So you people are no different from the westerners. You will look the other way if it suits your economic interests.
Mao would have been so disappointed. He fought for the most down trodden.
I must say the Chinese are practical people properly managing their country responsibly.
China kept a low profile and settled border disputes with 12 out of 14 of their land neighbors usually making concessions so that China can focus on their economy and lifting their people out of poverty.
When poverty is eradicated, economic interest will be secondary to strategic interest.
This is in contrast to India, going on land robbing spree without regards to whether it can feed their poor and hence we have babies dying from lack of oxygen in a hospital, in addition to the millions dying from starvation currently in India.
Zhou En Lai was reported to have made major concessions on the border to make peace with India.
The unbelievably
hegemonic and greedy India wants it all and declined negotiations and missed the chance for peace and get to keep South Tibet for eternity in exchange for wasteland but strategic for China, Aksai Chin.
How STUPID can one get??
India flushed with overconfidence from recent victory over the Portuguese in Goa, thought the Chinese, ravished with famine, will not dare confront the then mighty India fresh with the import of new weapons in addition to the support of the world's 2 superpowers.
India started the "Foward Policy" in their first step to rob Tibet from China and the rest is history.