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Mi-28 NM Super Havoc. Deadliest chopper in the world.

Oct 15, 2017
Reaction score
Not battle proven like US apache
But battle proven against who?

If i do boxing with a 5year old am i suddenly more experienced than someone who hasn't boxed a 5year old? If I boxed someone my own size and age multiple times than I would be more experienced but boxing a 5 year old is only going to dumb me down and make me do dumb sh1t not add experience.
But battle proven against who?

If i do boxing with a 5year old am i suddenly more experienced than someone who hasn't boxed a 5year old? If I boxed someone my own size and age multiple times than I would be more experienced but boxing a 5 year old is only going to dumb me down and make me do dumb sh1t not add experience.
In Gulf war
or simply no air defence
Stingers is mediocre defense or light aa guns and zpus.
But Iraq had have significant air defense in first Gulf war
Yes they did but apache was not alone in gulf war around 1300 fighter jets were also fielded. Apache did not face much of heavy hitter sams.

Based on quora answers. In 2003 apache had more issue as anti helicopter tactics were used. One case was when 3 dozen apache approx were damaged including 1 entirely destroyed with crew captured.

While this does not mean it failed as except 1 all were repaired and reinstated to fight.

Apache is famous and dangerous but it is the tactic that played more apache along with scout like oh 53 whose job was to spot targets first so that no surprise lured for apache.

To me after apache its always ka 52 and then mi 28. These three are overkill.

Ukraine showed that russians lack combined arms operation just like my country Pakistan. If fielded than and only then any weapon can be deadly.

Im quite sure if lion of Babylon were fielded with artillery and some air support we might have seen war going on for long.
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In Gulf war
Against a fleeing Iraqi army that was relentlessly bombed for 2 months. The one time it ran into organized resistance in 2003 invasion it got its *** beat.

Against a fleeing Iraqi army that was relentlessly bombed for 2 months. The one time it ran into organized resistance in 2003 invasion it got its *** beat.

lol, I was there when we attacked the Karbala Gap, as the spearhead of the 3rd infantry division.......It's not what you think

It was more because we are asked to penetrate thru the gap as a light force, we should have tank to suppress enemy air defence, but they were directed somewhere else (IIRC they were in Al Kut) it's a combine mechanise and air assault WIHTOUT SEAD. Similar to what the Russian did in Hostomel Airport. It's a light assault on a prepared position. You can go ask the Russian how many Attack Chopper they lost during the Hostomel fights

In fact, we lost 2 Apache and 1 M1 Abrams tank in that battle but the end result is we destroyed the entire Medina Division, that's a bargain. You can't expect an assault without casualty. I myself have 5 wounded in the fight with my Platoon.

Stingers is mediocre defense or light aa guns and zpus.
Who had stingers against the Americans?
But Iraq had have significant air defense in first Gulf war
you Americans are too used to being local champions, if not you wouldnt say this rubbish.

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