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Mighty China builds 42 KM bridge while US crumbles

Unless you have something to back this up I'll regard as I regard all your other baseless conspiracy theories you seem to have by the the ton.

What I have said above is documented in the biography of Mao: "Mao the unknown story" by Jung Chang and Jon Halliday. In particular see Chapter, 5, Section 34 titled "Why Mao and Stalin Started the Korean War" beginning on page 350 and the next section 35, "Mao Milks the Koren War", beginning on page 359. Mao's motives for starting the Korean War are explained as I have said in my post. Another interesting motive of Mao's was to destroy the Kuomintang soldiers he had captured at the end of the Chinese civil war. He sent them into the Korean conflict in suicidal waves to destroy them once and for all. In fact the Korean War was prolonged by Mao, against the wishes of Kim Il Sung, because Mao wanted the UN forces to return the captured Kuomintang prisoners to the PRC but the UN allies refused. But the main reason for the Korean War was to set up a situation whereby Stalin would relent and give nuclear bomb technology to Mao.
Well, China wasn't capable of building its own "nukes" in 1964. Chinese nuclear bomb technology came totally from Russia in the 1960's. In fact, Mao Tse-tung started the Korean War so as to set up a situation whereby Stalin would start to transfer nuclear fission technology to Red China, to "protect" China against the big bad Americans who resisted the take-over of South Korea. The Chinese have always been master imitators. I imagine, if one digs deep enough, that the design of the 41 Km bridge was stolen form some engineering firm in the West, probably by a Chinese hacker.

The Sino-Soviet split began in 1960. The USSR took away every last engineer they sent to help us. The bomb they were going to send us never arrived. Our own engineers built the bomb up from publically avaliable data and articles.

And Kim Il Sung attacked South Korea without Mao's approval. The US counterattacked back into North Korea instead of stopping at the 38 line and were driving towards the Chinese border. A foolish choice. If the US stopped at the 38 line, the US would be able to declare victory right then and there, have a nice record, scare the North Koreans so much that they wouldn't dare attack again and would not have provoked China.

Instead, you foolishly attacked north, forced China's hand and emboldened Kim Il Sung who now believed he had both China and Russia's unconditional support.


:lol: you are citing a typical anti-Chinese racist book written by a sellout gold digger and her white ATM machine/husband.

According to a far more reliable source, Pravda, 10% of the US population starved to death during the Great Depression, and even today the US government does not release the real data. But that's expected, the US government even burned their own Korean War records to avoid the embarassment from leaking out, and so they can revise history.
Its a comparison , perhaps to mind set of Chinese and Americans

While china is all business building roads , dams , economy America has decided it wants to be security guard of world and its infrastructure is crumbling
Some recent US mega-projects:

1. The new World Trade Center. (Under construction)

2. Trump International Hotel and Tower. (Completed in 2009)

3. All-American Canal. (Completed in 2010)

4. The Hoover Dam Bypass Project. (Completed in 2010)

5. Oakland-San Francisco Bay Bridge reconstruction/retrofitting project. (Under progress)

In addition, several other mega-projects in USA have been approved.

A question for you: how many Dams are in USA to date? (give an answer without searching)

To be honest, this is not a competition. China is doing what is good for it. USA is doing what is good for it.

The bridge is symbolic sign of what China can do , because its people put the idea on paper and made it to reality unlike congress which can't even decided on how to pay its debt of 14 trillion dollars
Do not confuse US political issues with those of its development programs.

While NASA operations are being cut short people being laid off , China is on its way up and Trip to moon and a colony there is a possibility
US is doing the right thing by cutting on its expenses to resolve its financial woes.

Imagine what 14 TRILLION DOLLARS could have build ... may be a bridge from USA to Karachi or perhaps a moon base or a colony to extract fuel from Moon surface to fuel humanity for ages to come (Moon has high deposits of energy source)
First pay a visit to US and see with your own eyes how developed it is and then come and talk.
Some recent US mega-projects:

1. The new World Trade Center. (Under construction)

2. Trump International Hotel and Tower. (Completed in 2009)

3. All-American Canal. (Completed in 2010)

4. The Hoover Dam Bypass Project. (Completed in 2010)

5. Oakland-San Francisco Bay Bridge reconstruction/retrofitting project. (Under progress)

In addition, several other mega-projects in USA have been approved.

A question for you: how many Dams are in USA to date? (give an answer without searching)

To be honest, this is not a competition. China is doing what is good for it. USA is doing what is good for it.

Do not confuse US political issues with those of its development programs.

US is doing the right thing by cutting on its expenses to resolve its financial woes.

First pay a visit to US and see with your own eyes how developed it is and then come and talk.

Go to Los Angeles. Take a look around. Its sh!t.

Go to a poverty stricken town in eastern washington like my dad did. Its sh!t.
Go to Los Angeles. Take a look around. Its sh!t.

Go to a poverty stricken town in eastern washington like my dad did. Its sh!t.
Should I point out similar things in China?

These arguments serve no purpose.
Yes your India is much better with its annual 2 million dead of starvation every year.

Did he mention India?

Besides back up your post with some recent credible data , not some NGO sites.

Also a nation with half of India child population and having 4 lakh children dying shouldn't be pointing fingers
Whose side are you on?
I prefer to be nuetral. I focus on FACTS and try to be fair in my judgement.

At personal level, I like both USA and China.

At policy level, I dislike some US policies. China has better image in this regard as per my point of view in Islamic world at least.

Sure. L.A. is the 2nd largest city of the US. Shanghai is the 2nd largest city of China. Compare all you want.
Large or small are pointless terms. The fact is that their are places in China which safely meet the criteria of being of dirty.
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