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Mexicans are Indians from India

Wait, so Indians are actually Aztecs?
Or...what did I just read??


Did South America have elephants?
Thats a normal elephant an animal doesn't resemble to the elephant in hinduism the elephant with human body with human like hands and legs.

That elephant in IVC shows they used normal animal elephants for transportation and used to own them as property, nowhere that sculpture claims that elephants were human like and used to sit besides their gods or were worshipped like hinduism.
did you read the link i gave you Sir

as for that elphant mask ... well guess what we hindus till use them on entrence & walls(for decoration) of owr homes even now just the way theu did during time of IVC :)
I think you are going to find a mix of everything in Mexico/South America.
Unfortunately this can lead to some unneeded tension as there is some feeling of being "looked down upon" because of your "old world" heritage.

This is especially true with women. The "beautiful women" are supposedly those who look the most like your typical Venezuelan Miss Universe (tallish, leggy, thin, from Spain looking). Unfortunately this is the direct opposite of the "native" peoples (short, squat, native indian).

You can compare this to the light vs dark skinned issue in India.


Did South America have elephants?

Mastodon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mammoth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The "beautiful women" This explains why Guru jee went to Mexico.
Mastodon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Mammoth - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Unless these statues are 5000 to 10,000 year old, it is not likely these are statues of the mammoths or mastodons.

Unfortunately this can lead to some unneeded tension as there is some feeling of being "looked down upon" because of your "old world" heritage.
This is especially true with women. The "beautiful women" are supposedly those who look the most like your typical Venezuelan Miss Universe (tallish, leggy, thin, from Spain looking). Unfortunately this is the direct opposite of the "native" peoples (short, squat, native indian).

That is true of most places which have a colonial history. Natives have internalized this feeling of inferiority against people of European origin.
@Peter C

Idea of beauty before invasions/colonization



Idea of beauty now. The more European looking the more beautiful the person is considered.

Hinduism spread to South east asia due to the great navy of Chozha kingdom during the period of Raja raja chozha. You can see lot similarities in Great temple of Tanjur, wat phou in Laos, angkor wat in combodia and other Shiva temples in Indonesian islands.

The great Chozha warriors :sniper:

The great temple of Tanjore


Angkor wat of Combodia
Cambodia ditch Hindu and follow Buddhism when Buddhism introduce to Cambodia kingdom. Hindu not suit for anyone other than Indian.
Cambodia ditch Hindu and follow Buddhism when Buddhism introduce to Cambodia kingdom. Hindu not suit for anyone other than Indian.

Much of SE Asia follows Hinduism in the guise of Buddhism. Even today Vietnamese, Cambodians, Thai, Singaporeans worship at Hindu temples. Hindu gods are all over the place in SE Asia.
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