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Message From Zaid Hamid to All Pakistanis accross the Globe

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May 31, 2009
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20 Jul 2009
بسم اللہ الرحمن الرحیم
In the name of Allah, the Most Merciful, the Most Kind

Dear brothers and sisters,

السلام عليکم و رحمۃ اللہ و برکاتہ
Peace be upon you

Message From Zaid Hamid to All Pakistanis accross the Globe

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

Pakistan needs you today. We are inviting you to become cyber troops for Pakistan, where ever you might be, whatever you might be doing. From your homes and offices, you can protect, defend and dignify Pakistan and respond to Indian propaganda against Pak Sarzameen.

Indians are now launching a new cyber war against Pakistan. They are planting YouTube videos, Wikipedia entries and opening blogs to spread lies, disinformation and propaganda against Pakistan. Facts about Pakistan’s history, Kashmir and wars of 65, 71 and Kargil are being twisted to humiliate or harm Pakistan.

This is where you need to form solid defense and attacks lines for the nation and the country. Create more patriotic YouTube movies, respond to Indian lies on Wiki and Blogs, create your own Wiki entries, spread pro-Pakistan point of views to mass mailing groups and monitor all Indian moves and plans as they deploy on net.

We at BrassTacks are doing what we can. All of you should and must do what you can. We should remain decentralized and loosely networked as we are today and launch from thousands of cyber battle stations to counter attack Indian Zionist game.

We are one nation and we need to stand together as one army against enemies of Pak Sarzameen. Every individual can create a massive wave which can touch hearts of millions. You don’t need to leave your homes or break any law to defend our beloved Pakistan. Right from your Lap top, you can contribute in this aspect of Ghazwa e Hind. InshAllah, your ajr remains with Allah alone.

We have told you what to do. Our enemies are deploying a massive psychological war. Counter attack with wisdom, decency and strength. Each one must contribute. This is our sacred duty.

May Allah be with you.

Zaid Hamid
Bunch of cry babies - Facts remains facts..anyways I like the guy Zaid Hamid - Same way as I like Hitler - Has thorough knowledge of Pakistan and Pakistanis...knows how to target them emotionally :P
Looks like Coolyo has signed up already.:P;)
LOL this is getting ridiculous and ridiculouser :-)P)

maybe he should start cleaning up at home? There are a number of books, opeds in newspapers and history accounts published in pakistan that have "Facts about Pakistan’s history, Kashmir and wars of 65, 71 and Kargil that are humiliating or harmful to Pakistan."
the correct time will tell every thing that massage was for zaid hamid why u r interfearing guyssss we'll meet u at pani pat don't worry just pray to GOD give us time to see that WAR inshaALLAH what PAKISTANI can do we will show u there :)just wait n watch :)


<(_|_)| AKBAR
I have tried to show you numerous number of times that Zahid Hamid is a nut job..... you do not seem to recognize....I have given you ample number of proof..
You Pakistani friends agree with me....

You are not Zaid Hamid himself are you ?
Oh! Man! What a nutcase he is!! And to think some here at the PDF want him to be the next Khalifa of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. :pakistan:
Oh! Man! What a nutcase he is!! And to think some here at the PDF want him to be the next Khalifa of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan. :pakistan:

There will be an Khalifa born of Imam Mehendi "he's a nutcase" - accustion without any proof seems to be in a daily life of average american couch potato we are coming for you stop us if you can Yanks.:pakistan:
There will be an Khalifa born of Imam Mehendi "he's a nutcase" - accustion without any proof seems to be in a daily life of average american couch potato we are coming for you stop us if you can Yanks.:pakistan:

:lol: Do you know yet that you have contradicted yourself? You demand proof yet you end up making astrological predictions about Imam Mehendi.
Is there any message from "Bharat Verma" for Indians? :azn:
Over time I have realized that Zaid Hamid is indirectly helping war against terror...
Although i disagree with some of Zaids conspiracy theory but here he is pretty much correct there is a propaganda campaing against Pakistan ...! All Pakistani men and women should cyber counter all stupid propaganda against Pakistan.
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