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Miftah Ismael under-reported new foreign debt by at least $7 Billion in the budget 2022-23 document.


SAH sb,

As if $4 billion per year is chump change?

For the countries I have named it is. Take the taller than mountain friend for eg. USD 3 Trillion and counting (I am assuming they are not like ModiGee degree)

Pakistan simply does not have the environment to be a productive destination for any large amounts of sustained investment

Well there are zillions of dollars in the developed economies earning next to zero return. A small fraction of that will suffice.


Well, all I can say is that we can pray and wish for that, and more, all we want.
Let’s make it really simple:
Corrupt politicians = weak economy
Corrupt institutions = weak economy

Law and order = economic growth
Political stability = economic growth

Last 3 years is the proof, don’t need any more sample to test this theory. Even with government uncertainty, people invested due to Khan. Now imagine majority government and Generals that are loyal to the country. That will bring unprecedented new foreign investment, people within Pakistan will start to invest in business instead of real estate. We won’t change overnight but start heading in the right direction. Oversea Pakistanis can bring more than $, they have experience from different sectors that can help Pakistan grow.

Rest, continue to compare Pakistan with other countries but don’t forget the basic principle. Rule of law and loyalty of their leaders to the country.

Here people have trouble criticizing PML N , PPP and Generals for the blatant corruption they have done and path they are taking Pakistan on.
Your hypothesis will be tested in the near future, I expect.
Yes, so do I. But. my question was, do you think it should be tested out? What's your opinion? You must have an opinion, no?
Yes, so do I. But. my question was, do you think it should be tested out? What's your opinion? You must have an opinion, no?

Before we proceed, if we do, please state your hypothesis for my benefit and clarity once again, thanks.
Before we proceed, if we do, please state your hypothesis for my benefit and clarity once again, thanks.

Right away, sir. You referred to the same in one of your previous posts.
You may be right, but since your opinion refers to events that have not happened yet, they will remain hypothetical until such time as they may actually occur.
My question was, do you think, to borrow your words, such events should occur? Just so they don't remain hypothetical anymore?
I know you said, we'll see it tested in the near future. But, I wanted to know whether, in your opinion, it should or should not be tested?
You also agreed that it is a fact that we are going down anyways, so I assume you'd be in favor of testing this hypothesis?
That a strong and popular govt. is the best chance to get out of this spiral and move towards recovery?
And that for the foreseeable future, only IK has a chance to form such a govt?
Right away, sir. You referred to the same in one of your previous posts.

My question was, do you think, to borrow your words, such events should occur? Just so they don't remain hypothetical anymore?
I know you said, we'll see it tested in the near future. But, I wanted to know whether, in your opinion, it should or should not be tested?
You also agreed that it is a fact that we are going down anyways, so I assume you'd be in favor of testing this hypothesis?
That a strong and popular govt. is the best chance to get out of this spiral and move towards recovery?
And that for the foreseeable future, only IK has a chance to form such a govt?

Okay, got it:

1. Of course those hypothetical situations deserve to be tested. Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic is a favorite Pakistani pastime.

2. A strong and popular government is anathema to the entire Pakistani system of power and privilege. Anyone who is seen to be as such was, is and will only be a façade, IK/PTI included, not to mention the habitual prior and current suspects.

3. IK will be allowed to come back only if he learns to patch things up with those he has offended, and then only for as long as needed, just like all his predecessors.
anathema to the entire Pakistani system of power and privilege
and to some eminent world powers, might I add?
3. IK will be allowed to come back only if he learns to patch things up with those he has offended, and then only for as long as needed, just like all his predecessors.
This is the answer I was looking for. Thank you. I hope we get to see both our hypotheses tested out in the near future and I hope we get to resume this discussion from this very point.
Let’s make it really simple:
Corrupt politicians = weak economy
Corrupt institutions = weak economy

Law and order = economic growth
Political stability = economic growth

Last 3 years is the proof, don’t need any more sample to test this theory. Even with government uncertainty, people invested due to Khan. Now imagine majority government and Generals that are loyal to the country. That will bring unprecedented new foreign investment, people within Pakistan will start to invest in business instead of real estate. We won’t change overnight but start heading in the right direction. Oversea Pakistanis can bring more than $, they have experience from different sectors that can help Pakistan grow.

Rest, continue to compare Pakistan with other countries but don’t forget the basic principle. Rule of law and loyalty of their leaders to the country.

Here people have trouble criticizing PML N , PPP and Generals for the blatant corruption they have done and path they are taking Pakistan on.

Its really easy for great powers to keep less powerful countries weak. The easiest way is to install corrupt selfish leaders by handing them billions. In every society you find these selfish scum that would happily f**k their own nation, as long as they get rich.
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