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Migrant crisis: Disputed EU relocation plan voted in

It took two world wars. 50 million dead to integrate Germany. It took trillions of dollars and living on the edge of nuclear holocaust for 50 years to free Eastern Europe and integrate it into Western Europe.

If that can be done. What I am suggesting in 50 years will be doddle.

Germany isn't integrated.They're at their hegemonic tricks yet again,this time by other means.

I just love their ideea of European "democracy",as Luxembourg's FM eloquently put it yesterday:"Nobody has the right NOT to agree" o_O
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@flamer84 @Chinese-Dragon

I don't know how old you guy's are but in the next 50 years Europe will consolidate the entire European littoral states including most of Middle East in some overarching structure. Expect something along the lines of Pax Romana like the Roman Empire below.


This will include all off North Africa. The reason is strategic. Washington, London or Paris are not going to let China move into this vital region. Having Chinese Navy bases in Tangiers, Algeirs, Benghazi, Alexandria or Tartus are stuff of nightmare for NATO planners. So despite Flamer et al moaning and b*tching the strategic compulsions will prevail. In those circumstances these migrant populations will be the leverage used to influence those countries top toe the NATO line.

Lately a German intellectual (forgot his name) said in an interview that among other things Europe had inherited by the classic Roman empire was the Mediterranean sea and Europe should take back its control into her hands.

The two main countries that will never allow a strong EU Navy are USA and UK. UK is vehemently opposing the creation of a strong EU army let alone a strong EU navy which will be under the command of German and French politicians. The pirates of the Queen have never and will never tolerate a strong continental navy. Emerging blue-water German navy was the main reason why England fought against Germany in the First World War.

Europe doesn't need these migrants to coerce their native countries into accepting her demands. The Levant and North African countries are irrelevant in this whole game and cannot deter Europe from achieving this goal. Most of the refugees anyway hail from Kosovo, Serbia, Albania, Afghanistan, Eritrea and Iraq – none of these countries lies anywhere near the Mediterranean sea. Chinese are already running some terminals in Athen's Piraeus port, but the reason is purely economic.
Lately a German intellectual (forgot his name) said in an interview that among other things Europe had inherited by the classic Roman empire was the Mediterranean sea and Europe should take back its control into her hands.

The two main countries that will never allow a strong EU Navy are USA and UK. UK is vehemently opposing the creation of a strong EU army let alone a strong EU navy which will be under the command of German and French politicians. The pirates of the Queen have never and will never tolerate a strong continental navy. Emerging blue-water German navy was the main reason why England fought against Germany in the First World War.

Europe doesn't need these migrants to coerce their native countries into accepting her demands. The Levant and North African countries are irrelevant in this whole game and cannot deter Europe from achieving this goal. Most of the refugees anyway hail from Kosovo, Serbia, Albania, Afghanistan, Eritrea and Iraq – none of these countries lies anywhere near the Mediterranean sea. Chinese are already running some terminals in Athen's Piraeus port, but the reason is purely economic.

Well said. You make valid points. @Porus I used to read very well constructed posts on Pakistan's history by same handle as yours in the past in various forums. Are you the same person? If you are it would be great to get your contribution in the Pakistan history forum.
You are obviously living under a rock. All over Europe:


Far-right will never win. You guys are a marginal group.

Thats why the National Front has more seats in the EU parliament tgan other parties,thats why in the last elections they got more votes than any other party. :party:

The marginal group is the liberal and leftist pssies,in France,those pssies are faking the number of persons coming to their rally,because nobody gives a shit. :rofl:
Thats why the National Front has more seats in the EU parliament tgan other parties,thats why in the last elections they got more votes than any other party. :party:

The marginal group is the liberal and leftist pssies,in France,those pssies are faking the number of persons coming to their rally,because nobody gives a shit. :rofl:
What France votes is not important. At the end Brussels makes a common policy and you will abide them if you want to be a part of EU. Left has heavy presence in the rest of west-Europe. That is the most important.
What France votes is not important. At the end Brussels makes a common policy and you will abide them if you want to be a part of EU. Left has heavy presence in the rest of west-Europe. That is the most important.

We have no future in EU,most of us want our country to leave the so called European Union.... We have enough of EU policies....
And its just a matter of time before the leftists totally disappear.... :D
Its not by showing some pics of hundreds liberals in pro refugees rally that everyone in west want them. LOL.
We have no future in EU,most of us want our country to leave the so called European Union.... We have enough of EU policies....
And its just a matter of time before the leftists totally disappear.... :D
Its not by showing some pics of hundreds liberals in pro refugees rally that everyone in west want them. LOL.
Yes, the left, the blacks, the Muslims, the north-Africans, communists, center leftists, are all going to disappear to make room for you clowns. :lol: And then you are going to step out of the EU to live on good wine and cheese for 365 days of the year.
Yes, the left, the blacks, the Muslims, the north-Africans, communists, center leftists, are all going to disappear to make room for you clowns. :lol: And then you are going to step out of the EU to live on good wine and cheese for 365 days of the year.

Keep laughing as much as you want,yet the FN (NF)s popularity is growing,and the north african and african garbage will not change anything. :lol:
It will be funny to see how many regions the left will loose in the coming elections. :)

Well the filth in your link are third generation criminals. The guys involved in the murder came over less than a year ago. It's like a child being born in the UK to an EE family. He or she are British, if they commit a crime they are criminals, and not to be confused for recent comers. But anyway, it's going beyond the point.
It will be funny to see how many regions the left will loose in the coming elections
the same thing happening in poland the next election will be won in 90% by PIS "Law and Justice" offcorse if they dont make a big mistake before the election but people are feed up with "PO" "Civil Platform" curent politic
Nope,no irony,you see,Poles and other EE-eans actually work and contribute,non Euros...not so much...

Election 2015 Briefing - Migration and Welfare Benefits | The Migration Observatory

Or the Netherlands,if you want....

Percentage of people on social welfare in the Netherlands, grouped by country of origin (in Dutch but completely intelligible) - Imgur

So what does the chart tell us ?......69% percent of Soma;lis in the Netherlands are on welfare,17% of Turks in there are on welfare....58% of Iraqis are on welfare...well,so to cut it short...most muslims are on welfare!!! How many Poles are on welfare in the Netherlands????...2.1% of Poles are on welfare !! And that is the difference between east europeans and muslims.... Sry,stats don't lie.

Well I'm sorry they are not net givers to the economy. They are net takers. To be a net giver to the economy you have to be earning above the £38,000 mark;

Say a household’s gross income was £39,000. It would enjoy benefits worth just under £12,000, while contributing almost £13,000 into various tax pools, making it a net contributor by about £1,000. Its disposable income would be about £27,000.

How much we give the state in tax – and how much we get back - Telegraph

This rules out the vast majority of EE migrants.

Yes I've read the UCL study stating how EU migrants are net contributors, but the figures lean heavily upon the contribution Western European and older European states who contribute greatly.

New EU migrants add £5bn to UK, report says - BBC News

The EE migrants have a 12% net benefit effect, but the report was shredded by many for leaving out the essential costs of merit goods such as education, healthcare , services and housing and of course they left out in-work benefits which are a major draw for EE migrants.

As for the rest, Penguin knows more about the Netherlands than I and can explain the current climate there. I'll also state that I'm not a spokesperson for any of the people you have mentioned above and I'll agree that EE migrants are far more productive and hardworking.
@Penguin UNHCR reports that 69% of them are men,13% are women and 18% are children .

Well the filth in your link are third generation criminals. The guys involved in the murder came over less than a year ago. It's like a child being born in the UK to an EE family. He or she are British, if they commit a crime they are criminals, and not to be confused for recent comers. But anyway, it's going beyond the point.

but theres a deaper problem with it lack off comunitation with police from both countrys offen people that are sentenced in Poland run away to Uk or other EU countrys we need to change law and make it much harder im against death penity its good ending for such monsters working camps would be a better place for pigs like this

Pakistani man Jamshaid Khan faces life in jail after fatally stabbing wife 13 times | Daily Mail Online

Shafilea Ahmed murder: parents 'killed daughter for dating boys’ - Telegraph

Four sentenced to death for Pakistan 'honour killing' - BBC News
That was the point I was trying to make as well - Poles are emigrating to other countries but they do not
want to allow anyone to settle in theirs.

He did make a half-valid point with cultural incompatibility - some of the nutters in the Muslim community
are not helping the Muslims in general with their behaviour.

That is because there is an agreement between EU countries thst allows citizens to move wherever they want.
There is no such agreement covering non-EU citizens.
but theres a deaper problem with it lack off comunitation with police from both countrys offen people that are sentenced in Poland run away to Uk or other EU countrys we need to change law and make it much harder im against death penity its good ending for such monsters working camps would be a better place for pigs like this

Yes I agree, people who have committed crime or are just plain useless should be denied freedom of movement rights.
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