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Mexico demands apology for colonial abuses, Spain hits back

You and I must have different experiences.

I have many Mexican friends and we get along very well. They have a lot of curiosity and goodwill towards Muslims and Islam.
I am from the West Coast. I see nothing but Mexicans. When Trump says “We need to Build a Wall”, I can agree with him.

Remember, it is the Mexicans who bring bad reputation to us Brown people (although I & most Middle Easterners are Pale-skinned but you get the idea).

America hasn’t progressed a lot since these Immigration Reformation Acts of 1965.

Just a heads up. I have encountered much higher proportions of rudnesses and episodes of racism at the hands of Mexicans.

They have insulted me personally persistently numerous times. I rarely had any rough problems with White and Black people.
I am from the West Coast. I see nothing but Mexicans. When Trump says “We need to Build a Wall”, I can agree with him.

Remember, it is the Mexicans who bring bad reputation to us Brown people (although I & most Middle Easterners are Pale-skinned but you get the idea).

America hasn’t progressed a lot since these Immigration Reformation Acts of 1965.

Just a heads up. I have encountered much higher proportions of rudnesses and episodes of racism at the hands of Mexicans.

They have insulted me personally persistently numerous times. I rarely had any rough problems with White and Black people.

I won't generalize all Hispanics. some kind of wall is needed to control things
I am from the West Coast. I see nothing but Mexicans. When Trump says “We need to Build a Wall”, I can agree with him.

Remember, it is the Mexicans who bring bad reputation to us Brown people (although I & most Middle Easterners are Pale-skinned but you get the idea).

America hasn’t progressed a lot since these Immigration Reformation Acts of 1965.

Just a heads up. I have encountered much higher proportions of rudnesses and episodes of racism at the hands of Mexicans.

They have insulted me personally persistently numerous times. I rarely had any rough problems with White and Black people.

Yet you can’t mislabel the whole country of Mexico or an entire race of people.

I’m sure you have met atleast some good Mexicans.
Come on. Thats not even nice to say.

i am sorry. i was out of line.
that was what happened on massive scale

Mexico, beautiful music, vibrant colors, unique culture, strong economy, and kind/hospitable people.

have you visited mexico ?
I won't generalize all Hispanics. some kind of wall is needed to control things
If all countries except Mexico are generalized when it comes to immigration, I have no choice but to generalize Hispanics too.

All Mexicans and their offsprings must be deported immediately. Every single one of them.

If Nigerians, Egyptians, Somalians, and other poor folks have hard time coming to America. Why should these Mexicans get the easy pass?
Mexicans are catholic.
Very hardcore
That's why when they see muslims they are extra daring and hateful.
And they actively try to instigat muslims into reacting and escalating situation further.

They start calling us terrorists when they see us.
But if you were to go cities like Juarez, Jalisco and all other drug slums. You will see headless bodies hanging from street lights and bridges. Who's the real terrorist then??
I asked the same question from a racist mexican lady.
It silenced her for a moment and she for a few days did agree that I was right in pointing this out. But a few days later went back to being a twisted Mexican version of Fox news.

Their country and Afghanistan is no different

Yet they dare call us terrorists.

Anti muslim hate is rising tho. The pot is simmering. When it blows. Then the wars to liberate Jerusalem and Isa alai salam VS Dajjal royal rumble begins.

It's aĺl leading upto it.
I am from the West Coast. I see nothing but Mexicans. When Trump says “We need to Build a Wall”, I can agree with him.

Remember, it is the Mexicans who bring bad reputation to us Brown people (although I & most Middle Easterners are Pale-skinned but you get the idea).

America hasn’t progressed a lot since these Immigration Reformation Acts of 1965.

Just a heads up. I have encountered much higher proportions of rudnesses and episodes of racism at the hands of Mexicans.

They have insulted me personally persistently numerous times. I rarely had any rough problems with White and Black people.
To understand the Colonialists mind, the following paragraph is enough.

"Our two brother nations have always known how to read our shared past without anger and with a constructive perspective, as free peoples with a shared history and extraordinary influence."

Once you killed most of the natives on the name of "teaching you civilisation" and giving you "Freedom".
1- You become brother nations.
2- You become free people
3- Now you share the history. We killed the natives, you descended from us. How dare you!!
Colonialism defined perfectly. Whole of Latin America, Australia, NZ, etc. are living example of it.
To understand the Colonialists mind, the following paragraph is enough.

Once you killed most of the natives on the name of "teaching you civilisation" and giving you "Freedom".
1- You become brother nations.
2- You become free people
3- Now you share the history. We killed the natives, you descended from us. How dare you!!
Colonialism defined perfectly. Whole of Latin America, Australia, NZ, etc. are living example of it.

Australia was empty. Less than 500,000 Aborgines were living in a land larger than India & Pakistan.

NZ was lot more civilized for colonialization
Australia was empty. Less than 500,000 Aborgines were living in a land larger than India & Pakistan.

NZ was lot more civilized for colonialization

Are you trying to say, because there were not many people, so it is OK to attack and occupy their country with force!! The same people now have very strict immigration laws. Meaning it could have been in Asia, we came conquered it, now it is what we want to do.
By the way, if they were only 500,000 and massive land was available. What was the need to wipe them off the face of the earth!!
As you say there was no shortage of space.
Are you trying to say, because there were not many people, so it is OK to attack and occupy their country with force!! The same people now have very strict immigration laws. Meaning it could have been in Asia, we came conquered it, now it is what we want to do.
By the way, if they were only 500,000 and massive land was available. What was the need to wipe them off the face of the earth!!
As you say there was no shortage of space.

Try to conquer Australia if you can. Is anyone stopping you ?

The Aborgines were not wiped out. The number of Aborgines in 1700 was anywhere between 200,000 to 500,000
Right now there are 700,000 Aborgines.
Try to conquer Australia if you can. Is anyone stopping you ?

The Aborgines were not wiped out. The number of Aborgines in 1700 was anywhere between 200,000 to 500,000
Right now there are 700,000 Aborgines.

Truly, remarkably, pathetic white man's mentality. After treating the whole world like their estate, still disrespectful to people in this day and age, still paddling lies.

"As of 3 March 2019, there were at least 270 documented frontier massacres over a period of 140 years starting in 1794, which was considered "a state-sanctioned and organised attempt to eradicate Aboriginal people"

According to the study, the massacres and vilification of the poor Aboriginals continued for whopping 140 years. But shameless people like you are still denying it.

In Tasmania which was one of the places the massacres together with Victoria and Queensland.

The last full blooded Aboriginal (Palawa) Truganini in Tasmania died in 1876.


1838. Myall Creek massacre – 10 June: 28 people killed at Myall Creek near Inverell, New South Wales. This was the first Aboriginal massacre for which white European and black African settlers were successfully prosecuted.

And you saying there were no efforts to wipe out Aboriginals!!
How many Aboriginals would have been there if they were not killed in great numbers by the white colonists!!

Don't disgust me again.
Australia was empty. Less than 500,000 Aborgines were living in a land larger than India & Pakistan.

NZ was lot more civilized for colonialization

Great then you shouldn't have a problem with Chinese colonisation of Australia then ? 22 million population on a country with such a large size as Australia for us asians can also be considered just as empty :tup:
Great then you shouldn't have a problem with Chinese colonisation of Australia then ? 22 million population on a country with such a large size as Australia for us asians can also be considered just as empty :tup:

It is not like China is not trying. Indonesia may have a greater claim since they are closer.

All it takes is a few H-bombs to send attackers back into the middle ages @khanz

Truly, remarkably, pathetic white man's mentality. After treating the whole world like their estate, still disrespectful to people in this day and age, still paddling lies.

According to the study, the massacres and vilification of the poor Aboriginals continued for whopping 140 years. But shameless people like you are still denying it.

In Tasmania which was one of the places the massacres together with Victoria and Queensland.

The last full blooded Aboriginal (Palawa) Truganini in Tasmania died in 1876.


And you saying there were no efforts to wipe out Aboriginals!!
How many Aboriginals would have been there if they were not killed in great numbers by the white colonists!!

Don't disgust me again.

I never said Aborgines were not badly treated or killed.
They exist today. In that sense they were not wiped out
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