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Microsoft Said to Be Preparing to Make Satya Nadella CEO

It is not just the educated Indians who do well. It was also the semi-literate. Example 7/11, the motels, and the gas stations owners. All of them within a generation make some property, afford expensive college education for this kids, and are very socially mobile. So it has nothing to do with knowing or not knowing English.

That is good for your tribe. They will have no chance in India especially dalits. Also in Malaysia, due to Malays' Islamofacsim, local Indians got no chance.

Think there must be something good in USA.
Or the Lee Kuan Yew character. A person I admire greatly.

This person like Indians more than cultural Chinese. He is assimilated banana anglophone that destroy our culture. Indians are extremely anglicize people, and that is one of reasons Indians are over represented in cabinet.

Without him, Indians and Malay in Singapore may be sinicized.

Taking over and mastering the diamond trade was again no thanks to knowing English.

Antwerp's Diamond Business: Jews Surrender Gem Trade to Indians - SPIEGEL ONLINE

Also half the world's merchant ships are commanded by Indian captains. Also most of the senior officers.

The Chinese have their strength as well. China today could already be bigger than USA economically, if we base on electricity and steel production, forget about the rigged GDP numbers.

Different tribes have their strength and weaknesses.
@Lux de Veritas ,you seem to be too much obsessed with caste system.
Caste sysem in India has been uprooted,it only exsists in backward rural areas.
This person like Indians more than cultural Chinese. He is assimilated banana anglophone that destroy our culture. Indians are extremely anglicize people, and that is one of reasons Indians are over represented in cabinet.

Without him, Indians and Malay in Singapore may be sinicized.

I don't know enough about Singaporean politics to be able to comment on that.

That is good for your tribe. They will have no chance in India especially dalits. Also in Malaysia, due to Malays' Islamofacsim, local Indians got no chance.

Think there must be something good in USA.


The Chinese have their strength as well. China today could already be bigger than USA economically, if we base on electricity and steel production, forget about the rigged GDP numbers.
Different tribes have their strength and weaknesses.

Not to put down any community. I am sure every people in the world have every bit of talent as anyone else. I just post the Indian stats here to counter the Indian perception of Indians as "good for nothing" race :D
Not to put down any community. I am sure every people in the world have every bit of talent as anyone else. I just post the Indian stats here to counter the Indian perception of Indians as "good for nothing" race :D

I may want to adjust my negative impression of Indians as well. Heard that your 2nd generations are ok and assimilated well. There are blogs and forum that say 2nd generations oversea Indians can be nice guys.

I think you should be aware of the flaws of 1st generation oversea Indians, as I have seen Indians commenting on that as well.
Not to put down any community. I am sure every people in the world have every bit of talent as anyone else. I just post the Indian stats here to counter the Indian perception of Indians as "good for nothing" race :D


Africans (despite being the most diverse continent) get that than any group in the world.

Compared to them, Indians have it relatively easier.

Africans (despite being the most diverse continent) get that than any group in the world.

Compared to them, Indians have it relatively easier.

Black Africans are committing lots of crime even though they are generations in white man land. The African land can be very violent.

At least 2nd generation Indians improve a lot. Singaporeans local Indians assimilated ok and gain considerable wealth. There are no problems between Chinese, Malay and Indians until PAP government flood us with foreigners.
Africans (despite being the most diverse continent) get that than any group in the world.
Compared to them, Indians have it relatively easier.

Where did I bring Africans in here. The very fact that Africans are discriminated against in US is proof meritocracy has nothing to do with US.
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