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Microsoft Said to Be Preparing to Make Satya Nadella CEO

So much butthurt. Hurhurhur.

some upper caste Indians are talented?

It seems that the Phoren folk are more casteist than Indians these days :unsure:

Indians in India work harder than most people do and with very little expectation or safety net.

It was a bad attempt at humor :hang3:

Besides, I am lazy as hell. I shouldnt be making judgements here should I? :-)
One reason India did badly home ground is due to caste system. Once they get out of their turf, many excel because there is no caste system elsewhere.

Caste system is the reason why India refuses to get industrialized, instead relying on providing IT services.

This is a big topic.

The elites everywhere sucks. They would rather harm their country than to sacrifice part of their interest, in order to move everyone forward.

BTW, I have started to appreciate Indians in PDF. You are much more civilized than PRCs. We are able to discuss in this level, because of your civility-- cant do it with PRCs.
Those guys abroad are self selected groups. The native Indians in Malaysia are still in trouble today, not able to bootstrapped themselves out of trouble. They are descendants from lower caste.

The upper caste Indians in Singapore do give us caste problem, and I would hope they can get rid of their vices. Even the local Indians (most are low caste) resent them.

I think it is a blessing in disguise the foreigners have no understanding of India at all. For every issue with India, they chant "caste, caste, caste" as if it is some mantra. Good for us that they diagnose us wrongly. That way all their manipulations will fail all time every time :lol::lol:
One reason India did badly home ground is due to caste system. Once they get out of their turf, many excel because there is no caste system elsewhere.

Caste system is the reason why India refuses to get industrialized, instead relying on providing IT services.

This is a big topic.

The elites everywhere sucks. They would rather harm their country than to sacrifice part of their interest, in order to move everyone forward.

BTW, I have started to appreciate Indians in PDF. You are much more civilized than PRCs. We are able to discuss in this level, because of your civility-- cant do it with PRCs.

O.K. I get your point now ^_^
Microsoft has named no one yet these are all speculations the name is not yet known and they are tight lipped. He might be in top 3 spot but he is not yet confirmed CEO or to be when he is we'll talk his track record is excellent though.

Microsoft should move towards becoming innovative like Google and unlike the thieves at apple inc.

There are numerous examples of Indians here shipping their own villages from India instead hiring like rainbow, for example East Europeans or PRCs, who are equally or smarter.

This thing even reaches quite official levels and our government is aware, nevertheless they let Indians free wheeling.

When I visited other companies, its extremely common to see Indians managers with 100% Indians underlings - no white man, no Japs- no PRC - no Singaporeans...etc. Singaporeans are hospitable enough to take this nonsense.
I think it is a blessing in disguise the foreigners have no understanding of India at all. For every issue with India, they chant "caste, caste, caste" as if it is some mantra. Good for us that they diagnose us wrongly. That way all their manipulations will fail all time every time :lol::lol:

I have heard caste is linked to skin colour for example. They also fail to mention the reservation system.

Many just insert in the conversation because they want to bash India, and they probably read 4-5 lines in their high school text book on caste and then regurgitate.
That contains some truth. But neither Indians are good in slang as many claim, as you can go youtube and hear Indians big bosses speak.

In an American technical industry, good use of slang maybe important to managing downward, but not upward. My experience was with Indian and other nationality PhD's. For their career advancement potential up to the highest level of the corporation, the crucial factor was: could they teach the non-technical leaders of the company about the technical issues involved with product A, B or C, or not. No one can rise to be a vice-president of engineering or a COO if they can't help the non-technical people understand what is at stake in making various critical decisions and engender confidence in those people that the technical delivery of the product is in competent hands. It's very difficult for an engineer to do this, even though brilliant, if his command of English is not up to this task.
There are numerous examples of Indians here shipping their own villages from India instead hiring like rainbow, for example East Europeans or PRCs, who are equally or smarter.

This thing even reaches quite official levels and our government is aware, nevertheless they let Indians free wheeling.

When I visited other companies, its extremely common to see Indians managers with 100% Indians underlings - no white man, no Japs- no PRC - no Singaporeans...etc. Singaporeans are hospitable enough to take this nonsense.

I understood what you meant. I didn't read your previous post. :)
There are numerous examples of Indians here shipping their own villages from India instead hiring like rainbow, for example East Europeans or PRCs, who are equally or smarter.

This is so laughable. Unless an Indian has hired exclusively from his own ethnicity or language group, this charge is baseless. S/he is as partial to other Indians as he would be to anyone else in the world.
In an American technical industry, good use of slang maybe important to managing downward, but not upward. My experience was with Indian and other nationality PhD's. For their career advancement potential up to the highest level of the corporation, the crucial factor was: could they teach the non-technical leaders of the company about the technical issues involved with product A, B or C, or not. No one can rise to be a vice-president of engineering or a COO if they can't help the non-technical people understand what is at stake in making various critical decisions and engender confidence in those people that the technical delivery of the product is in competent hands. It's very difficult for an engineer to do this, even though brilliant, if his command of English is not up to this task.

My experience is Indians can
  1. communicate well even for many of their nerds.
  2. pull people to their opinions.
  3. make boss feel comfortable with them
That sort of culture give them a lot of advantages. However, this may not do Indian well as a country. I got this feeling the Chinese character is more suited to bring a race forward.

This is so laughable. Unless an Indian has hired exclusively from his own ethnicity or language group, this charge is baseless. S/he is as partial to other Indians as he would be to anyone else in the world.

People here are feeling it, never mind if you want to challenge it or not. I am communicating the ground sentiment.
I have heard caste is linked to skin colour for example.quote]

This is baseless. There are as many dark skinned upper castes as there are lower castes. Color of the skin became an issue only after the invasions and colonization with Indians getting color conscious and imbibing the prejudices of their rulers

This is baseless. There are as many dark skinned upper castes as there are lower castes. Color of the skin became an issue only after the invasions and colonization with Indians getting color conscious and imbibing the prejudices of their rulers
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My experience is Indians can
  1. communicate well even for many of their nerds.
  2. pull people to their opinions.
  3. make boss feel comfortable with them
That sort of culture give them a lot of advantages. However, this may not do Indian well as a country. I got this feeling the Chinese character is more suited to bring a race forward.

Or the Lee Kuan Yew character. A person I admire greatly.
It is not just the educated Indians who do well. It was also the semi-literate. Example 7/11, the motels, and the gas stations owners. All of them within a generation make some property, afford expensive college education for this kids, and are very socially mobile. So it has nothing to do with knowing or not knowing English.
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