is what you had written:

Oh, the partition was a blunder? I have to ask you just what you are doing in an intelligence agency-you do not deserve such a job, you are too ethnically polarized. Tommorow you might turn out to be a RAW agent, the "brilliant" way things are going in these agencies these days.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakist...rachi-violence-dg-ranger-4.html#ixzz2di3EwKQc

& to this I had responded with:

So no actual response right? Nothing tangible to write, nothing to disprove my stance.

Source: http://www.defence.pk/forums/pakist...rachi-violence-dg-ranger-4.html#ixzz2di3RD3HZ

I still hold the same position, you had nothing worthwhile so decided to post random BS!

Where did I say that?

You implied that with your response by avoiding sensitive topics and shying away from putting blame where it is deserved.

Not only are you a ethnic bigot, you are also a terrorist with a badge.

You are in the security services, working for a federal agency and openly support the Taliban but action is taken against secularist liberals. This is epic. The intelligence agencies chase guys like me who are secular by nature and leave people like you in their own agencies. I promise to fight the taliban with my own hands... and they might even go as far to jail me for this.

I cannot understand what is going on in Pakistan. If you really think the Afghan Taliban are noble how will you stop their attacks on Pakistan? You are sympathetic to militants while sitting in office. Yet they won't ever hire ordinary people like me.

The intelligence agencies are becoming useless because of politicized people and militant sympathizers sitting in offices like you.

Some of the points in your posts make me wonder whether you are retarded or just plain mad. Your military supports the Talibaan, your civil and bureaucratic structure supports them, your citizens support them, your politicians want to negotiate with them and even the US states that they do not consider the Talibaan their enemy and wants to negotiate with them. So why is it so hard for you to understand?

Let me make it perfectly simple for you, those who fight against the invasion, illegal I must add, of their country or any Muslim country, for that matter, are Talibaan and those who blow innocents up and are engaged in terrorism in Pakistan especially are terrorists, regardless of what they may call themselves. While we are at it let me also make something very clear to you, Mullah Omer who is the supreme leader of Talibaan has rejected TTP, so there you go.

Because they were stupid like everyone else in my country. They think ethnic politics is everything. According to a survey 86% of all Pakistanis hold their ethnicity or sect above Pakistan and above loving Pakistan.

So, first you think that the people of Karachi are stupid and next you think that most of the Pakistanis are divided on sectarian lines. Let me ask you, was the line there before the 70's? Where the Karachiites still ethnic when they were voting for Fatima Jinnah or Bhutto or Jamaat-e-Islami before they did MQM?? It is quite sad that you deliberately steer the topic away from my questions for some very specific reason!

Arguing with you is an utter waste of time. No matter what evidence you are faced with you will not give up on the MQM. It is a pity what people like you have turned Karachi into.

MQM is not perfect, but what other options do we Karachiites have?

You call this unanswered?

When specific questions of mine are intentionally unanswered and the topic steered away from point of focus, then yes I call it unanswered.

Exactly, the next day he will be beaten by MQM thugs... amazing advice.

Or......there is no such Navaid and it was just a figment of your sick, demented imagination.

That is exactly the problem. You should be grateful that in 1947 Sindhis made up 60% of the population of Karachi and vacated their homes to keep muhajir families temporarily, now they make up barely 8% of the total population. They gave up the provincial capital for you and now you want to throw them out.

And it has nothing to do with the fact that the majority of Sindhis in Karachi were actually Hindus, most of whom migrated to India? And dude, it was the migrants who had sacrificed everything, literally everything, for Pakistan and deserved more then what they got! Not that they were not treated extremely kindly by the Sindhis, but forgetting the sacrifices that the migrants made for Pakistan is criminal negligence and the root cause of our problem. And I won't even go into what Karachi was before the partition and what Karachi is today, because of the 'migrants'!

All Pakistanis are equal. This is what Jinnah envisioned when he made Pakistan. He didn't want you to take all the power yourself in your own hands. You can cry you are oppressed a thousand times. It won't change the fact that you have a GDP per capita 13,000 Rs higher than the Punjabis and are the richest ethnic group in Pakistan, yes indeed, the richest.

So we are the richest, we are the most educated yet we are still governed by the illiterates who want to dominate us through the Commissionerate System and we should accept it just because we are doing better financially? So we cede all the power and authority to the AC/DC, grade 17 civil servant just because we are doing well financially? Just because we are financially better off, we must cede our right to choose the system that we think is best for us?? Is that the best you could do?

And that describes the naara I used to hear in Karachi very recently. "Bhookey Nangon gaon mein, badsha sheher mein" (In this case according to those making the naara the badsha's were muhajirs and bhookey nangay were Sindhis.

MQM is a racist, terrorist organization. This is a fact, a reality from which no matter how much you try to hide, you cannot run away from. Any honorable person's concious should hurt when he votes for the MQM after so much... but you will remain the same. All MQM supporters are the same.

I never heard any such slogan, however I did hear the home minsister Sindh stating that the migrants were hungry, naked lot. A lot of reaction to his statements may have occurred, but blaming MQM for that is quite cheap literally. I mean if asshole called my ancestors such, I would like to tell him what his background was and what mine was, pre-partition!

MQM is neither a terrorist organization, not is it racist. Although it should have been racist, it should have remained Mohajir Quomi Movement instead of Muttahida as it has gained them nothing but hurt Mohajirs a lot. Just consider the quota system for example, why is there a quota system? Is it not there to provide advantage to certain ethnicites at the expense of the overall system????

The educated people, The middle class... I am more worried about the 70% population that earns less than $2 a day. MQM is interested in the middle class because its vote bank consists of people from the middle class. It has no interest in improving the lives of the people of rural sindh. 70% of Pakistan's population is extremely poor. What about them?

Do you think it is MQM's fault or Karachi's fault that the 70% population is extremely poor? MQM did its utmost to get to the rural Sindh to reach out to people there but PPP has such an iron grip there that it is not possible for MQM to gain a foothold. And all this continued anti MQM propaganda does not help. Nothing much MQM can do about it. Kabhi interior Sindh visit ker ke haalat dekho to logon ki. Somebody told me that the Sindhis told Pir Pagara once that their skin was for the Pir but their vote was for Bhutto!

I am for making the divisions provinces so will partly agree with you here.


These things can be achieved without that fly running around my nose... that fly being the evil MQM. We do not need MQM to solve our problems. It is a terrorist front that is involved in destroying Pakistan.

So now MQM is destroying the whole of Pakistan?

The poor oppressed muhajirs with a gdp per capita 13,000 ruppees higher than their punjabi counterparts. With a separate system for Karachi... how you have been oppressed? I cry for you.

Pakistanis will have to abandon their ethnic divisions if we want to advance. Everyone simply demands more rights than the rest. Its a sad situation that we keep voting in criminals. Altaf Hussain called partition the greatest blunder in the history of mankind. That should be enough to disqualify his party from even standing in elections.

All this is repetitive and answered above.

Furthermore you do not believe in Pakistan and support the dirty, unwashed Islamists and Wahabi mullahs. I see no reason why a person like you should be appointed as a federal agent in an intelligence agency. I am very worried about the future of Pakistan when I notice people like you.

Just because I am a federal officer, I should stop being a Pakistani and my liberty should be suspended? I should have no opinion and no suggestion? I should not dream of a better city, a better province and a better country?

Think again.
Third class status? How so dear sir? Could you explain, point out instances from news papers, sources, instead of "hawai fire" why not so back up with some real hard evidences, or you just sounded like a typical Frustrated man, who may have experienced boot lickings of australians at some instance of his life and try to apply your experience me?

We Bakistani's are a flourishing community in Qatar,Due to rise of educated qatar and all the developmental work, Qatar has become a melting pot of different cultures. Equal work opportunities are available. Racism is at it's low here. So instead of feeling sorry for me,,you could do a little better by proving in real time instances of what you said or otherwise, what would be difference b/w you and an Illiterate person (Parha likha Jahil) who says such thing to win brownie points?

Well, I am not sure about 'Bakistanis' in Qatar but I know how you are treated in Qatar as I am witness to difference of treatment handed out to Pakistanis on Pakistani passport and Pakistanis on Western Passports. So I do feel pity for you. I can feel the deep frustration in you and can only sympathize or advise you to look for a western country to migrate to, if you are indeed so allergic to Pakistan. Unless you have tried desperately and were unable to secure a visa?

And dude, save the lies for those who have not been around the world. You are speaking to someone who knows what goes on in Arab countries especially Qatar, Kuwait etc.

Edit: You are most welcome to edit and correct your post, it is 'Pakistanis' and not 'Bakistanis'. I do understand the edge you are on in Qatar.

The stupidity is exposed here of yours, when a person above your pay grade speaks in supreme court and has a better knowledge of things says quite contrary to what you say here and Pakistani sitting every one will take their words any day of year because they know the truth of Political parties and about MQM . So you are nobody, i repeat no body to advise others that you don't know what's going in karachi. Since you are a biased person, so it's obvious you will favour MQM and try to conceal it's involvement in every other criminal activity.

Which person are you speaking of, the person who states 1 think in the supreme court and another thing at the proceeding press conference or the person who wants to retract a certain statement from the supreme court proceedings claiming it internal matter?

It's amusing when a frustrated person says MQM is only solution of karachi. ok let's talk on facts. Out of 20 million population of karachi, how many favour MQM control on Karachi? We after all living in a democracy and by democratic rules, you and others asking for a complete control on karachi are just a minority! Unfortunately you are so blinded by the love of MQM, that facts you conveniently ignores and speaks as if you have conducted a poll where 50 percent of karachi population likes MQM. Bigoted fools driven by blind hates for others tend to present such solutions

It is a safe assumption that population of Karachi has crossed 2.5 million and quite possibly stands at 3 million. First of all it means that Karachi is home to almost 14-15% of the overall population of Pakistan. By this count, Karachi should have over 45 direct NA seats but has only about 25-26 seats. Furthermore, even during the by elections conducted under the Army it is evident that MQM enjoys dominant majority over rivals in Karachi. MQM is repeatedly voted in to power by Karachiites aur ab to yeh rona bhi khatam hone chahiye ke agar Army election kerwayegi to MQM ko seats nahi milenge!!

So by virtue of the above, power and responsibility should be handed over to MQM as far as Karachi is concerned. Give Karachiites their due rights and the right to implement effective security measures against the menage of extortion, kidnapping and target (and random) killings.

but your jingoism didn't stopped here, it kept patronizing MQM about the imaginary guidelines. Yeah, definitely, that's why militant wings of "Political Parties" still exist despite MQM "clearly set out guidelines".

All political parties have militant wings including MQM, that is my opinion.

Hmmm,,,you didn't refuted that you will switch loyalties to MQM, if Op against it's militant wing is launched. Your Federal agency is quite clever, where they haven't appointed dubious persons in numbers with questionable loyalty like you would compromise federal agency. I still would recommend that "so called federal agency" to keep tab on similar persons like you to keep them in check, who would fled to australia after helping MQM out. After all, you would put ethnicity and MQM before anything else

Lol......you are quite intelligent. Thank God, you are serving Qatar and not Pakistan!
Well, I am not sure about 'Bakistanis' in Qatar but I know how you are treated in Qatar as I am witness to difference of treatment handed out to Pakistanis on Pakistani passport and Pakistanis on Western Passports. So I do feel pity for you. I can feel the deep frustration in you and can only sympathize or advise you to look for a western country to migrate to, if you are indeed so allergic to Pakistan. Unless you have tried desperately and were unable to secure a visa?

Very well said. It is our own people who have brought us down to such low levels. Desire to live in western countries, instead of developing our own. It is us who queue up from midnight at the gates of embassies. Today we change our attitude, things will start changing, though may take sometime. Until we respect our flag and passport no one else is going to do that.
All political parties have militant wings including MQM, that is my opinion.
Our political parties thrives on them and criminals. Feudal style where Zamidar, Vadera or whatever you may call feeds criminals to protect his Jagir and supremacy. MQM is no different.
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