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MIG 21 Crashed Pilot dead

Couple of weeks!!!?

That is actually a pretty tight timeline.

I think that the PM should look into this rather than Jaitley alone because word has it that MOD will be under PMO after some time. Jaitley alone will be too bogged down to look after both of them together. Even a superhuman cannot do it.

I really hope he shoves the Tejas down the IAF's throat.

Hard measures similar to what Ajit Singh took with Air India are needed now.
IMO the armed forces are one of the most corrupt entities of this country....they happily buy foreign junk
- First batch of Su 30 was bought without any weapons being integrated
-T90 having repeatedly failed in indian conditions

the airforce and the army respectively, worked hard to get these machines working and up to the mark....they simply refuse to treat indian suppliers the same way
First image of crash site

IMO the armed forces are one of the most corrupt entities of this country....they happily buy foreign junk
- First batch of Su 30 was bought without any weapons being integrated
-T90 having repeatedly failed in indian conditions

the airforce and the army respectively, worked hard to get these machines working and up to the mark....they simply refuse to treat indian suppliers the same way
So which Indians 'master piece' you want them to buy instead of foreign junk Su-30MKI and T-90s?
Blame DRDO and HAL for being so incompetent and not only security forces for buying foreign stuff.
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So which Indians 'master piece' you want them to buy instead of foreign junk Su-30MKI and T-90s?
Blame DRDO and HAL for being so incompetent and not only security forces for buying foreign stuff.
Dude...the MKI is a state of art aircraft today....rewind back 10 years....as an aspiring Aerospace engineer ir ead an article in HT titled 'the russian junk' ..it was about a multi billion dollar deal that supplied india with a super aglie aircraft that had no weapons!! the airforce worked hard to convert the SU27 into an SU30 MKI ...and more importantly IAF stood by it when it was not as potent as it is today....IAF's optimistic attitude towards this plane made a difference

same for T90...we know that they dont perform well in Indian summers...yet we ordered more !!

why cant you support domestic industries with input...if LCA and arjun are a waste of time they scrap it....but why keep delaying things that you know are either going to work or not going to work....take a stand!
Dude...the MKI is a state of art aircraft today....rewind back 10 years....as an aspiring Aerospace engineer ir ead an article in HT titled 'the russian junk' ..it was about a multi billion dollar deal that supplied india with a super aglie aircraft that had no weapons!! the airforce worked hard to convert the SU27 into an SU30 MKI ...and more importantly IAF stood by it when it was not as potent as it is today....IAF's optimistic attitude towards this plane made a difference

same for T90...we know that they dont perform well in Indian summers...yet we ordered more !!

why cant you support domestic industries with input...if LCA and arjun are a waste of time they scrap it....but why keep delaying things that you know are either going to work or not going to work....take a stand!

SU 30 MKI is more of a SU 35 than SU 30 due to sharing same airframe and older radar.

T 90 is one of the best tanks available and is better than anything China or Pakistan has in it's armoury. Arjun is undoubtedly better but has to show 100% system integration before more are ordered.
Dude...the MKI is a state of art aircraft today....rewind back 10 years....as an aspiring Aerospace engineer ir ead an article in HT titled 'the russian junk' ..it was about a multi billion dollar deal that supplied india with a super aglie aircraft that had no weapons!! the airforce worked hard to convert the SU27 into an SU30 MKI ...and more importantly IAF stood by it when it was not as potent as it is today....IAF's optimistic attitude towards this plane made a difference

same for T90...we know that they dont perform well in Indian summers...yet we ordered more !!

why cant you support domestic industries with input...if LCA and arjun are a waste of time they scrap it....but why keep delaying things that you know are either going to work or not going to work....take a stand!

The Su 27 has been in service with Russia since the late 1980s. There's no way it's variants would have been developed with an inferior weapon systems capablility in comparison to the original.....The IAF's faith in the weapons capability of the Su 30s was never in doubt from that viewpoint.
Man I really hope that Modi sarkar stuffs the Tejas down IAF's throat after MOD comes under him next week. Whatever it may be, but a brand new Tejas is anyday better than a 30 years old fatigued old jet. It has not crashed even once, it has modern systems and has cleared all tests.

WTF is taking so long then? Shows there was corruption.

Time to kick out the Bisons as well and order 200+ Tejas while being upgraded from time to time. But first get them in.

A front line fighter aircraft is constantly being pushed to its limits. The pilots need to trust it each and every second, forcing the IAF to accept a plane which they dont trust is simply stupid.
Dude...the MKI is a state of art aircraft today....rewind back 10 years....as an aspiring Aerospace engineer ir ead an article in HT titled 'the russian junk' ..it was about a multi billion dollar deal that supplied india with a super aglie aircraft that had no weapons!! the airforce worked hard to convert the SU27 into an SU30 MKI ...and more importantly IAF stood by it when it was not as potent as it is today....IAF's optimistic attitude towards this plane made a difference

same for T90...we know that they dont perform well in Indian summers...yet we ordered more !!

why cant you support domestic industries with input...if LCA and arjun are a waste of time they scrap it....but why keep delaying things that you know are either going to work or not going to work....take a stand!
You are mixing many things with lots of inaccuracies.
First of all MKIs are developed from basic Su-30s and not Su-27s directly. Secondly leave MKIs alone and consider only Su-27s(not even basic Su-30s), they are anything but obsolate even now let alone 15 years back when no one had BVR missiles in this sub-continent except India so I don't think IAF did any mistake by Inducting basic su-30s first for training purpose without BVRs and later replaced them with MKIs in early 2000s as there was hardly any threat in that area.
Regarding LCA, IAF has been disappointed because there performance in many key areas did not even fulfil basic requirements which are planned to be enhanced further. One eg is LCA's trackking capability now is hardly 50KM because of issues in nose cone though which are to be rectified in FOC models (so first LCA sqd will have max trackking range of only 50KM).
So Once again HAL and DRDO are to be blamed more than security forces for not being able to deliver basic requirements even after decades of development.
A front line fighter aircraft is constantly being pushed to its limits. The pilots need to trust it each and every second, forcing the IAF to accept a plane which they dont trust is simply stupid.

I'm doubly sure that the Tejas has demonstrated nothing so far to suggest that pilots do not/should not trust it fully.
I'm doubly sure that the Tejas has demonstrated nothing so far to suggest that pilots do not/should not trust it fully.

What I meant is that the Tejas should not be inducted until it is completely cleared for full operational service
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