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Message To All Indian Members ( Related to Zaid Hamid )

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I have questions for administrators of the forum here.

1. Why Indians are allowed to drag and open threads for bashing other members of forum here.

2. Why admins become apologetic when Indians challenge their moderation.

If you want to have a fair board then why you are biased towards Pakistani members when they post such threads but let the Indians carry on.
That is BS indeed. My father can trace our lineage back several generations, and with no Arab/Pakhtun blood in sight (As far as we can tell), I can only assume that my ancestors were Vedic/Sikh/Hindu/XYZ.

I doubt my family's features changed after they converted to Islam!

There are alot of BS posted by Indians here.

If something is BS which Zaid Hamid said then Indians should come up with logical replies but they always post oneliner BS without any logic.

They also abused Munshi many times therefore they should also be advised not to post more rubish.
There are alot of BS posted by Indians here.

If something is BS which Zaid Hamid said then Indians should come up with logical replies but they always post oneliner BS without any logic.

They also abused Munshi many times therefore they should also be advised not to post more rubish.

To speak honestly, now I have serious doubt on the intention, aims and objectives of this forum..!!! And if my doubt turns to be true, then I would definitely wonder how clever and diplomatic the zionists are...!!!
The more I am observing the policy of moderation, the more I am becoming embarrassed...!!!
The Indians are writing the same one liner repeatedly.

I am just saying that in the future they don't post such comments on Zaid Hamid related forums.

That isn't much of a problem is it ?

@ Mods

Dont get me wrong

This forum is a Pakistani defence forum , it would not hurt to start treating it like one.
To speak honestly, now I have serious doubt on the intention, aims and objectives of this forum..!!! And if my doubt turns to be true, then I would definitely wonder how clever and diplomatic the zionists are...!!!
The more I am observing the policy of moderation, the more I am becoming embarrassed...!!!
Okay this is turning out to be funnier than I thought! Did you just imply the board is run by Zionists?? What next? The mods are survivors of Roswell???? hahahahaha
Here is a simple fact. There are a number of fora out there where I am sure you can curse and insult Indians, zionists, Americans and so on to your hearts content.
THIS forum was created for those members who do NOT want the discussions to descend into petty name calling and reinforcement of stupid ideas.

THAT GOES FOR BOTH SIDES just because you are from Pakistan does not mean we have to forgive stupidity.

Our Aim is to get rid of the idiots on BOTH sides and I am quite chuffed that I have banned idiots from both sides of the border.

And finally any argument that can't stand up to scrutiny is not a very good one.
I have questions for administrators of the forum here.

1. Why Indians are allowed to drag and open threads for bashing other members of forum here.

2. Why admins become apologetic when Indians challenge their moderation.

If you want to have a fair board then why you are biased towards Pakistani members when they post such threads but let the Indians carry on.

There are alot of BS posted by Indians here.

If something is BS which Zaid Hamid said then Indians should come up with logical replies but they always post oneliner BS without any logic.

They also abused Munshi many times therefore they should also be advised not to post more rubish.

I have handed out infractions and warnings to several Indian members for attacking Munshi needlessly, and have deleted several posts taunting him or attacking him, far more than get reported.

And the above is what needs to happen more - report the posts that are personal attacks.

Secondly, the thread you refer to started off by questioning Munshi's sources and contributors in his book. That is not an invalid line of argument and is not a personal attack.

That said, I thought the arguments made to discredit Munshi's sources were very weak, essentially some unknown guy stating that Munshi's well known contributors were 'analysts, not journalists'. That was a very simple argument to refute if you were supporting Munshi sahib, had it been done with civility and rationally.

The thread was closed when the moderators checked it (and we are not on 24/7, so we can only get to things when we do log on, and we do not read each thread or post) and found that it had degraded to nonsense and personal attacks.

On your second point - I do not see moderators becoming 'apologetic' when their moderation is challenged. We will offer an explanation or two, if we choose, and beyond that we have banned members for not dropping the subject and continuing to question moderator decisions.

That we have both Indian and Pakistani members complain about our moderation is perhaps indicative of the fact that our moderation is relatively evenhanded.

I think some Pakistani members have to not be so comfortable with the idea that this is a Pakistani forum, and therefore they can get away with posting half-assed rebuttals. Do your work, read, find sources supporting your PoV, and then post your post refuting an Indian argument.

All of the information you need is at your fingertips on the WWW, but too many Pakistanis don't bother to research whatever they are commenting on because they are too comfortable with this being a Pakistani forum.

Read books - buy them or check them out at the library, and ask the senior members for recommendations on subjects interesting to you and become more informed and knowledgeable.

One last thing, just because some guy takes an anti_India position does not mean that we just jump on his bandwagon and accept and defend everything he says.
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Okay, Since the Mods have made their stance clear we can forget, such words were ever uttered!
Okay, Since the Mods have made their stance clear we can forget, such words were ever uttered!

I think we need a thread to say we hate Zaid Hamid ..so that ever we want to we can type in there...pakistan ppl can commnet back with their reply..

Similarly we can stop commenting on one theread "Zaid Hamid Zindabad" so leave it to all.

Again i dont understnad urdu well so Zaid Hamid bach gaya from my many logical views. I wish he will become US ambessordor of pakistan in near future.
I think we need a thread to say we hate Zaid Hamid ..so that ever we want to we can type in there...pakistan ppl can commnet back with their reply..

Similarly we can stop commenting on one theread "Zaid Hamid Zindabad" so leave it to all.

Again i dont understnad urdu well so Zaid Hamid bach gaya from my many logical views. I wish he will become US ambessordor of pakistan in near future.
okay, But If the mods are happy, u do it! ;)
I think some Pakistani members have to not be so comfortable with the idea that this is a Pakistani forum, and therefore they can get away with posting half-assed rebuttals. Do your work, read, find sources supporting your PoV, and then post your post refuting an Indian argument.

I agree with everything you said, but what you said above isn't exclusive to Pakistani members. There are a lot of Indian members who're keen on opening threads without even researching anything. Along with posting replies, such as one-liners, that doesn't even belong in the thread and has no credibility whatsoever. (Take the above post for example). Now I'm not singling anyone out, but one of the most prominent and active Indian member is currently engaged in a behaviour like that. Agreeing with someone and posting everything what that person said in a different tone and manner doesn't make it a post. Unnecessary emotions and manipulation of words is also getting a common practice. A lot of disgusting posts that could be spotted from a mile for their sheer Idiocy are still on the forum even after they've been reported for quite some time now. I believe ONE of the reason why Silverfalcon, communist and Survivor are getting worked up is also because of that.

Just my two cents.

One thing is for clear, it was a false flag , black covert operation by the secret services RAW/CIA/MOSSAD

and had absolutely no connection to Pakistan.

Even your own Indians say it such as Amit Mishra and Sandhya Jain.

Is there still some doubt about where the terrorists came from? After your government has accepted that they were Pakistanis?

Regarding Zaid, one thing that goes in his favor is that he is a good communicator and has an excellent grip on the Pakistani/Muslim pulse. He knows what makes them tick, at least the majority of them. He also has a good knowledge of the historical and current geopolitical facts.

What makes him a joke for us is the little regard he shows for the realities that all of us can see, the hyperbole that he uses, the absurd claim that he makes which any impartial person can immediately pick up but not those who want to believe him for dear life. This combined with his selective usage of convenient facts and ignoring or plain lying about the inconvenient ones!

This talk of the whole world being somehow conspiring against Pakistan, the world wars being anti-Muslim wars, the 9/11 being inside operation, the "Hindu Zionists", the "Christian Zionists", the "Amar Singh" are nothing but a figment of his extremely fertile imagination. He talks some facts but mixes them cleverly with hyperbole and lies and his formula seems to be effective for those who would like nothing better than to believe its all true.
One of the Most Prominent Indian Member??? It must not be ME, Because I joined barely a month ago! That tag should go to Flintlock or Nitesh or Su47 or vinod or countless others!

About being Active, Yes I am active, and I know it makes some of you angry to see me here. No wonder some people have vowed to get me Banned, and even went on to PM me that He will stop all this if I leave the forum! Now isnt that being a bit too much??? Why this hate against me? Is it because I thrash some Illogical posts posted by some??? Why the Hate? If I get a Plausible answer I will leave this forum, PROMISE!
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