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Meteoric dollar shatters all records, hits Rs200 in interbank

The dollar is going higher and higher against Pakistani Rupee. Anyone know why this is happening? Is it due to investors fleeing Pakistan because of the current government? Or is because fuel prices are skyrocketing, which means businesses will take huge hit after hit?

Pakistan's former Prime Minister - Imran Khan was in Russia and they were going to sign deal with Moscow for Oil and Gas at affordable rates. This would have brought Pakistan's fuel prices down and given Pakistan's economy, stability.

The current government of Mafia Thugs, Looters, Thieves, Traitors and LIARS has its BEGGAR BOWL out and seeks IMF help (debt imprisonment). This is the stark reality of what happens when these THIEVES & LIARS Nawaz, Zardari, Shebaz, Bilawal, Maryam and Fat-Fazlu are brought back into government to rule (plunder) Pakistan.

Let no one forget who brought these SCUM TRAITORS into power ... The West. Far removed from reality are those Pakistanis who still foolishly and selfishly support and advocate for the West. These are people who have no moral standing, nor are they Muslims that have any amount of dignity left in them. They are at best, parasites.
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The dollar is going higher and higher against Pakistani Rupee. Anyone know why this is happening? Is it due to investors fleeing Pakistan because of the current government? Or is because fuel prices are skyrocketing, which means businesses will take huge hit after hit?

Pakistan's former Prime Minister - Imran Khan was in Russia and they were going to sign deal with Moscow for Oil and Gas at affordable rates. This would have brought Pakistan's fuel prices down and given Pakistan's economy, stability.

The current government of Mafia Thugs, Looters, Thieves, Traitors and LIARS has its BEGGAR BOWL out and seeks IMF help (debt imprisonment). This is the stark reality of what happens when these THIEVES & LIARS Nawaz, Zardari, Shebaz, Bilawal, Maryam and Fat-Fazlu are brought back into government to rule (plunder) Pakistan.

The PDM is emptying the national reserves and filling their offshore accounts.

The dollar is going higher and higher against Pakistani Rupee. Anyone know why this is happening? Is it due to investors fleeing Pakistan because of the current government?
The dollar was ascending since RS 116 where were you then?
Pakistan's former Prime Minister - Imran Khan was in Russia and they were going to sign deal with Moscow for Oil and Gas at affordable rates. This would have brought Pakistan's fuel prices down and given Pakistan's economy, stability.
No such agreement is in place it was just a suggestion. India can afford sanctions as it has reserves of 500billion, we cannot.
The current government of Mafia Thugs, Looters, Thieves, Traitors and LIARS has its BEGGAR BOWL out and seeks IMF help (debt imprisonment). This is the stark reality of what happens when these THIEVES & LIARS Nawaz, Zardari, Shebaz, Bilawal, Maryam and Fat-Fazlu are brought back into government to rule (plunder) Pakistan.
Calm down dude take a chill pill, such anger and hatred are not good for your health.
The dollar was ascending since RS 116 where were you then?

No such agreement is in place it was just a suggestion. India can afford sanctions as it has reserves of 500billion, we cannot.

Calm down dude take a chill pill, such anger and hatred are not good for your health.

I am angry because there is a government in power who are CONVICTED CRIMINALS and have been brought into power by a FOREIGN STATE.

I am a Muslim Pakistani and I have the RIGHT TO CHOOSE my leader. I also have the right to fight against those who have repeatedly looted, plundered and betrayed my country and my people. Dollar being up before these SCUM TRAITORS came into power is a pathetic argument ... loss on memory about Covid-Pandemic? Forgot that Pakistan was plundered by SCUM-Zardari and Scum-Nawaz for a decade?

India is able to afford going against America because regardless of how pathetic they are toward Muslims, at least they are friggin UNITED on their foreign policy front. India has more guts to stand up to America than Pakistan.

We had a leadership in Pakistan that had the BRASS BALLS to tell America to go f#ck itself. But the current government are a bunch of SISSIES, TRAITORS AND THIEVES.

If you cannot see that, then I am embarrassed to call you my fellow countryman.
I am angry because there is a government in power who are CONVICTED CRIMINALS and have been brought into power by a FOREIGN STATE.
70% of Pakistanis who did not vote for IK and are sitting in the Govt don't believe in this logic.
I am a Muslim Pakistani and I have the RIGHT TO CHOOSE my leader.
100% agree with that.
I also have the right to fight against those who have repeatedly looted, plundered and betrayed my country and my people.
Many of them are in PTI as well!
Dollar being up before these SCUM TRAITORS came into power is a pathetic argument ... loss on memory about Covid-Pandemic? Forgot that Pakistan was plundered by SCUM-Zardari and Scum-Nawaz for a decade?
Since 70 years of corrupt rule dollar rose to RS116 just before the 2018 elections. Just when the angels descended it almost rosed more than 50%. What an irony.
India is able to afford going against America because regardless of how pathetic they are toward Muslims, at least they are friggin UNITED on their foreign policy front. India has more guts to stand up to America than Pakistan.
India is bitterly divided and ruled by thugs more heinous in nature.
We had a leadership in Pakistan that had the BRASS BALLS to tell America to go f#ck itself. But the current government are a bunch of SISSIES, TRAITORS AND THIEVES.
I would have believed that if the Iran Pakistan gas pipeline was made. I would have believed that when Kashmir was not lost in Trump Imran meeting. I would have believed that if French ambassadors got kicked out on the demands of the nation. I would have believed that if our PM was not being the driver of the Sheikhs and many many more.
If you cannot see that, then I am embarrassed to call you my fellow countryman.
One-sided propaganda often produces ignorants.

Ironically, OP was cheering for the fall in currency rates (as good for exports) with a plethora of charts until a few weeks ago
This is called BRAINWASHED followers.
I think everyone is waiting for the Doha talks to deliver a new arrangement.
New enslavement agreement?
So in summary: a manufactured crisis, one that PTI was handling well without any fuss or complaints, but once PDM govt in power, suddenly, it’s a storm and people are talking abt defaults and hard decisions, and on and on. Get your shit together and act now- pay the political price and the economy will be just fine. The truth is this has got nothing to do with underlying foundation of economy- it s got everything to do with a political govt that is unpopular two weeks into the office and is not willing to pay the political price to handle the economy as required. This is because their entire politics was based on the worst underpinnings of a flawed political economy.

Those lecturing us how high inflation was now have to swallow their own bullshit.
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